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“Mina bring me to my girls there’s something that I have to tell them,” she said wiping her tears from her face.

“As you wish,” Mina said with a smile across her face. “Her mistress was finally becoming the woman that she needed to be for her daughters.

When Mina finally brought Ariana to them, Alexis and Alice were already at the front gate with their suitcases packed.

“Are you sure that we should be leaving like this without telling anyone?” Alice said as the car drove towards them to pick them up.

“Mother will get over it,” Alexis said as the driver came out of the car and started to put their bags into the trunk.

“If you say so,” Alice said, getting into the car after Alexis.

“Okay let’s get going,” Alexis said to the driver.

“Wait!” Ariana yelled running fast as she could towards the car. “Don’t go please!”

“Driver wait,” Alexis said before rolling down the window.

“Please wait,” Ariana said finally making it to the car. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have told the two of you to drop out. Please forgive me.”

“You can’t expect a simple apology to work,” Alexis said, which Alice agreed to as well.

Over this summer Alice has become closer to Ariana and liked being her daughter, but she trusted and cared for Alexis much more. This wasn’t the first time that she did this. Before she only redeemed herself by proving her feelings through her actions. She would have to do something that would regain their lost trust in her.

“I didn’t want you two to go down the wrong path,” she said to them.

“How is it wrong when it’s something that we love?” Alice asked.

“Because you’re not wrong. I shouldn’t stop you from doing what makes you happy, but I worry for you because I went down the same path, but I failed. I was once a duelist myself. I thought that I was the best, but in the end, I couldn’t cut it.”

“I wanted to cut all my ties with dueling, so I decided to even burn my deck. The only other person that knows that I was a duelist before this is your father. I was afraid that if the two of you continue dueling that you would meet the same fate as me.”

“I’m sorry, and I’m here to say that I won’t stop you both from accomplishing your dreams to become great duelists. As of today, I’ll be your first-ever fan.”

“Mom I-”

“Thank you!” Alice yelled running out of the car to hug her mother. “Thank you for supporting us and telling us more about your past, thank you.”

“Thank you, mom,” Alexis said as she embraced her mother and sister.

“Just promise that you two never give up as I did,” Ariana said to them. “Promise t me that one day the whole world will know your names.”

“We promise,” they both said to her.

“I love you, my sweet daughters,” Ariana said, kissing them both on the forehead before shoving them back into the car.

Alexis and Alice’s summer vacation was over, and their third year at Duel Academy was about to begin. Though if you thought that their first two years at the academy were bad the third has a much grimmer future in store for them. Alice’s dark past will be revealed, and there will be nothing stopping the darkness from trying to take her back. Stay tuned for the next installment: Yugioh Gx Alice’s Third Year: Rise of Yubel.


Matthew Miller

Oh this was sweet. I was kinda confused at first by the letters portion, but now I think I get what was being said. Surprising that Ariana was a duelist. Also why wasn’t Atticus with them? Wasn’t he still in school until the forth season?