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“Finally, some alone time,” Tomioka said to himself, opening up his sack on his bed to revel that there were at least ten diapers in it.

Tomioka started to strip down until he was butt naked. Then while standing in front of his full body length mirror he slowly began to put the diaper on. The diaper itself was one of the thickest that he had ever seen. It was a cute and girly white diaper covered in pink and purple butterflies, and it smelled like baby powder. Tomioka knew that the moment that he found these he had to wear them.

These diapers weren’t ones that he bought; they were ones that he stole. He stole them all from Shinobu’s Butterfly Mansion. Ever since he started getting into wearing diapers he had been stealing from her mansion. He assumed that the ones he stole were for patients that couldn’t walk or were comatose.

For the past year he has been going in and out of her mansion stealing diapers from her. Each time he stole from her the diapers were the exact same, and unfortunately, they didn’t excite him like he wanted them to.

It wasn’t until today he found these cute diapers waiting for him in the usual spot where he stole the diapers. He didn’t know why she changed the brand and design of the diapers she was using for her patients, but he didn’t care. He wanted to look cute and adorable like the big baby his was.

“Who’s a bad baby?” he asked himself, looking at the mirror in front of him. He smacked himself in his ass feeling the thickness of the diaper in his hands. The diaper was so big and poofy that he couldn’t resist touching his diaper butt. This was what he wanted, to look like a giant baby and forget all of his big boy responsibilities. Being a Pillar wasn’t easy and there were days like this one where all he wanted to do was put his diaper and act like the baby he truly was.

“Kaww! Kaww!”

While Tomioka was busy admiring himself in the mirror he heard a messenger Crow fly towards the window of his room. Just before it entered Tomioka hide underneath the blankets of his bed.

“What is it?” Tomioka asked the crow, nervous that it might have seen everything.

“You have a top priority mission to attend to,” the crow said to him, not revealing if it saw anything or not. You are to report with the other Demon Slayers against the Spider Demons. There have been reports that one of them may be one of the 12.

Knowing that the situation was dire and that there was no time to waste Tomioka jumped out of his bed the moment that the crow left and put his clothes on before running out of the door. As he ran there was the faint noise of crinkling from his diaper, but he tried his best to ignore it, making his way to the mountains.


Tomioka heard Tanjrou scream before changing his course towards. Once there he was there was say Tanjrou holding a bloody Nezuko in his arms. Before he had a chance to see what had happened Shinobu came rushing right at them. Tomioka stopped Shinobu’s blade before it could reach him or Nezuko.

“Oh my… Why would you get in my way, Tomioka?” Shinobu asked seeing that Tomioka was now protecting the two siblings.

“That’s exactly why…  no one likes you, you know.”

“I’m not… I’m not dislike by people,” Tomioka replied back to her, upset that she would make such a claim.

Both Tanjrou and Shinobu were shocked to hear him say that. Neither of them realized that he actually had feelings like this.

“Well, I’m sorry. You haven’t even realized that people don’t like you then? That was uncalled for. Please forgive me.”

Both Tanjrou and Tomioka were shocked to hear her apologize in such a manner. It was as if she didn’t really care about their current situation.

“Make yourself move even if you can’t move,” Tomioka said to Tanjrou. “Take your sister and run.”

“Thank you very much!” Tanjrou said wasting no time to grab Nezuko and then running away.

“Isn’t that against the Corps rules?” Shinobu asked, as tad bit mad that Tomioka let them escape, but she hid her anger with a smile. Then without waiting any longer she attacked Tomioka.

“Who would have thought that a Hashira would ever defend a demon?” Shinobu said, before chasing after Tanjrou.

Tomioka was stunned for a second before realizing that she was running away.

“Is that your attempt at catching up with me?” she asked looking back to see that he had yet to come after her.

Though it didn’t take long after that for him to catch her and put her in a headlock.

“But what you’re doing is against the Corps rules,” Shinobu said to him, noticing that his rear looked a little bigger than usual as well as getting a slight whiff of baby powder in the air. “Give me a reason at least,” she said to Tomioka who just wanted to return home.

“If I’m remembering this right, it was two years ago,” he said just getting this over with.

“Please don’t start some long, rambling story from the far back in time,” Shinobu said, hearing a tiny crinkle whenever Tomioka moved. “Are you perhaps still angry that I pointed out how people don’t like you?” she said causing Tomioka to flinch in anger.

Shinobu then used this chance to reveal her hidden blade in the back of her foot, trying to hit Tomioka in the face. Tomioka was forced to let her go, as she began to attack him again.

While they fought Shinobu observed him realizing that there was something wrong with Tomioka. The awkward stance, the small crinkling noises whenever he moved and the strong smell of baby powder. These were all signs that she knew all too well. She smiled, thinking about what kind of face he would make when she revealed his secret.

Using the fact that Tomioka wasn’t fighting at his full strength, Shinobu used the first chance she had to slip past him and slashing at him once before sheathing her blade. The moment that she did Tomioka’s clothes shredded to pieces!

