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“You arrogant whore! How dare you spill wine on my silk suit!” the fat greasy old man yelled at the girl he had strapped up in bondage who he forced to bring him drinks. It was obvious that she wouldn’t be able to properly serve him, and he knew it. He did this on purpose.

“Sluts! Line up!” he yelled as all the maids including myself were forced to line up. Each one of us was forced to wear skimpy maid uniforms and was forced to have smiles spread across our faces at all times.

“Now which one of you bitches want to service me today?” he asked walking by each maid, trying to figure out which one he wanted to have his way with first.

I had been at this asshole's mansion for just a week and the number of astrocytes that he had committed was atrocious. Those that he chose to spend the night with were never seen again. After investigating I found that each one was brutely slaughtered and raped at the same time.

Each one of the maids here was just like me, former men that were transformed into women to become these sick men’s playthings. Though unlike them I was not loyal to this man.

I was supposed to be just like them a loyal maid that would service her master until he decided to dispose of me. Though for whatever reason I was able to overcome the serum that would turn me into nothing more than a slutty slave.

Unfortunately the same could not be said for my body. I was now one hundred percent a seventeen-year-old girl, with pink hair. Because of these people I lost my life, my friends, and my family. There was nowhere for me to go back to, so all I could do was make sure to get revenge on those that did this to me.

I would have killed this man by now if it wasn’t for the security surrounding him. If I tried to kill him the guards would riddle me with bullets before I got even close. The only chance that I had would be when he picks me. There are no guards in his personal room, so that was the perfect chance for me to kill him.

“Hmm, what about you,” the old man said eying the girl next to me.

“Master you don’t want her, she won't be able to satisfy your needs,” I said seductively to him, grabbing his hand and blowing on it.

“You little tramp!” he yelled grabbing me by the neck. “If you want to be punished that bad then so be it!” he yelled dragging me to his room. Once he did I made sure to activate the signal beacon in my apron to let my recruits know that it was time to move out.

“Move it bitch!” the man yelled throwing me on top of his bed. “Now what should I do with you first?” he asked himself before stripping down, showing me his disgusting greasy, and wrinkly body.

He then walked over to a small table and grabbed a torture tool used especially for cutting off a person’s tongue and then cauterizing it so that they would die.

“I tramp like you need to understand that it is better to be seen, not heard,” he said slowly crawling on the bed towards me. “Now be a good little bitch and perhaps a tongue is all you’ll lose tonight,” he said licking his lips, expecting me to do as he wished.

I slowly opened my mouth, but when I did I spit in his face before grabbing the tool out of his hands and punching him in the face. I flipped the tables on him, and now I was the one with the power.

“You bitch! How dare you!” the man yelled at me “Guards get in here and kill this bitch!” he yelled, but the guards never came.

“Oh, don’t try to strain that ugly fat head of yours,” I said, pulling his mouth open. “Your guards have already been taken care of and now it’s your turn,” I said, ramming the torture tool, using it to cut his tongue out in one bloody slice!


The man screamed out in pain, but it didn’t matter. This was just the start of his punishment. I grabbed one of his legs and dragged him out to the hall where all the other maids were waiting. The guards had already been killed and the maids had been informed about what they could do now.

“Here you go ladies,” I said leaving him on the floor. “Have fun and make sure that he suffers for each one of your fallen comrades.”

The maids instantly attacked him to get back at everything that he did to them. I do hope that they make his suffering last. One man down, and many more to follow.


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