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“Huh, this is interesting,” Josh said to himself. The last thing that he remembered was he went to bed like usual and then the next thing that he knew he was waking up in what looked like a brothel, with what looked like witches and demons.

“OMG! He came to,” Grey said, making her way over to him.

Josh turned away after noticing this demon girl's most sizable assets. He didn’t think that he gave ever seen a girl this short and this stacked at the same time, this had to be a dream, though he decided to play along with it for now, since this could be fun.

Josh sat up on the cot that he was laying on and eyed the girl. She looked like she was wearing some sort of school uniform, so she must have been around his age.

“Alright, you alright?” Grey asked looking worried for him. Oddly enough the shy expression that she had on her face made Josh start to blush. Wait, she was a demon girl, even if this was a dream there was no way that he could be interested in a short, stacked demon girl, right?

“I’m fine, but where am I?” Josh asked her, as he couldn’t help but stare at her chest.

“You’re in the Short Stack Coven’s base of operations,” Grey said, making a grand display of the room around them, by creating a small light show with magic.

“Wow! What the heck was that?” Josh asked, curious to know since this was the first time that he had ever seen magic.

“Oh that’s right you’re a human, you can’t do magic without the help from glyphs,” Grey said, acting as if that was common knowledge.

“Glyphs?” Josh asked, once again confused, about what she was talking about.

“Oh, that means that you’re an untainted human,” Grey said, sounding a bit disappointed. “Mom! I need your help over here!” Grey yelled out into the crowd and then seconds later Kikimora came out from the crowd.

“What is it, Grey?” Kikimora asked her beloved daughter.

“Well the human that we picked up doesn’t seem to know or understand anything about magic, but I really like this one. He was the first human not to be disgusted by my appearance.”

“Hmm, well if that’s the case then I don’t see why we can’t keep this one,” Kikimora said, looking over at Josh who at this point had given up on trying to understand what they were talking about. He thought this was just a dream, and he was right because this would soon become a permanent dream for him.

“Though we’ll have to limit their intelligence a bit,” Kikimora said, looking over at her daughter who seemed fine with this. As long as her base personality remained she would be fine.

“Okay young one now hold still,” she said to Josh, drawing a pink ring into the air before sending it straight towards his body.

“What the heck is this?” Josh asked as he felt an odd warm sensation spread across his body. Bit by bit Josh started to become shorter. His hair started to grow out, turning a shade of hot pink. It stopped growing once it reached the base of his spine.

Josh’s hips began to expand, ballooning outward as his body began to become more feminine. Thinking that this was just a dream Josh thought that this was fun at first, but he soon realized the horror of it all when his manhood receded into his body.

“Wait! Stop this! I... I don’t want this! I… uh” Josh started to lose focus as her breasts began to grow Josh found it harder and harder to think. What was she doing here again? Wait wasn’t she a guy?

Of course not, Josh thought to herself looking at her ever-growing breasts. There’s no way that a girl as hot as her could ever be a lame ugly boy.

“Mother I think it’s working!” Grey said excitedly, watching Josh’s body transform into Grey’s type of girl.

“Like, what’s working?” Josh asked as she began to fondle her own breasts which had just stopped growing, reaching the size of E-cups!

“Nothing, Julie,” Grey said pouncing on her new girlfriend. Her mother made a few alterations to Julie’s memories. All she could remember was that she was Grey’s hot bimbo girlfriend and they attend Hexside together.

Leaving her as a human would be too dangerous for both her and the rest of the Boiling Isles, after what happened with the Emperor a few days ago, which threw everything into chaos.

Julie was now a young witch girl that lived with Kikimora and her girlfriend. She didn’t need to remember who she was, all she needed to do was remember the girl that she is supposed to love. Power and intelligence were meaningless to her. Being a sexy short-stacked bimbo witch with a hot ass short-stacked demon girl was more than she could ever need.


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