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Several minutes later the three of them made it back to the pond in the back. Once there Alice sat down on the grass despite Mina’s protest.

“Miss please, your dress will stain, and Miss Anderson is with you as well,” Mina said to them. “Stay right here and I promise that I’ll be back with a blanket for the two of you to sit on,” she said, making her way back inside.

“I can see that she cares about you,” Juliana said, sitting down next to Alice. “You don’t often get to see a maid being that assertive.”

“Hah, you wouldn’t know that half of it,” Alice said remembering her first day at the Rhodes estate. “Both her and my mother tried to brainwash me so that I would become the perfect young lady.”

“That’s terrible!” Juliana said back to her in shock. “How could they do such a thing!?”

“Love I guess,” Alice said back to her. “This may seem like an excuse, but they did it because they wanted to protect me. I only came to realize this after she took a hit meant for me from her own family member.”

“While we may not be blood, she still protected me like I was her own. I’ll be the first to admit that she isn’t perfect, but her heart and Mina’s heart have always been in the right place. Also, you didn’t hear this from me, but spending time with them in this form is kind of fun.”

“I never thought that I would come to enjoy this new form of mine as much as I have. I don’t even mind if I stay in this form a bit longer. Going back to my old life seems like a foreign concept now.”

“Well, I’m glad that you’re here as well,” Juliana said, her hand slowly making its way over Alice’s.

“Hey what’s that?” Alice asked seeing a strange transparent creature with what looked like a giant spherical ruby attached to its tail.

“Wait you can see her too?” Juliana asked as she pulled out a duel monster card that had the same image as the creature that Alice saw.

“My brother let me hold onto this today for good luck,” Juliana said, as the duel spirit Ruby Carbuncle came out and laid on her lap. “I never thought that there were others that could see duel spirits.”

“I can’t just see them, I have one of my own,” Alice said back to her confidently. “Kuriboh come here bud,” Alice said and a few seconds later Kuriboh appeared in her plush form, understanding what Alice wanted to do.

“Here, you can hold her if you would like,” Alice said holding out Kuriboh in front of Juliana.

“What do you mean hold her?” Juliana asked. “You can’t touch a duel spirit that isn’t yours.”

“Kuriboh is a bit different,” Alice said to her. “When I was changed, both her and the rest of my deck changed as well. They all became a new archetype and Kuriboh can now be touched by others. Just trust me,” she said placing Kuriboh in Juliana’s arms.


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