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Once Alice was back inside the halls of the academy, she tried to make her way to the main assembly hall, but was stopped by Alexis, Jasmine and Mindy, who were looking for her this entire time.

“Finally, we found you,” Alexis said, with a disappointed tone. “We’ve been looking for you all over. You should have at least told use where you went.”

“Sorry, I just got excited is all after hearing the news from Syrus that the top ranked duelists from the other Duel Academies around the world would be coming today, but he was wrong like always.”

“This is why I keep telling you to take everything that you hear from Syrus with a grain of Salt. I know that you might be oblivious to this, and I hoped that you would figure it out for yourself, but there are several of your friends that are attracted to you. Syrus, Hassleberry and even Aster Phoenix has a crush on you. Syrus must have given you that information to try and get some alone time with you but being Syrus, he must have forgotten to give you guys a location to meet up at.”

“What? There’s no way, stop trying to mess with me,” Alice said, knowing that her sister was just trying to get back at her from leaving without telling them.”

“Fine, believe what you want to believe, you’ll figure it out eventually,” Alexis said to her sister. Her sister was too pure to think that some of her closest friends could be romantically attracted to her.

“Either way it looks like we came just in time,” Alexis said, as Jasmine and Mindy both held up a makeup box. “You left the dorms without doing your morning routine, your hairs a mess and you didn’t wipe off any of your makeup before going to sleep last night, did you? And why is your plushie with you? You should have left it at the dorms.”

“It’s that bad?” Alice asked her sister and friends and they all just nodded.

“And here we thought that you became a bit more mature,” Mindy said.

“No matter how much she tries to act like a mature young lady she’ll always be the same old Alice that we know and love,” Jasmine said.

“Alright girls let’s get to work,” Alexis told them as the dragged Alice to the closest bathroom. “The chancellor has an announcement to make, and Alice needs to be ready for it.”


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