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“I make one small comment on your ass, and you turn me into this! This is why I hate wild magic,” I said yelling at the Beast Coven head Eberwolf.

“Oh, don’t be so angry, it will ruin that adorable little face of yours,” she said, looking at me with a lustful glare.

“Shut up already! It’s hard enough to concentrate as it is with these booty shorts riding up into my giant ass,” I said while trying to pull down my shorts, but my fat ass kept eating them. Did you seriously have to make me this stacked?”

“Come on Kikimora, what’s the point of being short if aren’t stacked?” Eberwolf was clearly enjoying herself while I was not.

“There shouldn’t need to be a point! Besides my name’s not Kikimora it’s Hunter!” I used to be the Golden Guard, the right hand of the emperor. Now I was nothing more than a thicker and younger version of Kikimora. I had to get out of this.

“It’s no use,” said Eberwolf leering at me. “That curse I placed on you won’t easily be dispelled. You’ll be like this for a long time.”

“Turn me back!” I yelled at her.

“Sorry, no can do,” she said, obviously not even trying to care. “Besides, you’re not even the Golden Guard anymore, that would be the old Kiki. I’m sure that she is more than happy in her new position with her beloved emperor. I bet you he won’t even know the difference.”

“She can’t do that! I’ll tell him and he’ll fix this!” I yelled at her. There was no way that my uncle would stand for this once he finds out.

“Sorry dear, but the curse forbids you to tell anyone the truth,” Eberwolf said, a sneaky smile forming across her face.

“No this can’t be,” I said to myself in despair.

“Oh, but it is. Let me be the first to welcome you into the ShortstackCoven. I’m certain that you’ll make a most thicc addition to our club.”

*Note this isn't the post that will be posted later tonight. It's here to show everyone where the Short Stack Coven story begins.*


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