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“Ryuko-chan where are you going?” Mako asked, hearing the door to her room open.

“I’m just going out to get some fresh air, Mako go back to sleep,” Ryuko said, hoping that her friend wouldn’t hear the distress in her voice.

She had woken up in a cold sweat after having a nightmare where she remembered seeing her father die before her. Harime Nui, that bitch took everything from her, and she vowed to make her pay for what she did.

Though even with her drive for vengeance she couldn’t stop these nightmares, and they didn’t just stop at memories. Lately, she’s been having nightmares where Mako and her family met the same fate as her father. She knew that they were nothing more than a nightmare, but knowing how insane Nui was, it could easily become a reality.

“Ryuko-chan if you had a nightmare, you can sleep with me tonight,” Mako said, using her unique Mako ability to know exactly what was going on. “I’ll make sure to beat up all the nightmares for you Ryuko-chan.”

“Thanks, Mako,” Ryuko said, happy to have met such a kind person like Mako. “I’ll be fine after I get some fresh air, just go back to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Okay, night, night Ryuko-chan,” Mako said, instantly going back to sleep. It always amazed Ryuko just how carefree Mako was. If only she could relax like Mako then she wouldn’t have to worry about these nightmares.

Stepping outside she let the nice cold air begin to relax her body. Taking a midnight stroll always helped her calm her nerves. Even when she was younger and got into fights with her father, the night air always put her at peace.

“Are you alright?” Senketsu asked her, worried for his wearer’s wellbeing.

“I’m fine just a bit disturbed,” Ryuko said back to him. Even though they were partners they didn’t have to bother talking to each other about their feelings and whatnot.

“You don’t have to lie to me,” Senketsu said to her, refusing to leave her alone this time around. “It was that dream again, wasn’t it? The one where you father was killed by Nui.”


“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but you can’t hide it from me. Ryuko, I know you better than anyone else. It’s not good to keep these emotions locked up and only focus on rage.”

“And what would you know!?” she said snapping back at him, even though he was just trying to help. “You’re just a talking uniform! You’ve never had to deal with the things that I have, so just butt out already and let me deal with this my way!”

“Ryuko I’m sorry, I-”

“HELP! Somebody help me!”

All of a sudden Ryuko and Senketsu heard a young boy screaming for help. Ryuko didn’t waste any time rushing over to where the sound of his voice came from, ending their conversation right there.

By the time that they got there, they saw that three one-star Goku Uniform male students were stomping the shit out of a skinny boy with shaggy brown hair who wasn’t even half their size.

Not willing to wait around and do nothing Ryuko attacked them. While she may not have had her scissor on her at the moment, she was still easily able to deal with a few one-star students without it.

“You’ll pay for this!” the three of them yelled running away in fear. Though why was it that the bad guys always used that cliché line when they’re defeated? Was there a top ten things bad guys say when they lose book out there. Well, that didn’t quite matter. What mattered was making sure that this kid was safe.

“Are you alright?” Ryuko asked holding out her hand to help the boy, who took it seconds later. Though when he touched Ryuko’s hand she felt a cold chill go down her spine. Thinking that it was just because of the cold air she decided to ignore it.

“Th-than-k you,” the boy said, stuttering. It would seem that they really did a number on him. ‘Y-y-you-r Ryuko Motoi right? Than-ks f-or helpi-ng me.”

“No problem,” Ryuko, said to him about to leave. She wasn’t comfortable with being around a strange boy that knew her name.

“Wait where are you going?” the body asked, this time without stuttering. Was the stuttering something that just went off and on for him or was it a result from getting beat up?

“I’m going home, I’m tired and I want to sleep,” Ryuko said, walking away from the boy.

“Wait you can’t sleep, can you?” the boy asked causing her to stop. “I can help you. I used to be a member of the sleep club until a moment ago. It’s pretty obvious based on the bags that are forming under your eyes. You saved me from getting beat up so this is the least that I can do. Please tell me what’s on your mind.”

“Ryuko we shouldn’t trust him,” Senketsu said, feeling off by this kid. For some reason he felt as if this wasn’t the first time that they met before.

“It’s fine,” Ryuko said back to Senketsu, besides what’s he going to do? Attack us? I doubt that such a weak-looking kid like him would even hurt a fly.”

“Hey, I can hear that,” the boy said with a pouty expression across his face making Ryuko think that he was actually a bit cute for a second.

“So how do you plan on helping me?” Ryuko asked, curious by what this boy had planned to help her.

“Well, it’s hard to say,” the boy said back to her. “Unless I know what is troubling you, I can’t help. Please tell me why you find it hard to sleep at night.”

“Well, I don’t see the harm,” Ryuko said, now too tired to even think straight. She could tell that Senketsu was trying to warn her against talking to this kid, but she didn’t care.

“Lately I have been having these dreams, no nightmares. My father was murdered right in front of me and then my new family meets the same fate. I wake up in a cold sweat unable to do anything to stop it. No matter what I do I can’t stop these nightmares from happening. What do you think I should do about it?”

“Well, have you tried accepting it?” the boy asked her. “Try to accept your father’s death. Focusing on getting revenge on the blond girl that killed him is what’s draining you the most. You should just live your life without worry.”

“You might be… wait how did you know that my father’s killer was a girl with blond hair?” Ryuko asked slowly backing away from the boy.

“Oh Ryuko-chan,” the boy said, his voice becoming more feminine and cutesier. “If only you would have just remained ignorant for a little while longer. If you had it wouldn’t have had to come to this.

