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“Fire-style fireball jutsu!” Sarada yelled incinerating a group of training dummies to ash. “Dad, did I do well?” Sarada asked Sasuke, running over to him. She was eager to receive her father’s praise. He had been fair to concern with Boruto’s training so it was nice that he could train her now.

“I guess you could say that was adequate,” Sasuke said to his daughter. “Though the area of your jutsu was too small. The heat of your flames was far too weak. Your hand signs were off by a few centimeters. If they were in the correct position the jutsu would have been twice as effective.”

“Then there is the fact that you stood still while using the jutsu. If this was a real right and not training against dummies you would be dead right now. Finally, your activation time is too slow. By the time that I was your age, I could activate that jutsu in three seconds not five. If you aren’t fast enough your enemy will have a higher chance of killing you. So try again.”

“…Okay, …thanks for the advice dad,” Sarada said disappointed that her father just mocked everything that she did. She wanted him to praise her, not belittle her like a dumb child. She was already more skilled than most kids her age, what would it take to be acknowledged by him?

“Don’t worry it takes time to become a great ninja,” Sasuke said to her. He was proud that Sarada wasn’t slacking on her training, but as his daughter, he was disappointed in how far she managed to get on her own. At her age, he was leagues above her. The only thing that she had that he didn’t at the time was all three tomes in her Sharingan. Though she wasn’t using it to its full potential.

“Again,” Sasuke said to her, disappointed in her kunai skills. “If you can’t throw it in a straight line then figure out a way to make it hit your target no matter what.”

“Yes dad,” Sarada said, getting more frustrated with her father. She was getting annoyed that since they started training together he had been doing nothing but belittle her. Her mother was nowhere near this crude when she was training with her.

“Don’t ever look away from your opponent!” Sasuke yelled at her. “I may be going easy on you because I’m your father, but that doesn’t mean your enemy will!” He yelled attacking her.

Sasuke went into the physical combat training with Sarada with little expectations, but the fact that she would dare look away from him as they fought angered him.

“A child knows better than to get distracted in a life-or-death scenario! Are you worse than a child!? Are you a baby!?” he yelled accidentally breaking her defense completely and was about to punch her square in the face.

“Just stop up already!” Sarada yelled, no longer willing to take this verbal abuse anymore! The moment that she yelled at him, Sarada killed what she valued most, her father's approval. All her life she had wanted nothing more than his respect and admiration, but now she didn’t care.

The moment that she killed that part of herself, her Mangekyou Sharingan awoke. She managed to avoid Sasuke’s attack, but as she did, he inadvertently looked straight into her eyes, getting trapped in a genjutsu in the process.

Sasuke now locked in her illusion was facing off against a giant Sarada who was easily four times his own height! Confused he tried backing up a bit only to trip over his own feet, falling down on his ass, which felt surprisingly soft.

“What’s wrong? Is the baby having a hard time standing up? Sarada asked him in a mocking tone, leaning down to look at him. “Does the baby need a bottle?” she asked, mockingly smiling at him.

“Sound I help train the little baby to be a big girl like me? Or sound I have you mess those big girl thoughts down into that diaper of yours?”


When Sasuke tried to get up he heard an odd crinkling sound. When he looked down he was shocked to see a giant pair of breasts on his chest and an even bigger diaper sitting snuggly around his legs!

“Swarwda what is dis!?” Sasuke yelled, for some reason unable to talk like an adult.

“Awww, the little baby is cranky,” the illusion of Sarada said before picking him up. “Oh my it would seem that someone needs a diaper change,” she happily said to him.

Sasuke looked down and his diaper had started to fill itself. He couldn’t stop it. All he could do was watch as his diaper became bigger from wetting himself. Embarrassed and frustrated by this Sasuke used his own Mangekyou Sharingan to break free from Sarada’s genjutsu.

Though when he did he found that he was now kneeling against a tree from Sarada punching him square in the chest. She wasn’t Sakura’s daughter in name only, her brute strength came from her.

When he looked down he saw to his surprise that he actually wet himself outside the genjutsu as well. His pants were soaked and there was a small puddle forming on the ground beneath him. Before Sarada ran up to him, he used his cloak to cover his soiled pants and he kicked the dirt into the puddle to try and dry it up.

“Dad, I’m so sorry I don’t know what happened,” she said in an apologetic tone, but Sasuke knew that she was mocking him. She had defeated him and that much was obvious for anyone to see.

Her Mangekyou Sharingan disappeared so Sasuke decided not to tell her about what happened. Such power in the hands of a child would only bring disaster upon the village. He would have to make sure that she didn’t realize she had its power until she was ready.

“It’s fine, you did quite well at taking advantage of the opening I gave you,” Sasuke said, trying to hide the fact that she bested him, making her think that he had planned this. “You didn’t show any hesitation to attack. I am proud of you.”

“Really!” Sarada yelled with joy finally getting the praise that she had wanted.

