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“What is it?” a goblin boy who looked no older than eight asked.

“Can’t you tell, it’s a baby,” a goblin girl said back to him.

“No, it isn’t. My big brother says that things a freak of nature, and doesn’t belong here,” said another goblin boy.

“Is she really a goblin?” asked another goblin girl.

“Of course, she is,” the first girl said. “She only looks like this because her mother is the daughter of a human. “My mother says it happens every so often that there will be goblin children born that look almost human because of this.”

“Then what about Tully?” the second boy asked pointing over to a goblin girl with dark black hair whose bangs covered her face. “Her grandmother was a human, but her mother doesn’t look like a human and neither does she.”

“Jeez Grimkin, don’t you listen?” said the first girl “I said it happens every so often.”

For the past few minutes, these five goblin children have been swarming around me at my usual spot in the window. My uncle was off hunting and my mother was gathering some berries. It’s dangerous for them to bring a baby out into the woods so they just decided to leave me at home. You might say that this is bad parenting, but no one has ever come to our house in these past two months since I was born, so I was just as surprised as anyone else when these five kids walked over to me. Though they were just kids, they couldn’t do that much harm now, could they?

“I think that she looks weird,” said the first boy.

“Well, I think that she looks cute,” said the first girl.

“Ugh, what’s that smell?” Grimkin asked, sniffing the air.

“Eww, she messed herself!” yelled the second girl. “That's so disgusting!”

It wasn’t my fault that I couldn’t control when I went to the bathroom. I was only two months old. I couldn’t even crawl yet, so how did they expect me to do my business?

“Let’s get out of here!” the first boy yelled as he, the second girl, and the one called Grimkin ran away while laughing at me.

The only two that stayed were the first girl and the quiet girl named Tully.

“Don’t worry, I don’t think you're disgusting,” the first girl said to me with a smile across her face. “I have two younger brothers at home, so I’m stuck changing them all the time.”

“Ahvgo,” I replied giving her what I hope was a smile back.

“You are so adorable,” she said to me. “My name is Sola, and behind me is Tully,” she doesn’t talk much, but she is a good girl just like me.”

“…Hi,” Tully said to me in a weak voice.

“Adabada,” I responded while trying to wave my hand at her.

“She is the quietest baby that I have ever seen,” said Sola. “Most babies would be balling their eyes out after realizing that they had a messy diaper. I wonder if it would be alright to change her? She looks like she’s uncomfortable.”

“…I don’t think that would be a good idea,” Tully said to her, but she didn’t get through to her.

Sola had already begun to stack several boxes next to the window. Once it was tall enough, she grabbed my basket and carried me down to the ground. If I was a normal baby there is no doubt that I would be scared out of my mind to be moved by a stranger, but these girls didn’t seem like they were bad people.

“Good thing I always come prepared with extra for my siblings,” Sola said, taking a brand-new diaper cloth out of her bag.

“Nuo!” I tried telling her not to do it. I was fine with her taking me out of the window but having her change my diaper was going too far. I would not take advantage of a little girl like this.

“It’s okay, I promise that I’ll have you cleaned up as fast as possible,” Sola said not understanding what I was saying.

“Nwou!” I tried again, but Sola still didn’t understand.

“Sola, I don’t think she wants you to do it,” Tully said actually raising her voice.

“Don’t worry Tully I’ve done this before,” Sol said as she was about to change me.

At this point, I was about to cry, but luckily, I didn’t have to.

“Illya! What are you two doing to my daughter?” my mother asked scaring the two young girls as she ran over to me, before picking me up in her arms.

“We’re sorry ma’am we just wanted to see your baby, but we noticed that she had a messy diaper, so I decided to change her.”

My mother looked back at me and then the girls before responding. “Well, Illya doesn’t seem hurt and she’s not crying so I guess that I will believe you for now. My daughter is quite smart, and only cries when she needs to,” my mother said bragging to the two young girls in front of her.

“…We’re sorry,” Tully said, walking up to us. “We didn’t mean to upset you,” she said taking part of the blame even though she didn’t do anything wrong. This girl was really kind.

“That’s alright girls,” my mother said to them. “You were only trying to help but remember next time to ask for permission before trying to help. If Illya was crying, I would have thought that you were trying to steal my baby from me.”

“We would never do such a thing!” Sola yelled.

“…Never,” Tully said, agreeing with her.

“You two are really kind girls,” my mother said to them. “If you wait right here, while I go change this stinky butt, I’ll give each of you some of the berries that I gathered today.”

“Really!?” Sola asked, looking a bit excited. I guess she was a bit of a glutton.

After my mother brought me inside, she wasted no time at all cleaning me up. “It would seem that someone made herself some new friends today,” my mother said teasing me. Once she was done making sure that was all set to go, she went to the cupboards and brought out several berries for the girls, before picking me up and walking outside.

When we finally came outside, I was surprised to see a goblin woman as old as my mother talking to the girls.

“You little brats! How dare you interact with that woman!” she yelled pointing to my mother after noticing that she had come out of our home.

“Excuse me, but what is going on here?” my mother asked, walking between the woman and the two girls.

“What are you that desperate for approval that you are willing to try and coercive children,” the woman said smugly to my mother.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,’ my mother said back to her. “These children were just interested in Illya, nothing more.”

“It’s true!” Sola yelled back.

“Oh you mean that failure of a child,” the woman said, looking at me with disgust in her eyes. “You failed to bear him a son and you still have the nerve to walk around the village in broad daylight. What arrogance.”

“Just because I am shunned by the rest of the village doesn’t mean that I should sit around the village and do nothing,” my mother said, refusing to be intimated by this woman.

“The moment I bear him a son I will become his wife and I’ll make sure that you are kicked out of this village,” the woman said, holding her belly. She must have been another woman that my father had laid with. What a despicable man he was.

“Maybe you can go live in a human village. I’m sure that you and your daughter can survive by selling your bodies.”


My mother smacked the woman in the face without hesitation. At the same time, I laughed at the woman seeing the look of shock spread across her face. My mother was awesome!

“Don’t you dare talk about my daughter like that!” my mother yelled at the woman.


The woman smacked my mother back in the face hard enough to cause her to crash into the ground! I came tumbling out of her arms. My body was bruised and cut open by the rocks. The pain was so intense that I couldn’t hold myself back from crying.

“Wahhhhhhhhhh! Wahhhhhh!” I cried and cried, unable to do anything as the woman loomed over me.

“I disgusting brat like you doesn’t deserve to live!” she yelled at me, raising her right foot into the air. “I’ll do you a favor and put you out of your misery!” she yelled, her foot coming crashing down to stomp me to death!


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