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“Finally today’s Coven sign-up day,” I said to myself making my way into the Coven fair.

All my life I have been told that I was never good at anything. From my friends to my family they would always say that my magic was subpar and that I should aim low in life. Though that wasn’t my dream.

I dreamed of joining a Coven where I would be respected and needed. I wished to be a crucial part of a Coven so I could showcase my worth to everyone. To show them that I can amount to something.

Now all I had to do was find a Coven that would be more than willing to take me in. There had to be at least one Coven that would take me as is.

“Scram!” “Get lost!” “Out of the way brat!” “You really think that you could join our Coven with no talent?” “You’re too weak!” “Go, home kid!” “Are you serious? The answer’s no!” “You couldn’t pay me enough to let you join.” “We’re desperate for members, but not that desperate.”

“What the heck!” I yelled kicking the nearest wall in frustration. “Why don’t they want me!? I went to fifty different Covens and each one of them denied me. Most of them weren’t even that good. They should have been glad that there was someone trying to join their pathetic Coven.”

“Oh my, it would seem that the Coven fair has found yet another victim,” a feminine voice said from behind me. When I turned around I saw that it was Kikimora from the Emperor's Coven! Though for some reason she looked younger and much thicker than she did in her pictures.

“Don’t worry this happens every year,” Kikimora said patting me on the back, which was odd because I never heard her being nice to others like this before. “Many of the Coven’s will reject applicants for a silly reason such as magical power when in truth they are close to being shut down due to lack of members. Unfortunately for them, they lost out on a great recruit.”

“Wait are you here to recruit me into the Emperor's Coven!?” This was the best day of my life! They only recruited the best of the best. I can’t believe that they saw potential in me!

“Oh heavens no,” Kikimora said, throwing my hopes and dreams into the dirt.

“Then why are you here? To mock me?” I asked, standing up as I planned to walk away.

“But I am here to recruit you for another Coven that I’m a part of,” she said handing me a flyer.

Welcome To The Short Stack Coven, A Coven Where You Become Your Best Self. All Applicants Welcome. Please Join Today!

“Is this some sort of joke?” I asked handing the flyer back to her. “I may only be eighteen, but I’m not gullible. Your flyer doesn’t even explain what your Coven does.”

“Well, wouldn’t you like to be given a demonstration?” Kikimora asked.

“Fine,” I said to her. Perhaps if I tried to apply to some of the newer Covens I might have a chance to be recruited. Hopefully, they wouldn’t be as sketchy.

“Okay, this is my first time trying this out on someone else so there may be a few side effects.”

“Wait what are you talking about?” Though before I could get an answer my enter body began to glow pink and I began to feel myself become smaller and smaller. But at the same time, I felt my ass, thighs, and chest start to become softer and bigger.

I accidentally let out a small moan as a pair of E-cup breasts grew out from my chest ripping my shirt. As my once flat ass began to balloon outward tearing my pants open I felt my male member get sucked into my body, turning me into a female! Though it didn’t stop there.

I kept shrinking until I was just as tall as Kikimora. My hair began to grow out, as it turn from its normal dirty brown color to pure snow white. My lips began to fill out and I felt an overwhelming wave of confidence wash over me.

“Oh my, this is-”

“It’s wonderful, isn’t it?” Kimora asked as she used magic to replace my tattered clothes with a sexy crop top and booty shorts. I know that I should have felt embarrassed by these clothes as well as my new form, but truth be told I felt good. In fact, I felt better than I have ever in my entire life.

“Though if you don’t like it I can turn you back. The spell doesn’t become permanent until the sun sets,” Kikimora said in a depressed tone.

“Why the hell would I want to turn back to the boring old me? Sign me up for your Coven already! There is no other Coven that I’d rather join!”


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