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Alice and the others went outside and prepared for the duel. While Blair was just a first-year that didn’t make her a pushover. In fact, she almost beat Jaden two years ago.

The duel started off with Blair going first and she was instantly on the offensive summoning her Mystic Baby Dragon to the field and then instantly summoning her Mystic Dragon to the field. This monster had 3600 attack power! This duel was not going to be an easy one. Though Alice refused to give up.

She used her turn to summon forth Doll Joint Hero Nea. With the effect of the spell card Doll Joint Fusion, she was able to fuse her Nea and the Winged Dolly Kuriboh in her hand to summon. Doll Joint Hero Nea The Winged Protector.

As of the start of this term, this card was one of her ace monsters, but it was not without its price. It only had 500 attack points, but it could only be summoned during the player's first turn in the duel. It could not be summoned at any other times in the duel. And if it didn’t attack the turn it was summoned Alice would lose half of her health points in one go.

“Doll Joint Hero Nea The Winged Protector attack Blair’s Mystic Dragon!” Alice yelled.

“What are you doing!?” Blair yelled at her. “If you do that you’re monster will lose!”

“You’re right she would lose if I didn’t activate her effect!” Alice yelled back to her. “When Doll Joint Hero Nea The Winged Protector attacks a monster with over 3000 attack points I am able to send any number of cards from my deck to the graveyard and Doll Joint Hero Nea The Winged Protector gains an extra 200 attack for each card. So I chose to discard 30 of my cards to the grave to boast my monster's attack power up to 6500! The only downside to this is that my monster's attack will return to 500 when my turn is over!”

Blair could do nothing but watch as her monster was destroyed and her life points went from 4000 down to 1100.

“That sucks, but I guess that it is my turn now,” Blair said, but Alice stopped her before she could draw a card.

“Wait! Who said that my turn was over!?” Alice yelled to her. I activate the quick effect Doll Joint Clean Up! So long as I have a Doll Joint Monster on the field that had attacked this turn I can pay half my life points to send my monster back to the extra deck, but as a result, you take half of their current attack power as damage!”

“Wait, that means that I lose,” Blair said, falling to her knees in despair. It had only been one turn and she lost.

Alices’ friends were also surprised by how fast the duel had ended. They had never seen her use such powerful cards before. Usually, she would just try to pull whatever plot device card she had in the deck to win the duel. While they knew she was still Alice, that amateurish nature that she had while dueling didn’t exist anymore. Her training with her father saw to that.


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