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The rest of the night passed quietly after that. The next morning the entire Obelisk Blue Girls Dorm was hectic with each and every girl getting ready for the new term. Well, that is to say every girl except one.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Alice come on it’s time to wake up!” Alexis yelled, knocking on her sister’s door. “It’s the first day and there is a big announcement happening today!”

“Alexis what are you doing here?” Miss Fontaine asked Alexis, noticing in front of Alice’s room.

“I’m trying to get Alice to wake up,” Alexis said to her. “She has the habit of sleeping in every now and then. It takes forever to get her up in the morning.”

“Hmm, that odd?” Miss Fontaine said to her. “I was just here an hour ago and Alice was wide awake,” She mentioned getting a call from Syrus about the announcement today and then she ran off. I don’t think that she’s in there,” she said pulling out her master key card to unlock Alice’s room. “See empty, she must have left a while ago.”

“Alice where the heck are you!” Alexis said to herself wondering what kind of trouble her sister was getting herself into.

-Meanwhile at the Academy-

“Do you see them yet Kuriboh?” Alice asked looking around from the roof of the academy for any incoming ships. Based on what Syrus told her this morning a boat would be coming in today with a the top ranked duelist from all the other Duel Academies around the world! She was so excited that she snuck out without telling anyone.

She had already been searching the horizon for the past half hour and there was still no sign of any incoming ship.

“Hah,” Alice sighed in disappointment, realizing that Syrus’ information was wrong. He may be an Obelisk Blue now, but he sure didn’t do his research like one of them. Though Alice doesn’t either, so who is she to say that.

“Well, Kuriboh I guess we’ll just have to wait for something fun to happy this year as well,” she said laying down on the ground, staring up at the clouds. “I mean we had those to big adventures our first and second year, so we’ll probably have another one coming up real soon.”

“Mmmmppphh!” Kuriboh hummed as it laid down on Alice’s stomach, turning tangible for her to grab onto.

“Thanks,” Alice said petting her friend as she closed her eyes. She knew whatever this year had in store for them that she would be ready for it, so long as she had her friends by her side.


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