The boy then ripped off his face and clothes to reveal that he or rather she was none other than Harime Nui!

“Harime Nui!” Ryuko screamed in rage realizing that her fathers’ killer play such a prank on her. “Senketsu let’s go!” she said ripping off the pin to her bracelet to let Senketsu feed on her blood.

Once she had transformed, she started to attack Nui, but without her scissor, she found it difficult to attack her. Harime Nui was a skilled fighter and not one to look down on just for how she looked and dressed.

“Aww, no scissor with you today Ryuko-chan,” Nui said, mocking Ryuko as she easily avoided all of her attacks. “I guess we’ll have to wait to scissor each other next time.”

“Shut up!” Ryuko yelled losing more of her composure the longer she fought against Nui.

“Are you sure?” Nui asked in a cute manner that made Ryuko blush. “I’ve been told by many that I have the voice of an angel. I bet that if you didn’t yell as much your voice could eventually sound as cute as mine.”

“In your dreams!” Ryuko yelled, this time managing to hit Nui square in the face.

Nui stumbled back a bit, but it was revealed that she was unharmed. There wasn’t a single mark on her doll-like face. For a girl as cute as her a single mark would ruin her appeal.

“Now Ryuko -chan that wasn’t very nice,” Nui said back to her was a pouty face and tone. “Don’t you know that there is an etiquette among us girls that states that one must not attack the face? What kind of crude girl you are to not recognize the most important of all our rules.”

“I’ve had enough with you!” Ryuko yelled, attacking Nui again. “I’m sick and tired of how indifferent you are to everything! I’m sick and tired of looking at you trying to act cute! Start acting your age and dress like a grownup and not some spoiled little rich girl!”

“Oh my, Ryuko-chan thinks I’m cute, look Ryuko-chan I’m blushing,” she said, pointing to her now flushed face. “Though Ryuko-chan you’re wrong when you say that I’m indifferent to everything. There is one thing that I can say for certain that I’m not indifferent about and that’s you Ryuko-chan. I love you with all of my heart!”

“This is nothing more than a game to you isn’t it!?” Ryuko yelled, more furious than before. “I going to make you pay for all the lives that you have ruined!” Ryuko tried to charge at her once more, but her body would no longer move.

“What is this!? Why can’t I move!? Ryuko yelled desperately trying to move, but her body wouldn’t move an inch.

“This is why you should never let your anger get the best of you Ryuko-chan,” Nui said, skipping over to Ryuko. “If you were moving around so much trying to hit me than you would have never fallen for this trap.”

“What are you talking about!?” Ryuko yelled, trying to spit in Nui’s face at the same time.

“Oh my, such vulgar behavior from someone so cute. Ryuko-chan look closely, what do you see?” she asked with a sadistic smile forming across her face.

Ryuko focused her vision to see that her entire body was tangled up in life fiber threads! There was no way that she could get out of this without her scissor!

“You bitch! Let me go and fight me fairly!” Ryuko yelled at Nui, refusing to accept the fact that she lost.”

“It’s a shame that such a girl as cute and pretty as you is such a vulgar tomboy. If only there was a way to fix that. Wait! There is!” Nui yelled in excitement as she looked at Ryuko with a creepy grin on her face.

“Nui whatever you’re thinking just sto-” Nui knocked Ryuko out before she could protest any further. She wanted to make what she had planned for Ryuko a surprise, so it was best that she remained unconscious for now.

It didn’t take long for Nui to load Ryuko’s unconscious body into her personal helicopter and fly down to her special home that Ragyo-sama had prepared for her. She had her minions carry Ryuko into the spare room.

Nui then spent no time at all no time at all taking Senketsu off of her, despite his protest. But an ugly piece of clothing like this did not deserve to be worn by Ryuko’s adorable body. As the Grand Couturier, it was child’s play for her to do.

Using her skills she was easily able to essentially “turn off” Senketsu, making it just another ugly piece of clothing that should have been thrown into the trash a long time ago. She then took off Ryuko’s ugly stripped panties and bra, replacing them with a set of pure white underwear. Though Nui did debate whether or not she should have put her in the teddy bear pair instead. Oh well, there would be more than enough time to have her try them on later.

“Ugh, what happened?” Ryuko asked herself, trying to rub her head, but while Nui was stripping Senketsu and her underwear off of her, she made sure to tie Ryuko to the bed frame so she could move.

“Oh goody, Ryuko-chan is awake,” Nui said, clapping her hands together in joy. “Are you feeling alright Ryuko-chan? Are you hungry? Do you feel sick from the flight?”

“Nui! You bitch let me go!” Ryuko yelled struggling to free herself from the life fiber ropes that Nui used to hold her down.

“Now, now, Ryuko-chan that is no way to ask for a favor,” Nui said, scolding Ryuko to make sure that she understood what she did wrong. “If you want something you have to remember to ask in a polite manner and never forget to say please.”

“Fuck you!” Ryuko yelled, spitting directly in Nui’s face.

Nui slowly wiped the spit off from her face using a handkerchief, and her usual happy expression turned dark.

“If Ryuko-chan doesn’t want to cooperate then I am certain that she no longer cares what happens to her beloved Senketsu,” she said in a dark tone, holding up Senketsu’s lifeless form.

“You bitch! What have you done to him!” Ryuko yelled at her in rage. “I’ll kill you!”

“Tsk, tsk,” Nui said, disappointed that Ryuko was still lashing out at her. It would seem that getting her to see things her way was going to take some time.

