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“Oh, my she’s so soft!” Juliana said back to her in amazement. “How is this possible?”

“I don’t know, but it’s cool right?” Alice said looking at Juliana’s pure smile.

“The coolest,” Juliana said squeezing Kuriboh since she was so cute and fluffy. “And here I thought that I was special for having some special cards,” she mumbled to herself so low that Alice wouldn’t hear her.

“I still think that it’s amazing that you can see duel spirits as well,” Alice said to her. “Do you play as well?”

“No, I don’t,” Juliana said trying to not look at Alice. “My mother forbids it. She only allows Jessie to play because it helps with our company. Someone like me isn’t allowed to play. You know how it is, as girls it’s our jobs to look pretty.”

“That is right!” Alice said standing up in frustration. “You can do whatever you put your mind to. Don’t give up and don’t let others tell you how to love your life. If you want, I could teach you to duel if you’re interested.”

“I would like that,” Juliana said back to her. “Though I think that it will have to wait, your maid is coming back.

“Miss Alice and Miss Juliana, I brought the blanket,” Mina said once she got close enough to them. “Though I can see that the two of you have already made yourselves comfortable.”

“Thank you, Mina,” Alice said taking the blanket from her and then laying it on the ground for her and Juliana to sit on.

For the next several hours Juliana and Alice began to talk and talk. Both of them got along really well and enjoyed each other’s company. It was a shame when another maid came back to them to inform them that it was time for Juliana to head home with her mother.

“It is a shame that we have to leave it off here,” Juliana said to her, as they made their way to the front door. “I promise that I shall return this dress to you as soon as possible.”

“It’s fine you can keep it,” Alice said. Think of it as a way to remember me.”

“I will,” Juliana said as she and her mother began to walk toward their car.

“And remember to tell your brother that I want to duel him,” Alice yelled to her.

“I will!” Juliana yelled back to her as she entered the car, which earned her a stern look from her mother, but it was worth it to say goodbye to her new friend.

“I can see that you enjoyed yourself,” Ariana said to her daughter who looked very happy to her.

“Is there a way that we can meet each other again?” Alice asked her mother.

“I’m sorry, but you were lucky enough to meet her even once. Juliana is the only daughter of the Anderson family and they keep a tight reign on her to keep her safe.”

“Oh,” Alice said disappointed to hear that they wouldn’t see each other for a long time.

“It’s alright, I’ll see what I can do,” Ariana said, wanting her daughter to be happy.

“Thank you! I… love… you,” Alice said to her before giving her a quick hug. When she did, she was unaware that Mina had taken a picture of them both and that Ariana gave her a thumbs up. Perhaps if they could get Alice into the right mood, she would dress up for them as she did every so often for them.

“I love you too,” Ariana said hugging her daughter back. “And since you love me could you do me a favor?”

“Which dress is it this time?” Alice asked, used to her mother's needs by now. “Well, I was actually thinking that this time we should do a duo outfit with both you and your sister would look lovely, but I’m having a hard time convincing her. I was wondering if you could persuade her for me?”

“Fine, but this is the last time,” Alice said to her mother. “Alexis didn’t like the teddy bear dress you put her in last time, so please say that this one will be more mature this time.”

“Don’t worry I learned my lesson, no please run along and get your sister,” Ariana said, imagining the dress that she planned for Alexis and Alice to wear this time.

“This is really going to be a long summer,” Alice said to herself before running off to find Alexis.


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