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“Arghhhh!” my mother screamed out in pain as the woman stomped on her.

Seconds before when this woman was trying to kill me, my mother quickly covered my body to protect me. In the process of doing so became the victim to the woman’s wrath.

“Wahhh! Wahhhhh!” I kept crying out of pain as well as watching the pained expression on my mother’s face as tears flow from her eyes!

“Stop it!” I heard Sola yell at the woman.

“L-leave her alone!” Tully yelled in support.

Seconds later I could see the pain across my mother’s face lesson, but what I heard next was much worse.

“Eeeeeekkk! Let go of me!” Sola screamed out in pain.


“Quite you little brats! You’re looking at the future chief’s wife!” the woman yelled at the girls.

“Leave… leave them alone,” my mother said weakly, lifting her head to face the woman once more. I cried as cried for her to stop, but my mother couldn’t let this injustice stand.

“Haaah!?” the woman yelled as I saw her let go of Sola’s hair, as she walked back over to me and my mother. “Do you really think that you have the right to tell me what to do you failure of a woman!? You couldn’t bear a male heir and you were cast out. You have no right to stand against me.

There is no place for you left in this village! I knew that I should have killed you the moment that you gave birth to that thing. Allow me to put you out of your misery!”

The woman went to attack us again, but all of a sudden, she stopped. I tried to see what she was looking at, but my vision was limited at the moment.

“What’s going on here?” I heard a familiar male voice ask, which I instantly remembered belonging to my father.

“My love you came!” I head the woman yell out affectionally towards my father as if no one else was there. “This woman is trying to coerce these young girls to play with her disgrace of a child. Please my love you must punish the three of them for insulting me!”

I could feel the evil intentions coming off from this woman and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Any normal person would look at the scene before them and know that she’s the culprit and that she did more harm than anyone else. Though we aren’t dealing with normal people, these were goblins. I didn’t know what was common sense around here.

“Leave,” I heard my father say.

“B-but,” I could hear Tully stammering in fear.

“This is no place for children to be, leave now,” I heard my father say in a stern tone. Was he trying to help them, or did he not want them around to see what would happen next?

“Come Tully, let’s go,” Sola said to her as I heard them walk away. She mad eth right decision. Hopefully they were alright.

“Hah! Now get ready to be punished!” the lady arrogantly yelled at us. I hated her so much, and it pained me that the most I could do at this moment was resist the urge to continue crying. My body hurt so much, but I refused to give her the satisfaction.

“I said leave,” my father said once again to everyone’s confusion.

“What do you mean my love?” the woman asked back sounding shocked by what she just heard.

“Leave now your ungrateful bitch or there won’t be another warning for you!” my father said sounding angry to my surprise.

“Hmmph!” I heard the woman storm off and then several seconds later my mother was roughly helped to her feet by my father.

When I finally got a good look at his face since the day I was born, and despite my initial hate for him I had to say that he didn’t look half bad. Unlike my uncle who was covered in warts and had a giant noise. My father’s face looked closer to a human, but he was still obviously a goblin. Was he half human himself?

No, none of that mattered. What mattered was that my mother wouldn’t have been hurt if it was for him. He may have saved us now, but that doesn’t change the past.

“Let’s go inside and talk, too many people can see use here” he said, leading us into our home, by pushing my mother to walk.

“I thought I told you to live like you were dead,” he said, sitting my mother down on her bed. “Inviting small children to your home, it’s as if you’re asking for attention!”  he said almost yelling at her.

“I’m sorry,” my mother said, hanging her head. “Those kids came were interested in Illya. I didn’t force them her I swear.”

It angered me that my mother had to demean herself in front of the man that abandoned us. If he didn’t care about us, he should have never come bac here to begin with. I wanted nothing more than to smack him in the face, but I knew that it was impossible for me.

“Illya? Who’s that?” my father asked not even realizing that was his daughter’s name.

“That’s her name,” my mother said, holding me towards him, but there was no love in his eyes, only hate. I was a disgrace to him, and he didn’t even try to hide it.

“I should have killed the two of you the day that she was born,” my father said looking at me with disgust in his eyes. Yeah, well you can go fuck yourself dad, I thought to myself, glaring at him.

“Such strong and willful eyes,” he said looking at me. “It’s a shame that she’s a girl,” he said walking to the door. “If this happens again, I will let you die.”

My father soon left, leaving us alone.

“Phew,” my mother let out a sigh of relief once he was gone. It was clear that she had to walk on eggshells with him. He had the power to kill us whenever he wanted. There was no way that she could dream of angering him. “Don’t worry the bad man is gone,” she said, purposely not calling that man my father. Good, I don’t want to call him father anyway.

“It’s okay now, you can let it out,” my mother said to me in a soothing voice. It was as if she could tell that I was holding back my tears.

“Wahhhhh! Wahhhh!” I couldn’t hold back my tears anymore, the pain and fear I felt were just too much for me to handle. I cried and cried as my mother held me in her arms.

“It’s alright, let it out, you’re safe now,” she said, her voice filled me with comfort, though the pain I felt all across my body wasn’t going away anytime soon.


“Are you two alright!?” my uncle came charging into the house. “I heard that the chief was just here, what happened!?”

My mother calmed my uncle down as she continued to hold me in her arms. I could feel them shake as she held me, but I knew that she wouldn’t let go. She gave me a pacifier to suck on to help distract me from the pain as she explained everything that happened to my uncle.

“So, the chief’s new woman thought she could get away with harming you. I ought to kill her here and now!”

“Stop! You know that you can’t,” my mother said, warning my uncle. “Fighting her is not the answer and you know it.”

“Fine,” my uncle said reluctantly as he examined my body, feeling for any broken bones or open wounds. I winced several times upon his touch.

“Hmm, luckily she doesn’t have any broken bones,” my uncle said with relief. “Though several of her bones are sprained. Though it is once again luckily since she doesn’t move around that much to begin with. She’ll be fine in a few weeks. Though until then she’ll be crying more frequently from now on.” Despite his looks, my uncle was a really knowledgeable guy, I wonder if it was my grandmother who taught him?

“Thank the goddess,” my mother said, prying to the goddess. “She’s saved you from death, my dear daughter,” she said making me wonder if the goddess I met before was the same one that my mother was talking about?

I started to feel sleepy as the stress from today was finally taking its toll.

“We can’t keep living in fear like this,” my mother said, my eyes becoming heavier as she talked. “Are you sure that…. will work?” she asked. I couldn’t hear one of her words, as I drifted closer and closer to sleep.

“It will,” my uncle said to my mother. “She…. ….  ….  will work,” he said. I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer, unable to understand what they were talking about when I fell asleep hoping that things would get better soon.


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