“If Ryuko-chan insists on being a brat then I find no use in keeping this ugly piece of trash around. I wonder how Ryuko-chan would react to see it being burned to ashes?”

“You wouldn’t!” Ryuko yelled back to her in shock.

“Ryuko-chan I haven’t the foggiest clue why you even like wearing such trash, though if you stop being disobedient for now, I promise I won’t hurt him. So, what do you say?”

“Fine,” Ryuko said, hoping that this would give her the chance to get Senketsu back so she could eventually escape.

“That’s a good girl,” Nui said, patting Ryuko on the head. “Don’t worry we’ll get rid of this rebellious streak of yours, I promise. Now since you were a good girl, I’m going to put this thing in here,” Nui said, placing Senketsu inside a clear display case above the door to the room.

“I know that it is very tempting, but you should never try to take it out of this box without my permission. This box is made from one hundred percent hardened live fibers. Not even I can break through it by sheer force. Plus, if you try, I’ll know, and you’ll be heavily punished for it.”

“What game are you trying to play here Nui?” Ryuko asked, questioning Nui’s reasoning for not killing her as well.

“I simply wish to show you the error of your ways Ryuko-chan,” Nui innocently said back to her. “You’re too much of a tomboy and I can’t stand seeing such a pretty girl like yourself waste her potential. For that reason, I have decided to adopt you into my family! Aren’t you glad!? You’re going to be my new little sister!”

“You’re insane!” Ryuko yelled back at her. “I’ll never be our sister! You murdered my father!”

“Oh, poor sweet Ryuko, I saved you from your father, deep down you know that you hated him. He was never your true family, but I am certain that I can fill in the perfect position as your big sister. Besides, you don’t have a choice in this matter. Thanks to the power of the Kiryuin family you are already an official part of my family. You’re officially in my family registry as Harime Ryuko.”

“You can’t do this!” Ryuko yelled back to her in disbelief.

“Ryuko-chan my dear foolish little sister, of course, I can, though it would seem that you need some time to process this, so I’ll leave you alone for now, bye!”

Ryuko spent the next several hours trying to escape. Though no matter how hard she tugged at her restraints or called out for Senketsu to help her, it was no use. Nui had made it impossible for her to escape.

How long was she going to be here? Would Mako come for her? Ryuko started to feel dispirited by her current predicament, but that feeling was soon replaced with a sense of urgency. It had been several hours since she used the bathroom, and she could feel the pressure building.

“NUI! Nui where are you!?” Ryuko yelled.

The door to the room burst open and Nui came bouncing in.

“My, my, Ryuko-chan is there something that you need?” Nui asked innocently.

“To…li…et,” Ryuko said, making it hard for Nui to hear her.

“I’m sorry, what was that?” Nui asked, bringing her ear closer to hear her.

“I need the toilet!” Ryuko almost shouted into her ear. “I can’t hold it much longer.” Ryuko was already squirming as she neared her limit.

“Oh, if you wanted to use the bathroom all you had to do was ask,” Nui said, instantly rearranging the life fiber ropes allowing Ryuko to finally sit up. “There now come with me, we can’t have you making a wet mess everywhere now, can we?”

As Nui turned her back to Ryuko, she thought about attacking her, but her new restraints didn’t allow her much movement. It would seem that she would have to wait for just the right moment.

“Okay, here we are,” Nui said, leading Ryuko inside the bathroom that was directly connected to the room that they were in.

“Aren’t you going to untie me?” Ryuko asked her.

“And why would I do that? You can use the bathroom just fine with those on,” Nui said watching Ryuko sit down on the toilet.

“Can you at least turn around?” Ryuko was starting to feel embarrassed. She didn’t want to use the toilet in front of another girl, but she couldn’t hold it in anymore.

Ryuko’s face turned flushed as she began to relieve the pressure from her body. Small tears began to form in her eyes.

“It’s alright Ryuko-chan, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, we’re both girls here,” she said making her way to the door. “Now make sure to wash up properly, I made dinner for the two of us.”

Ryuko didn’t relax until Nui left the room. How dare she make her do something so embarrassing! She would pay!

Walking over to the sink Ryuko saw that there was a plastic toothbrush already prepared for her. Making sure that Nui wasn’t looking she silently snapped the toothbrush in half to turn it into a makeshift shiv. She then stuffed it into the side of her panties to make sure that Nui wouldn’t be able to see it.

“That’s a good girl,” Nui said mocking Ryuko as she walked out of the bathroom. “Does my little sister feel better now?”

“I’m not your sister,” Ryuko grumbled.

“Oh my, what a mean little sister you are Ryuko-chan, don’t worry I promise that I’ll do my best to become the best big sister you’ve ever had! Now follow me,” she said attaching another life fiber rope to Ryuko’s restraints, dragging her along to the dining room.

Once there Nui sat Ryuko down in a fuzzy pink seat and then took the seat right across from her.

“Go on eat up Ryuko-chan, your big sister made this just for you!” Nui happily said, pointing down to the plate of food sitting in front of Ryuko.

Ryuko looked down to see what can be best described as rainbow curry. Not going to lie that is exactly what it was. Nui had never cooked before, always having her personal chef prepare her food, but today she wanted to cook for her beloved sister.

“This isn’t edible,” Ryuko said, pushing the plate away from her.  “If I eat this, I’ll defiantly die.”

“You don’t like it,” Nui said disheartened. “But I tried my best to make something that you would like.”

“Something I would like?” Ryuko said in a pissed-off tone. “What I would like is to not be here! I don’t like curry. I hate it. Besides even if I did, I don’t have anything to eat it with, you didn’t give me any utensils.”