Before he could react the remains of his clothes fell to the ground revealing his little secret to her. Tomioka’s face became bright with, displaying a look of pure horror. While he tried to hide the fact that he was wearing a diaper, he was unaware that she did actual leave one tiny scratch on him with that slash, allowing her poison to enter his body, and at the same time it sealed the starch making it as if it was never there to begin with.

“Oh, my Tomioka is that a diaper, I don’t think that a Hashira needs a diaper, do you?” she said taunting him.

“It’s not what you think,” Tomioka said trying to explain himself to Shinobu. “I’m not wearing them because I like them or anything, idiot.”

“Who would have thought that Tomioka would be such a tsundere. This will be fun to report to the other Hashira. I’m sure that they will love to hear about this,” Shinobu said to him with a smile across her face.

“You wouldn’t!” Tomioka yelled at her, starting to lose his composure. Having Shinobu of all people find out his secret was bad enough, but if the other Hashira found out his life would be over.

“You have no faith Tomioka,” Shinobu said to him. “Why would I tell the others about your dirty little secret?” she said with a sadistic smile across her face.

“I have a message from headquarters!” a messenger crow yelled out at them, interrupting their conversation.

Tomioka did his best to hide himself from the crow, but it might have been too late.

“Bring them back! Bring them back!” the crow yelled as it began to describe Tanjrou’s and Nezuko’s appearances.

Shinobu turned away from Tomioka and made her way to go capture Tanjrou and Nezuko.

“Wait!” Tomioka yelled at her trying to stand up, only to find that his legs were numb. “You poisoned me!?” Tomioka yelled at her in confusion.

“Worry not,” Shinobu said top him. “I’ll be back for you as soon as I can, for now I must follow orders and capture the traitors. To think that, that boy would do something to anger him is quite extraordinary.”

“Fix my legs so that I may go after them,” Tomioka said to her.

“And why should I do that?” Shinobu asked him. “You betrayed the Corps, the moment that you protected that demon girl from my blade.”

“Because orders are orders,” Tomioka said to her. “Before was my own personal judgement, but now these are orders which take higher priority over my feelings.”

“It matters not,” Shinobu said to him. “For your clear act of betrayal, I will make sure that you are dealt with properly,” she said before going after Tanjrou and Nezuko.

“Wait! Don’t go!” Tomioka yelled but it was no use.

Tomioka spent the next hour by himself in the woods wearing nothing more than his girly diaper. Where had he gone wrong. For the past year he’s been doing the same routine without fail, but today just had to be the day that everything fell apart.

He knew that if he stayed here much longer, he would be caught by Shinobu or seen by another member of the Corps. So long as he made it out of here, he wouldn’t have to worry about being found out by anyone else. In fact, if he just takes the diaper off here and now, he could easily escape.

Tomioka tried to take the diaper off, but when he did his head started to become dizzy. This must have been another side effect of Shinobu’s poison. When he went to take off the diaper for the second time, he found himself unable to do so. When he tried to pull at the straps that kept the diaper in place, his hands wouldn’t let him. It was almost as if his body didn’t want him to take off his diaper.

“What the heck?” he mumbled to himself, trying to take the diaper off again, but yet again his body wouldn’t let him.

Deciding to not waste his time anymore Tomioka managed to regain enough strength in his legs to be able to stand up, but unfortunately, he couldn’t walk properly. He was stuck waddling his way through the woods.

If he was at home and alone, he would love the fact that he was now waddling like a baby and unable to remove his diapie, but in this situation he felt worthless. As of now he could even start to feel his arms start to go numb. He had to use all of his will power just to hold onto his sword.

“Why look what we have here,” said a voice from the shadows, making Tomioka stop dead in his tracks. Seconds later a spider demon from the extermination request came out from behind the tress.

He was bloody and beaten up. It would seem that he barley survived and that he planned on turning Tomioka into his next meal to replenish his energy. Though unfortunately for him Tomioka even in his weakened state could easily deal with him.

“You humans think that we’re messed up, but you’re fucking wearing a girly diaper. What are you, a baby?” The demon asked mocking him, which just pissed Tomioka off more. For a mere demon to insult him like this was inexcusable!

With one slash from his blade Tomioka’s sword and the demon was killed. Though that ended up taking almost all of the last remaining strength he had. His body was numb, and he could barely move, but he knew that he couldn’t stop here. He had to escape.

Before he continued, he took the clothes that the demon left behind for himself. If he couldn’t take off his diapie than he would just hide it like he always did.

It took Tomioka another ten minutes before he found another clearing in the forest. Since Shinobu hadn’t come after him just yet he knew that he still had a chance. However, he was new facing yet another problem. He was getting the urge to use to bathroom, and it was becoming harder for him to move.


All of a sudden Tomioka was surrounded by a hoard of spider offspring! As of now it would be pointless for him to even try to fight back. He was far too weak. It would seem like this was the end of his journey.