“Of course I am,” Sasuke said back to her. ‘Now let’s go home, your mother probably has dinner done by now,” he said walking back home, not aware that Sarada was curiously looking at the wet dirt from where he was standing.

Once home they all eat dinner together as a family. Sakura was interested to hear all of it, while Sasuke was just glad he was able to change his pants and underwear before anyone found out he wet himself. If Naruto ever heard about this he would never hear the end of it.

He still remembers hearing the rumors that Naruto and Kurama were taken down by his own daughter. He laughed at that himself. How would everyone else act if they hear Sasuke the man that rivals the Hokage wet himself?

“Sasuke what do you think?” Sakura asked him, though he wasn’t paying attention so he didn’t understand what she was asking him.

“I’m sorry, could you please repeat that?” he said while pretending to focus on eating his food.

“I was just saying that Sarada will probably be the first to reach Chunin. What do you think?” Sakura asked him.

“I believe that if she trains hard enough then no one will be able to stand in her way,” Sasuke said finishing his meal. “Though we can talk about that later. I haven’t slept in a few days and am eager to get some rest,” he said walking to his bedroom.

Later that night Sakura git in bed with him in her sexist lingerie, but as always he did not care to notice.

“I heard that you let Sarada get a hit on you today,” Sakura said kissing him on the cheek.

“She earned that hit due to her own merits, not bey me allowing her to get it. There is no use to her training if she can’t learn to improve not only by my judgment but hers as well. Now goodnight I wish to rest,” he said before closing his eyes. All he wanted to do was forget about the events that happened today as if they were nothing more than a bad dream.

Though his dreams wouldn’t allow that. Sarada’s initial genjutsu was strong enough to link their dreams together and make Sasuke experience an illusion that was much worse than his first one.


In the illusion of Sasuke and Sakura’s home, the sounds of a crying baby could be heard. Sarada in her confused state walked out of her room towards the sounds of the baby’s cries. Once she reached the living room she was shocked to see her mother in front of her old playpen.

Sakura was cooing at the baby that was inside the playpen, and when Sarada came close enough to look in she was shocked to see that the baby inside the playpen was none other than her father, but as a girl!

“Swarwda help me!” Sasuke yelled at his daughter.

“Dad? Is that you?” Sarada asked, looking down at the baby girl that resembled her father.

“It’s me! Help me. Mommy Sakura won’t let me leave!” Sakura yelled at his daughter, forced to call Sakura his mommy due to the effects of the genjutsu.

“Pfft, Mommy?” Sarada asked, failing to hold herself back from laughing at him.

“Swut up and save me!” Sasuke yelled at her with a lisp. “I no baby!”

“You’re stinking diaper would say otherwise,” Sarada said to her father, whose diaper was so big that her own legs couldn’t touch the ground.

“Dis wasn’t me!” Sasuke yelled at her, embarrassed that his own daughter had to see him in such a state.

“Aww, the little baby is cranky,” Sarada said as she started to coo her father. She picked Sasuke up and held her nose.

“Pheww! That is stinky, what has your mommy been feeding you?” she asked laying Sasuke down on the changing table.

“Wet me gaio” Sasuke yelled kicking and squirming like a baby. “I know you did dis! Dis your genjutsu!” Sasuke yelled at her. “Cansell it wright now!” she demanded, letting Sarada know that this was her doing all along.

“Oh, so little baby admits that am actually got at something,” she said smushing Saskue’s diaper into her crotch mixing everything around. It felt disgusting but for some reason, Sasuke found that she enjoyed it.

“Stwop it!” Sasuke yelled, tears coming from her eyes.

“Then I want you to say it,” Sarada said, her Mangekyou Sharingan appearing in her ears.

“Say what?” Sasuke asked confused by what she meant. Sasuke wanted nothing more than to break free from this genjutsu, but it seemed impossible right now for some reason. It was as if Sarada was stronger than her own father right now. Was this what she was actually capable of?

“Say that you’re a little baby that needs her big, stronger, and beautiful sister to change her out of her messy diapie,” Sarada said, sadistically smushing Sasuke’s diaper. She held the power here and she wanted to make her father know that.

“… I wittle baby. I needs me diapie changed, by strong bwig sister. Pwease twange me of messy dipaie,” Sasuke said, sounding more and more like a baby by the second.

“Good girl!” Sarada said happily, clapping her hands together out of joy. “As your reward let’s get you changed out of that nasty wasty diaper,” she said talking to her father like you would a baby.

For the next few minutes, Sasuke was forced to watch as Sarada changed her diaper, revealing to her that her manhood was gone. Once she was all cleaned up Sarada decided to toy with her father some more.

“All right, so what do you think, a plain white diaper, or this extra-thick pink diaper?” she asked holding the two diapers up to Sasuke’s face.

Knowing that she had no other choice but to go along with whatever Sarada wanted while they were inside of her genjutsu Sasuke chose to play along.

“I want dat one,” Sasuke said pointing towards the white diaper.

“Really, I was sure that you were going to pick the white one,” Sarada said, putting the white diaper down. “Who would have thought that my father was a secret closet sissy,” she said sadistically smiling at him.

