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“Fine~,” Blair said disappointed, though she refused to let Alice go as she had claimed her as her own. “But that doesn’t mean that I don’t have a shot,” she said with a happy tone. She knew that she had a shot to make Alice hers and she was going to do her best to win her love!

“Ugh, is this lover's quarrel finally over?” Chazz asked, walking over to them. “Does this mean that it’s my turn to duel Alice?”

“Not on your life Chazzy-poo, “ Blair said, getting in between him and Alice. “Anyone that wants to duel Alice first has to duel me!” she yelled out, announcing it to the group.

Alice, Alexis, Jasmine, and Mindy used this chance while the boys were distracted to head back into the dorm. Blair should be able to handle them.

“So Alice, how does it feel to have a possible girlfriend?” Jasmine asked her as they sat down.

“She’s not my girlfriend,” Alice said back to her. “And besides, there is just no way that I could like a girl that is as young as her. She’s 11 and I'm 17. There is no way that I can be her girlfriend.”

“So it’s not that you’re weirded out by same-sex couples?” Mindy asked her.

“No, I would never hate someone for the type of person that someone likes,” Alice said back to them.

“Be honest, it’s obvious that Alice already has someone that she likes,” Jasmine said.

“What!?” No way! There is no way that I could be attracted to anyone,” Alice yelled starting to get flustered as she thought back to the small-time she spent with Juliana Anderson. Her face turned red as she did.

“OMG! She does have someone she likes!” Jasmine yelled out in joy. “I was only trying to mess with you, I didn’t think that it would actually be true!”

“What are you girls talking about?” Alexis said, defending her sister. “There is no way that Alice has a crush on anyone, besides me, her sister! Right Alice? …Alice?”

Alice couldn’t respond to her sister because she feared that it might have been true. She never experienced what it meant to have these types of feelings before. What did they mean? She liked Juliana, but she didn’t know if that meant that she liked-liked her.

What would Alexis and the others say if she told them? Would they make fun of her, or would they accept her and help her try to figure these feelings out?

“Alice please tell us,” Alexis said, wanting to help understand what her sister was thinking at the moment.

“We promise that we won’t make fun of you,” Mindy said, assuring Alice that they would be serious while listening to her.

“Well, the truth is I don’t know,” Alice said, her face turning red from having to expose how she felt about another girl to her friends.


Matthew Miller

I honestly don’t mind which Anderson she ends up with. She could end up with Aster or Zane, hell even Syrus or Hasslebarry would do. I just wonder if you could write more into the duels. You can fill free to use mine as reference if you want.


Who she ends up with is a mystery. As for the duels I'll try to do my best to make them longer. The Duel between Alice and Blair is used to show her growth and that she no longer needs plot device cards so that's why I make that one short.