“I was planning on spoon-feeding you as a treat,” Nui said with a flushed face. She was hoping that if she could feed Ryuko-chan then she would open up to her some more.

“That’s it, I’m not going to stay around and listen to this crazy shit any longer!” Ryuko pulled the shiv out as she jumped onto the table, pointing it directly at Nui’s neck. “If you don’t want this jammed down your throat you better release me from these restraints and turn Senketsu back to normal.”

“Tsk, tsk, Ryuko-chan,” Nui said in a calm manner. “And here I thought that we had a mutual understanding. Well, no matter I was prepared for your resistance, to begin with.”


Nui snapped her fingers together and the next thing Ryuko knew, the life fiber restraints on her arms and legs began to expand across her entire body covering her into a cocoon.

Ryuko tried to struggle to break free, but it was no use. The last thing that she saw before the cocoon covered her face was Nui smiling down at her.

“Don’t worry Ryuko-chan, you’re just cranky from not getting enough sleep,” Nui said, as it became harder and harder for Ryuko to keep her eyes open. “When you wake up, I promise that we’ll have all sorts of fun!”

After Ryuko was asleep inside of her cute little cocoon, Nui lifted her up with ease and brought her back to her room. While their first day as sisters wasn’t completely to her liking, she actually expected it to be far worse.

“Sweet dreams Ryuko-chan,” Nui said laying Ryuko down on her bed and removing the cocoon so that she could kiss Ryuko-chan on the forehead. “I promise that I won’t make the same mistakes tomorrow.”

The next day Ryuko woke up with a splitting headache, and it felt like something was stabbing her arm. When she looked down she was shocked to see that there was an IV in her arm. Not only that but it would seem that the liber fiber restraints that limited her movements yesterday were now just bracelets.

Seeing that Nui wasn’t around she thought that this was her chance to escape. Ryuko quickly ripped off the IV from her arm and jumped out of the bed, but when she hit the ground, she collapsed.

Her body didn’t feel right. It felt weaker for some reason. Not wanting to give up Ryuko pushed herself to stand, slowly making her way over to where Senketsu was being held. Though the moment that she got close enough to reach the case, the door to the run swung open and Nui happily made her way inside.

“OMG! Ryuko-chan came to greet her big sister! I’m so proud!” Nui yelled in excitement. “I guess you’re just as excited as I am for today!”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Ryuko asked her confused by what she was talking about. “No before that tell me what did you do to my body? Why do I feel so weak?”

“Oh Ryuko-chan I’m sorry, but after yesterday’s incident with the toothbrush, you gave me no other choice. It’s your big sister’s job to keep you safe and that includes keeping you safe from yourself. You could have injured yourself.”

“I won’t allow anything bad to happen to you. So, to make sure that you won’t do anything crazy like try to escape I gave you an IV of muscles relaxant drugs with just a hint of life fibers added in with them. This should help mold you into a perfect lady like your big sister.”

“You did what!?”  Ryuko yelled trying to attack Nui, but her body wouldn’t move the way that she wanted it to anymore.”

“Calm down Ryuko-chan,” Nui said giving her a big hug to try and calm her down. Though unfortunately this only made Ryuko struggle even more. “Soon you’ll be as delicate and refined as I am. Those life fibers flowing inside your body will modify your movements. You can say goodbye to being a tomboy from now on! It’s alright to thank me!”

“Thank you? Why the hell do you think that I would thank you!?” Ryuko yelled managing to wiggle away from Nui’s hug. “I won’t be turned into a freak like you!”

“Oh my, it would seem that Ryuko-chan is upset,” Nui said hanging her head down. “Wait! That’s it!” she yelled almost instantly getting rid of her depression. “Ryuko-chan must be grumpy because she’s still in her cute underwear. Don’t worry big sister brought a surprise with her today!”

Nui left the room and then a second later she wheeled in a rack of dresses and other clothes. Each one of them was bright and colorful the exact opposite of what she would normally wear.

“No, you can’t,” Ryuko said, trying to back away, but ended up slipping and falling on her ass. “I won’t wear those! You can’t make me!”


Nui snapped her fingers and the life fiber bracelets on Ryuko’s arms and legs stopped her body from moving. It was impossible for her to escape now.

“Oh, Ryuko-chan it’s funny that you think you have a choice in this matter. Big sister knows what’s best and that means that we’re going to play dress up. I picked each one of these dresses out just for you.” Nui’s expression had turned dark, making Ryuko fear what she would do to her if she tried to resist any further. All she had to do was wear a few stupid dresses and then try to escape again.

“We’re going to play dress-up until you find a dress that you like,” Nui said, making sure that Ryuko knew she wasn’t messing around. “Now can I trust you not to try anything, or are you going to make things difficult for me?”

“I’ll… be good,” Ryuko said reluctantly. She knew that there would be other chances to escape and get her revenge, she just needed to wait a bit longer.

“That’s a good girl!” Nui said returning to her usual cheerful self. Now where to start? Oh, how about this one?” she asked holding up a pink bunny onesie.

“No, never,” Ryuko said. While she reluctantly agreed to this, it didn’t mean that she had to like this.

“Hmm, how about this one?” she said bringing out a fluffy pink sparkling dress out.”

“Not even a child would think that’s cute,” Ryuko said, being blatantly honest with her.

“It would seem that Ryuko-chan is a bit picky, to be expected of my little sister,” Nui happily said.

