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“Kikimora let me go this instance,” Odalia Blight yelled, struggling to break free from Kikimora’s magic, but it was pointless for her to even try.

“Sorry Odalia dear,” Kikimora said to her. “You have been a thorn in my side these past few weeks. Constantly trying to get my Coven shut down and even going as far as ridiculing my daughter.”

“Your slut of a daughter dared to try to get near my daughter!” Odalia yelled back to her. “I could not allow her to influence my child!”

“Odalia I will give you one chance to say that you are sorry for calling my daughter a slut,” Kikimora said, trying h best to hold back her anger. Everyone on the Boiling Isle knew that Odalia didn’t care about her children, they were used as an excuse to keep her “husband” in check.

While he truly cared about his kids he was forced to do whatever Odalia wanted to keep them safe. Time and time again it had been seen but no one would dare go against Odalia. Though that was until she messed with Kikimora’s lovely daughter.

“My daughter may be thicc, but that does not mean that she is a slut. She is a kind young girl that works hard in her studies. All she wanted to do was befriend your daughter. I heard that when you found out your daughter had actual friends you went out of your way to having them expelled and then trying to kill the human. You are worse than any beast I have ever met.”

“My daughter will not be seen with the lower class, and especially not a dumb slut like your daughter!” Odalia yelled at Kikimora not fearing what Kikimora had planned for her.

“Just remember that I gave you a chance,” Kikimora said before she cast her magic on Odalia.

“What are you doing to me?” Odalia asked as her body started to feel warm. “If you kill or curse me the Emperor will-”

“Do nothing,” Kikimora said to her. “You are insignificant to his plans just as the rest of us are. Besides no one will care what happens to you and I even got your “husband's” permission. He was overjoyed to hear that his bitch of a “wife” would become Blight Industry's new short stack bimbo mascot.”

“What are yo- huh, like what’s going on?” Odalia asked as her brain cells being to vanish turning her mind into the same dumb bimbo slut that she claimed Kikimora’s daughter to be. Then the magic that Kikimora cast on her began to change her body, shrinking her down almost to the exact same height as Kikimora.

Her breasts started to expand into J-cups and her ass expanded out with her thighs, becoming big enough for a person to sit on. Her hair become loner and fuller as her face was covered with makeup, making her look more like the dumb bimbo that she was becoming.

As the last of her brain cells drained away all that remained in her mind was how she could best serve others. She was now nothing more than a thicc short stack slutty bimbo.

“My, my, you turned out quite well,” Kikimora said before bringing out an abomination-style bikini. “Here’s your new uniform dear, I’m sure that the customers are just going to eat you up!”



Sorry that this one is a bit short. I had another one planned, but after seeing the new episode yesterday I knew that I had to make one for it.