She knew that Sasuke picked the white one, but she wasn’t planning on giving him it. She only did this to mess with him more.

“No, I want wite I want da wite!” Sasuke yelled as Sarada put the big poofy diaper under her butt and secure it around her waist.

Sasuke tried to stand up, but the diaper was so thick that she couldn’t close her legs, let alone stand up. She was forced to crawl to move around. She tried to crawl away, but Sarda grabbed her and brought her back to her playpen where Sakura was waiting.

“Oh my doesn’t she look just the cutest,” Sakura said seeing the naked Sasuke in her giant pink diaper. “Though I’m sure that I have something right here to make her look even cuter!” she said holding up a bright pink baby dress.

“Nooooo!!! I don’t wanna! I don’t wanna!” Sasuke yelled kicking and screaming to be let go.

“Just look how excited she is mom,” Sarada said to Sakura. “She screaming that she doesn’t want to wait any longer to try it on.”

“Of course she is, a daughter of mine must love to show off her looks,” Sakura said, acting as if this was nature. Since this was a genjutsu created by Sarada, everyone there would act as she willed them.

Sasuke struggled as hard as he could to escape the pretty pink dress that his wife wanted to put on him, but it was no use. Within seconds she slipped it on over him and was taking pictures of her.

“Isn’t she just adorable,” Sakura said.

“She sure is mom,” Sarada said, smiling at her father who was helpless and at her mercy.  “How about we try this one next, she said handing Sakura a cute white sundress that was short enough to showcase Sasuke’s giant diaper butt.

“Swarwda, pwease stwop di!” Sasuke begged after she was forced to do photoshoot after photoshoot in embarrassing outfits.

“Why should I stop?” Sarada asked knowing that it was pointless for her father to even beg, but she decided to humor him.

“I sworry!” Sasuke said to her as Sakura changed her clothes, not noticing that they were talking. She was just an illusion so it didn’t matter what she thought in the first place.

“I hert you feelings. I was wrong. You are grweat ninja. I shouldn’t have made you feel bad,” Sasuke said trying her best to sound like an adult but her grammar was terrible.

“Saying sorry doesn’t fix the fact that you abandoned me for years, lied to me about the truth of my birth, trained a kid that wasn’t even your before me, and then belittle me over every little mistake I made!” Sarada yelled at Sasuke. “You were always a terrible father. I'm just sorry that I didn’t realize this sooner. I will make sure that you learn your lesson in time. Though unfortunately, we’ll have to end our session here for today. I’m pretty sure that you’re about to be woken up with some shocking news real soon.”

Sarada and the area around them turned pitch black. Sasuke stumbled through the darkness until he started to feel warm He followed that warmth until he reached it, opening his eyes.

He looked over and saw Sakura still asleep in their bed. H smiled to himself realizing that he wasn’t trapped inside Sarada’s genjutsu, it must have just been a nightmare. There was nothing to worry about. Or at least that’s what he thought until he felt a giant wet spot on the mattress emitting from his crotch. Sasuke just realized that he wet the bed.

“It’s alright dear,” Sakura said, pulling the mattress cover off which had absorbed all of the liquid. “I heard that this happens to a lot of men your age. Supposedly it happens a week or two before you have to pass a kidney stone. It becomes a bit harder to control your bladder. I heard from Ino that Sai went through the same thing.”

“But of all people, it had to happen to me,” Sasuke said, holding his head down.

“Don’t fret, I’m sure that it was just a one-time thing,” Sakura said trying to comfort her husband. “Though if you are worried about your bladder problem I can always give you a pull-up to wear for the time being. Just until you are certain that you won’t wet the bed again.”

“I guess,” Sasuke said. He had to teach a special class at the ninja academy to Sarada’s class today. He couldn’t afford to have an accident.

“That’s the spirit!” Sakura said to him, before going into her closet to pull out a box of things that used to belong to Sarada. She then pulled out a pack of pull-ups that were supposed to be used by Sarada when she was younger, but since her daughter was such a genius she went straight from diapers to being potty trained. Luckily for her, these pull-ups were designed to be worn by people of all ages. They would form fit the person that was wearing them.

“Um, Sakura I don’t think that I can wear those,” Sasuke said, looking at the print that was on them. Bright little ponies from that hit show MLP were plastered all over the pull-up.

“Nonsense,” Sakura said, already pulling down his pants and underwear. “Now lift up your leg so I can put this one on you.”

“Fine,” Sasuke said. He couldn’t say no to his wife when she was trying to help him. At least no one was watching. Or at least that’s what he thought. On the other side of the door, Sarada was spying on them through the crack of the door.

“So it wasn’t just a dream,” Sarada whispered to herself. The dream that she had last night, babying and humiliating her father wasn’t a dream at all. She was actually strong enough to hold her father in a genjutsu.

It was her time now to get revenge. She was going to make sure that her entire class knew exactly the big baby that he truly was!


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