“Still not your sister,” Ryuko said, as Nui brought out a gorgeous red evening dress that Ryuko actually thought we look good on her. “Though that one doesn’t look too bad,” she said trying to hide her inner thoughts.

“Defiantly not,” Nui said, tossing the dress to the ground. Red is not a good color for you Ryuko-chan and this dress is far too mature for my little sister to wear.”

“What the hell!? Then why ask for my opinion in the first place?” Ryuko yelled at her, getting more annoyed. “Get the fuck out I’m not doing this, and I don’t have to,” she said refusing to play along with this foolishness any longer.

“Tsk, tsk, Ryuko-chan,” Nui said, snapping her fingers to bind Ryuko in place once again. “That is no way to talk to your big sister.”

“You’re not my fucking sister!” Ryuko yelled, prepared for anything that Nui had planned for her.


Nui slapped Ryuko across her face. Here she was trying to be a kind big sister to Ryuko-chan, but that wasn’t going to work right now. She needed to be the strict older sister that Ryuko-chan needed to guide her in the right direction.

“If I hear you swear at me again, I won’t hesitate to slap you again. This is for your own good Ryuko-chan,” Nui said, holding back her tears. She didn’t want to hurt Ryuko-chan, but she knew that this was hurting her a lot more than it was hurting her.

“Fuck you bitch!” Ryuko yelled at Nui.


For swearing at her twice she slapped Ryuko-chan twice more in the face, giving her rosy, red cheeks, which gave Nui an idea of what Ryuko would wear. But first to make sure that there were no more profanities spouted out Nui took out a single life fiber thread and sewed it over Ryuko-chan’s lips.

“I’ll take this off when you learn how to properly talk to your big sister,” Nui said while Ryuko tried to protest, but to be honest she did have it coming. Nui was trying to be a good sister while Ryuko continued to act naughty. This level of punishment should have been expected.

“Here it is!” Nui yelled with joy, pulling out a frilly and puffy tutu pink pretty princess dress! “Ryuko-chan will look amazing in this I just know she will. What do you think Ryuko-chan, do you like it?”

“Mmmmmmm!” Ryuko tried to protest and shake her head in disgust, but it was no use. Nui was in her own world right now and wouldn’t listen to anything she didn’t want to hear.

“Really Ryuko-chan, you like t so much that you want to wear it right now?” Nui asked, pretending that Ryuko was ecstatic to see the dress. “Here let big sister help you,” Nui, said making her way to Ryuko who was trying her hardest to wiggle away, but it was pointless for her to even try. Despite Ryuko being uncooperative Nui managed to get the dress and all of its accessories on Ryuko.

“OMG! You look so adorable!” Nui yelled jumping up and down in excitement. “I have to get some pictures of this! Ryuko-chan you look like an adorable dolly princess right now! Just wait until I send these picks to miss Kiryuin, she’ll be so jealous that I have you all to myself!”

For the next half hour, Nui took picture after picture of Ryuko using her life fiber bracelets to force her to pose any way that she wanted her to. Ryuko tried to protest, but since her mouth was sealed shut there was nothing that she could do.

“Okay Ryuko-chan,” Nui said placing down her camera. “Now that we’ve had our fun it’s time for you to watch a video that I made just for you!” Nui excitedly said, clapping her hands together in joy.

“Don’t worry now, just follow me,” she said, using her control over the life fibers to have Ryuko to follow after her.

As they walked through Nui’s home Ryuko looked in desperation for something that could help her escape, but it was no use. She was trapped without any hope of escape.

It didn’t take them long before Nui led Ryuko to the girliest room that she had ever seen. The walls and rug were bright pinks. Ribbons, dresses, and cute stuffed animals littered the room. And at the center of the room was a fuzzy pink chair that Ryuko’s body was heading right towards.

Once she sat down Nui wasted no time making sure that she was properly strapped down in the fuzzy pink restraints for her arms, legs, and even head. To make sure that Ryuko wouldn’t be able to look away from what she was about to be shown, Nui made sure to use a specialized device to force her to keep her eyes open.

“There, all nice and snug,” Nui said picking up a remote and then pressing a specific order of buttons on it. Seconds later a projector came down from the ceiling a video began to play on it.

“Hello there Ryuko-chan it’s your big sister Nui here!” the Nui from the video yelled out in joy. “Now I know that you’re going to have some difficulties accepting your new life, but that’s okay. Big sister has prepared this little video to help you get in touch with your girly side. I promise that once your treatments are done, you’ll be nothing more than my spoiled little sister. Now future me if you would.”

“Sure thing,” Nui said, pressing a button on the remote, and starting the actual video.

“You love Nui. Nui is your big sister. Pink is your favorite color. You like all things girly. You hate fighting. You love being pampered by your big sister.”

Multiple images passed by the screen faster than the human eye could process while repeating the same phrases over and over. No matter how hard she tried to resist in the end she become Nui’s cute little sister.

Thanks to the life fibers that Nui placed inside of Ryuko’s body it was only a matter of time. They would weaken her resistance though Nui was a tad bit impatient and wanted to make this process go faster.

While Ryuko was desperately struggling to free herself from her restraints Nui brought out some blonde hair dye. Since Ryuko couldn’t resist her at the moment right now was the perfect opportunity to give her a makeover.

Not knowing what was going on Ryuko struggled even more, but it was once again no use. No matter what she did her efforts would be in vain and she knew that.

Once the hair dye had been applied Nui eft Ryuko alone for a few minutes before coming back with a needle filled with life fiber threads. These threads were specifically designed to help Nui keep her hair neat while she fought, and they would be perfect to use on Ryuko-chan.