“It’s looks like Tomioka finally made some friends,” Shinobu said as she appeared behind him to save the day. “Unless these aren’t your friends and I just assumed that you did. That’s right no one wants to be friends with a person like you,” she said mocking him.

“Just give me one second and I promise that I’ll make all these creepy crawlies go away,” she said messing around with him before attacking all of the spiders. It only took her a few seconds to dispose of them all.

“I thought that I told you that I would be back,” Shinobu said, displeased with Tomioka. To think that such a disobedient baby like this could be a Hashira.

“I can’t wet anyone see me diapie,” Tomioka said starting to develop a lisp. “What da!? Why me voice weird?” Tomioka asked himself not fully understanding what was going on.

“I’m sorry, but what did you just say?” Shinobu asked to him. “I don’t think I heard you right,” she said mocking him.

“You no talk about me diapie!” Tomioka yelled her still embarrassed that she knew his secret.

“And what are you going to do if I say no?” Shinobu asked him with a sadistic smile spread across her face. She new his secret and there was nothing that he could do to stop her from telling anyone that she wanted to.

“I’m pretty sure that the other Hashira will love to know that the calm and cool Tomioka is nothing more than a little girly baby that needs to be taken care of. Besides you betrayed the Corps. Why should I even bother listening to your request?”

“I’m taking you back to face your punishment,” Shinobu said pointing her sword at him. His was a serious crime, which had already been reported. Attacking another Hashira wasn’t against the rules, but defending a demon was.

“I no go back like dis! No diapie!” Tomioka yelled still trying to be defiant, drawing his sword. He would not let anyone see him like this, His diaper crinkled as he moved, unable to help himself from waddling while trying to keep his stance. He was embarrassed, but he couldn’t back down now.

“What an arrogant little baby you are,” Shinobu said to him before striking at him once more, shredding all of his clothes to pieces revealing his diaper yet again. In addition to that she placed a butterfly hairpin on top of his head to show that he belonged to her now.

“Aww, Tomioka-chan… I thought I saw you waddling. Have you not mastered potty training?” Shinobu asked him, noticing that part of his diaper was now yellow.

Tomioka noticed that he had wet his diapie without realizing it and started to freak out. He loved diapie play, but he’s never done it outside his own home before. “I-it not what you t’ink! Me no-”


All of a sudden Tomioka lost complete control over his bladder and began to wet himself, dropping his sword in shock. Just like she had done before, Shinobu poisoned him again.

“It looks like my poison is already taking effect!” Shinobu said sadistically. “Enjoy your new life baby girl!”

“No!” Tomioka yelled out. “Pwease! Me a bi boy aba goo.” Tomioka’s words soon became nothing more that baby gibberish. “Waba dunba!?” he yelled trying to ask her what was happening to him, but it was pointless for him to try.

“Aww is the little baby trying to talk like a big girl?” Shinobu asked, taunting him. Adding another dose of the poison from before had hastened the effects.

“Gwrl?” Tomioka asked, not sure was she was calling her a girl.

“That’s right you’re a girl, a baby girl that needs her diapie. You nay have the body of a nasty boy, but I can tell by looking at you that you have the heart of a girl, or at least you will when I’m done with you,” she said placing her hand on Tomioka’s wet diaper.

“Oh my, it would seem that you’re going to need a new one quite soon, you filled this one up a lot,” she said rubbing her hand on it, making Tomioka squirm form the pleasure that he was feeling from her touch. “Perhaps we should get you a bigger diaper next time.”

“Stwope abgo wit!” Tomioka barely managed to say trying to grab his sword, but thanks to the extra dose of poison that Shinobu infected him with, he was now unable to walk, let alone lift his sword.

“Aww, the little baby is resisting,” Shinobu said to him before picking up his sword and tossing it aside so he couldn’t reach it. “Now, now, swords are dangerous for babies to play with. We wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself now, would we?”

“Ado bado badodo!” Tomioka yelled slapping Shinobu’s hand away from him. “Agba dishbi!” Tomioka yelled at her, once again gibberish. He wanted to say that she should fix him right now or else. Though it’s doubtful anyone could understand him.

“Aww the baby must be cranky that she can’t talk properly,” Shinobu said making a guess based on how much gibberish he was saying. “Don’t worry your little baby brain about it. The poison is only temporary, you should regain your speech and basic motor skills eventually. Well, that is if I stop giving you the poison.”

“Though for now you’re nothing more than a disobedient baby that disobeyed their master and now needs to be punished for it,” she said before picking him up like he was as light as a feather.

“Pudme diuown!” Tomioka yelled, hitting her as hard as he could, but thanks to the poison he couldn’t stop Shinobu from taking him away.

She stuck a pacifier right into his mouth to calm him down and several seconds later he passed out. The pacifier put him at ease and made him feel secure. Perhaps in his dreams he can enjoy himself being the big baby that he always was.

“Don’t worry Tomioka-chan I promise that I’ll make sure your punishment is fit for your crime,” Shinobu said carrying the big baby away.


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