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“So, do you believe that I am who I say I am now?” Alice asked, holding out her hand for Blair to grab.

“Hah, no one but my hubby Jaden would ever use a card like Winged Kuriboh in their deck,” Blair said, grabbing Alice’s hand. “And that way that you beat mean was just the same intensity as last time, no it was even greater than last time. I guess that I still have much to learn before I’m ready to duel you.”

“Though I guess that calling you my hubby Jaden is no longer an option. What should I call you now?”

“Alice would be nice,” Alice said to Blair hoping that they could start off as friends this time rather than her trying to be her lover. “And since I’m a girl now, I guess that means we can start over with our relationship.”

“You’re absolutely right!” Blair yelled, holding both of Alice’s hands, hearts forming in her eyes. “As girls, we have so many more opportunities to spend time together! We can duel together, eat together, sleep together, and even bathe together! And since I may have jumped the gun with calling you my hubby before I guess we can just start off as girlfriends for now!”

“Wait Blair, but we’re both girls! Doesn’t that creep you out?” Alice asked hoping that Blair would realize that Alice wasn’t ready for a relationship just yet. She had finally accepted herself as a girl, and trying to figure out her sexuality was another.

“Why should it?” Blair asked her back innocently. “Same-sex couples have way more fun. Both of my moms seem way happier than same-sex couples, so your transformation into a cute girl is like a gift from the heavens!”

“But you’re a Slifer Red, right?” Alice asked, looking at Blair's interestingly designed Slifer uniform. “I’m currently an Obelisk Blue. There is no way that we can hang out as much as you would like. Plus I’m a third-year and you’re a first. There is no way that we will be able to match our schedules together.”

“Well I can fix that with ease,” Blair said, hugging Alice as tight as she could. “You wouldn’t believe it, but I’m the number 1 ranked duelist of the freshman class. I had only asked them to put me in Slifer so that I could be with you. Now that I know that you’re in Obelisk, I can just tell them that I changed my mind. That means that we’ll have all the time in the world to hang out with each other!”

“Wow… that’s great~,” Alice said, unable to find any other excuses to tell Blair to avoid being in a relationship with her.

“Wow, this girl is tough as nails,” Alexis said, coming to rescue her sister. She was watching Alice embarrassingly try to convince Blair not to pine for her affection, but it would seem that it was now her turn to come in and save the day.

“Blair, I, unfortunately, have some bad news for you,” she said, slowly pulling Alice away from Blair. “As Alice is now a member of the Rhodes family any that wish to have a romantic relationship with her have to speak with our parents first.”

While she has been given permission to date anyone she wishes, our parents must first make sure that they are compatible with her. And unfortunately, we won’t be able to contact them for some time since they are off away on an important business trip.”


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