Not waiting long, Nui stuck the needle right into Ryuko's head. A few seconds the life fibers started to take effect, permanently fusing the blond hair dye to her hair. After that, it slowly began to grow to Ryuko’s horror as she could feel every part of the change.

Her hair then began to mold and shape itself into giant bouncy twin blonde drills just like Nui’s! Now Ryuko-chan no longer looked like a tomboy, but a cute little princess.

“There much better, but there is still something missing,” Nui said as she thought for a second before pulling out a giant pink bow much like her own out of nowhere, placing it on Ryuko-chan’s head.

As she did the life fibers that it was made out of began to permanently fuse themselves to Ryuko’s head. Not knowing what was going on tears started to flow out of her eyes. It would seem that the regression effect from the bow had already started to affect her thanks to the trauma that she has gone through these past few days.

“Ryuko-chan you like my video that much that you’re crying tears of joy! Big sister is so happy that you care for her this much already,” Nui said, knowingly mocking Ryuko-chan. She knew what she was doing and how Ryuko-chan felt at the moment, but she just couldn’t help herself but to torment her future sister like this.

“Okay, Ryuko-chan, big sister has a few things to do, so I won’t be back for a few hours. Promise that you’ll be good and watch the video big sister made for you.”

“Mmmmmmmmmmh” Ryuko wanted nothing more than to kill Nui right now. She wouldn’t give Nui the satisfaction of doing whatever she wanted she would fight back!

“I love you too Ryuko-chan,” Nui said making her way to the door. “I’ll be back soon, so just sit tight.”

For the next several hours Ryuko struggled over and over to break free while being forced to watch Nui’s hypnotic video, though Ryuko knew that it didn’t affect her at all. She would get through this, and if she did her big sister would be so proud of her.

Wait did she just think what she thought she thought? War her big sister’s brainwashing actually working on her? Wait why can’t she call big sister by her name even in her own thoughts? Oh god, what was happening to her!?

“Oh, Ryuko-chan I’m back!” Nui yelled barging her way into the room carrying a full body mirror. “Big sister has a present for you,” she said placing the mirror facing away from Ryuko-chan. After that she released Ryuko of all of her restraints, including the life fiber thread that bound her mouth, allowing her to move around and talk.

As Ryuko stood up from the chair, she couldn’t help but notice that she needs to use the bathroom, though before she could tell her big sister, Nui flipped the mirror around showing Ryuko to her horror her new look.

“No, no, no!” Ryuko yelled out in fear, almost passing out from shock after seeing her new appearance. Ryuko desperately tried to pull the giant pink bow from her head. Though the moment she tried pulling it an almost paralyzing shock went throughout her body and the next thing that she knew she started to feel something warm roll down her legs.

Terrified Ryuko looked down and to her horror she realized that she had just wet herself. Falling to her knees if despair she saw her big sister look down at her. Part of her wanted nothing more than to yell at her saying that it was all her fault, but another part of her wanted her big sister to comfort her.

“Oh my, did little Ryuko-chan have an accident?” Nui asked with a pleased look on her face.

“Wahhhhhhhhhh!” Ryuko couldn’t hold herself back from crying now, she thought that she could fight her big sister, but she was wrong.  “I hate you! I hate this dress; I hate this hair! It’s all your fault!” Ryuko yelled no longer caring if she acted like a spoiled brat. She just needed to vent out her frustration.

“Oh my, what I big baby you are,” Nui said, mocking the crying Ryuko-chan “It would seem that it is still too soon for a baby like you to wear big girl panties. Though luckily for you I brought back the perfect thing,” she said pulling out a pack of pony themed pullups.

“No!” When Ryuko saw her big sister pull out the pack of pull up her first instincts were to run, but she was no match for her big sister. Within seconds Nui already had Ryuko-chan’s private area cleaned and put the pullup on her before she could even kick at her big sister.

“No! I don’t want this! I’m a bwig girl!” Ryuko yelled at her big sister, not noticing that just for a split second there she had a lisp. Though Nui noticed it and she was thrilled. “Big sister is a meanie!”

“OMG! You called me big sister!” Nui creamed in joy, picking Ryuko-chan up in her arms. You deserve a treat how about some cake?” Nui asked Ryuko-chan who was still very distressed by what was happening to her mind and body.

“Cake?” Ryuko actually started to calm down when she heard the word cake. She didn’t understand the reason why, but her big sister did. In her hypnosis video, she put several key phrases which would allow her to calm Ryuko down.

Overall, her brainwashing of Ryuko would have been this effective in just a few hours if it wasn’t for the help of the life fibers. Without them, it would have taken her days or weeks to get to this stage.

Nui then lead the no longer resisting Ryuko back to the dining room where a seat was already set for her. She then sat Ryuko-chan down before making her way back to the kitchen to get Ryuko-chan a slice of cake that unknown to her had many high-grade laxatives for her to consume.

When Nui brought in the cake Ryuko was disappointed to see that she was giving kiddie utensils to use.

“I’m a bwig girl, I don’t need this kind of silverware,” she said shoving the silverware away from her not aware of how she was acting. If she was in her right mind she would be embarrassed by her current actions.

“Ryuko-chan if you don’t want to use the silverware provide to you then there is no reason to give you this piece of cake now is there?” Nui said, pretending to take the cake away.

“No! My cake!” Ryuko screamed. “I want my cake! Give it you bwitch!”

“I gave you a chance to have something nice, but you are too spoiled for your own good, Nui said placing the cake on the table far enough away from Ryuko-chan so she couldn’t get it.

“Come here,” she said, picking Ryuko-chan up and bending her over her knee.

“Let me go!  I want my cake!” Ryuko yelled and screamed, but Nui needed to make sure that Ryuko in her currently regressing mindset knew who was the boss.


Nui began to spank her sister multiple times over her pullup which helped soften the blows, but it still hurt Ryuko a lot.

“Stop it! Wahhhhh! I’m dorry! Pwease stop!” Ryuko cried as Nui spanked her, unable to control her regressing emotions any longer.

After another minute of being spanked Nui finally stopped and embraced the crying Ryuko-chan.

“There, there,” Nui said in a loving voice. “Big sister isn’t mad at you, just disappointed. If you promise from now on to do what I say, I won’t have to spank you again.”

“I pwromise,” Ryuko said, as she started to feel sleepy.

“That’s a good girl,” Nui said carrying Ryuko back to her room. She didn’t bother tying her down tonight since there was no longer a chance for Ryuko-chan to escape. The only real chance that she had was when she first woke up here, but she wasted it.

It was unfortunate that she couldn’t get Ryuko to take the laxatives of her own free will, but that didn’t mean that they couldn’t be administered, she thought to herself as she prepared the IV again. It would be fun for her to see Ryuko-chan's distressed face in the morning.

And she was right. The next morning Ryuko woke up and her mental state had almost returned to normal after recovering from what happened yesterday, but the moment that she saw her wet pull-up she started to ball her eyes out.

Upon entering the room Nui was overjoyed to see Ryuko in such a distressed state. Plus, she was happy to see that Ryuko had finally started to physically regress as well. While it wasn’t too noticeable just, it was clear to Nui that Ryuko had started to loom younger.

“There, there,” Nui said walling over to embrace Ryuko-chan who didn’t fight her affection but accepted it this time around. “That’s a good girl, now let’s get you cleaned up and ready to watch that video again,” she happily said to her.

Once Ryuko was cleaned up she was brought back to the same room as yesterday and forced to watch the same video for hours since she was wearing protection Nui didn’t have to stop the video to give her a bathroom break.

This chain of events continued for several more days. With each day that went by Ryuko-chan became more and more in tune with being Nui’s little sister. Nui was overjoyed with Ryuko-chan’s cooperation, but she knew that this was only just the beginning.

It was several days later when Ryuko’s mind was finally broken and to signify that change she woke up to find that she had wet the bed. It was as if the last bits of Ryuko Matoi were flushed right out of her causing her to wet herself enough so that the pull-up couldn’t hold it all.

“Wahhhhhhh! Big sister! Big sister!” Ryuko cried over and over again for Nui to come to her aide.

When Nui finally arrived, she looked at Ryuko and smiled, knowing that her plan finally succeeded Ryuko was now permanently her little sister, in both body and mind.

Nui walked over and picked Ryuko up from her soaked bed. Ryuko was now almost half the size of Nui, making it easier for her to hold her in her arms.

“B-b-bi-big si-sister I sworry!” Ryuko cried as Nui brought her over to her changing table. I didn’t mean it!”

“It’s alright,” Nui said laying Ryuko down and then wiping her tears away. “Big sister isn’t mad at you. Mistakes happen, but as we can both see pull-ups are not going to work anymore. We’ll have to put you in diapers from now on to prevent future leaks.”

“But I big girl,” Ryuko said as if there was still a small piece of herself begging not to be humiliated any further.

“Ryuko-chan, big girls don’t wet the bed,” Nui said, telling Ryuko that she would never be a big girl ever again. “Now hold still and wait for big sister to get you changed.”

“Okay,” Ryuko said patiently waiting for Nui to change her. Once she was done Ryuko noticed that the diaper was much bigger than her pullup and she found it harder to walk after Nui put her down on the ground.

“Come along Ryuko-chan,” Nui said looking down at her adorable little sister. “It’s time to get you something special to eat for being such a good girl.”

“Is it cake!?” Ryuko said, almost forgetting the fact that she just wet the bed.

“You’ll see,” Nui said, a sneaky grin forming across her face as she looked at Ryuko-chan.

“No!!!!! I don’t want it! It's nasty!” Ryuko yelled trying to smack the spoon away from her. Once Nui had Ryuko strapped into a high chair that she had personally designed for her, Nui brought out Ryuko-chan's least favorite food, her rainbow curry.

“Now, now, Ryuko-chan you have to eat this,” Nui said patiently watching her sister squirm. It amussed her seeing her once enemy as nothing more than a whiny little girl in a diaper refusing to eat with all of her might.

“I don’t wanna!” Ryuko cried, but when she did this gave Nui a chance to put the spoon with the rainbow curry in her mouth.

“Ack! Ack! No nasty!” Ryuko started to gag as she was forced to eat the rainbow curry.

“Ryuko-chan you have to eat the curry,” Nui mockingly said to Ryuko knowing how bad the curry must taste t her. “You want to be big and strong like your big sister one day, don’t you?”


Without waiting to hear Ryuko’s response she began to force-feed Ryuko until all of the curry was gone, and her belly was completely bloated with the nasty stuff.

“What a good girl you are!” Nui said with joy. “You deserve a present.”

“No, no more curry,” Ryuko cried, afraid that she would have to eat more of it.

“It’s alright Ryuko-chan there will be no more curry,” Nui said lifting her off her highchair and placing her on the ground. “What I have for you is a special present, in fact, it’s not just one present but two.”

“Really!” Ryuko yelled, her face lit up with joy, wondering what she was going to receive.

Nui then led Ryuko all the way to her bedroom which was already covered with pictures of Ryuko during her transformation.

“Sit right here,” Nui said, sitting Ryuko-chan down on her makeup stool. While her little sister was still too young for make-up that didn’t mean that she shouldn’t still look her best.

Nui went into her jewelry box and brought out an exact replica of the pair of earing that she was wearing currently, though there was one difference between them. This pair had built in tracking software so she could make sure that she knew where Ryuko-chan was at all times.

“Okay Ryuko-chan stay completely still,” Nui said, preparing to pierce Ryuko-chan’s ears.

“Big sis- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!” Ryuko began to scream out in pain as Nui pierced both of her ears without warning.

“It hurts!!!! It hurts!!!” Ryuko yelled out, unable to stop herself from crying. She hugged her big sister hoping that she could do something to make the pain stop.

“Ryuko-chan, look at me, look at me,” Nui said, getting Ryuko to focus on her while the pain faded away. “See the pains gone, big sister didn’t mean to hurt you, but it was better for you that I did it without telling you because now it’s done and you look so much cuter because of it,” she said pointing to Ryuko’s new earrings.

“Now for your other gift, hold out your hand,” Nui said to Ryuko-chan who obeyed without question. “This is for you it will protect you.

Ryuko looked down and in her hand was an eyepatch that was just like her sisters.

“I can look just like big sister?” Ryuko asked who already looked like a tinier version of Nui in terms of both appearance and clothes.

“Yes, you can, but remember once it’s one it will never come off,” Nui said warning Ryuko-chan, though in the end no matter what she said, Ryuko-chan would wear it. It was a small piece of revenge that she was waiting to inflict upon Ryuko, “an eye for an eye”.

Ryuko put on the eyepatch without questioning her. She was her big sister, and she knew what was best for her.

“OMG! You look so adorable!” Nui yelled hugging her little sister. You stay right here okay, bug sister has to make a call,” Nui said making her way into the next room to make a video call.

“Ragyo-sama! I have great news look!” Nui said pointing the camera over to where Ryuko-chan was. “Isn’t she adorable?”

“Indeed,” Ragyo said from her side of the call. “Nui you have certainly outdone yourself getting to turn that man’s daughter into a near-exact copy of yourself. I am certain that you have already molded her to be a valuable asset for my cause.”

“Of course, Ragyo-sama, she will make a great replacement for Satsuki, the failure that calls herself your daughter.”

“Nui how many times must I tell you not to pick fights with her,” Ragyo said shaking her head. “Satsuki is performing the task that I gave her quite well. And you must know by now that I think of you as more of a daughter than she will ever be. In fact, since your new sister has already been merged with your life fibers that makes her my daughter as well.”

“As the daughter of the CEO of the Revocs Corporation and the younger sister of the Grand Couturier I do believe that we should work on her public image, and it just so happens that I have the perfect position for her to play.”

Once Nui finished up her call with Ragyo, she went back to where Ryuko was after stopping down in the kitchen. Ryuko was busy admiring her big sister's clothes but ran over to Nui the moment she saw her.

“My little sister is such a good little girl isn’t she?” Nui said, bending over to become eye level with her. “Your big sister brought you some milk, it will help you grow big and strong,” she said bringing out some warm milk poured into a baby bottle and in addition that it was also laced with laxatives. Upon seeing the baby bottle, Ryuko turned away from her sister.

“I don’t want it!” she said refusing to take the bottle. “I bwig girl!”

“It’s to make sure you don’t spill it on the ground,” Nui said trying to convince her to drink it.

“No, I bwig girl! I want bwig girl cup!”

“I big girl wouldn’t complain and drink the milk,” Nui said, trying to trick Ryuko to drink it. “But if you don’t want to drink it then I guess we won’t have cake later tonight.

Upon hearing that there would be cake Ryuko grabbed the bottle and started to drink from it as fast as she could. Once she finished it she was about to demand her big sister for cake when she started to feel sleepy, eventually passing out.

The next morning Ryuko woke up to a foul strength. Looking around the room she couldn’t find the source of the smell, but then she noticed her big sister looking at her with a smile on her face.

To Ryuko’s horror, she found out that the smell was coming from her. While she slept she must have messed her diaper thanks to all the milk and rainbow curry she ate last night. Ryuko began to cry, begging her big sister to change her.

“Aww, looks like the little baby made a mess, it stinks in here! Though this is to be expected from a baby like you. You better get used to it Ryuko-can because from now on my “yummy” rainbow curry and a milk diet is all a little baby girl like you will be allowed to eat. Don’t worry I promise that if you’re good you’ll still get cake sometimes.”

-Several weeks later-

It had been weeks since Ryuko-chan had disappeared and Mako had searched everywhere but couldn’t find her. No one else seemed to care that much and thought that Ryuko would be just fine, but Mako knew that Ryuko-chan was in trouble and needed her help.

“Welcome the brand-new shining star of the Revocs Cooperation. Newest adoptive daughter of our own CEO and the younger sister of the Grand Couturier. Welcome to the world of modeling for both teenagers and toddlers! We give you Ryuko Harime!”

Upon hearing her name yelled out on the giant television before her Mako looked up to see a younger version of Nui Harime molding in a commercial wearing a giant diaper. Mako wanted to think that it was just nothing until she saw a tiny piece of red hair.



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