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“Mina remind me again why I have to dress up in this manner?” Alice asked, as Min and the other maids guided her to the door. “Last time mother hosted a tea party we were able to wear thin springtime dresses. Why do we have to wear these bulky and uncomfortable dresses now?”

“Miss, we have been over this before,” Mina said, leading Alice toward the garden where the tea party would soon be held. “Your mother has an important meeting with the Anderson shipping company CEO. She is a very old-fashioned person and always requests to be met in this attire.”

“Your mother wanted your sister to take part in the meeting with her today, but Miss Alexis is currently out shopping right now. Your mother didn’t want to involve you in any of her business affairs, but it would seem that the Anderson family as well as many other families now know of your existence. You are one of the most important people to meet as of now.”

“What do you mean?” Alice asked back, confused by what Mina was talking about. “Why would anyone want to meet me? I thought I was considered a freak?”

“That would be the case for bigots like that scumbag uncle of yours. People have now realized that you are a wildcard. As the youngest daughter of the Rhodes family, there will be many people that will try to gain your favor from now on.”

“Why? I don’t think that I’m that important.” Alice was confused, what would anyone want with a girl that plans on being the next Queen of Games? “It’s not like I have anything that I can offer them.”

“That would be where you are wrong,” Mina said to Alice. “While young master Atticus will inherit the main Rhodes fortune and family company, both you and your sister play key roles. Miss Alexis has already proven that she is able to run several of the Rhodes’ branch companies and is on her way of taking over five years after she graduates from Duel Academy. Playing duel monsters is a somewhat a marketing strategy that she came up with to draw in a whole new crowd of people to both become the Rhodes family consumers and employees.”

“That’s amazing!” Alice said shocked. “I never knew that Alexis was taking on so much already.”

“Indeed,” Mina said, smiling back to Alice. “As for you, you now also play a key role in the Rhodes family.”

“What do you mean?” Alice asked.

“As the youngest daughter, you too will also eventually inherit some of the Rhodes family fortune and several of the branch companies yourself. In addition to that, the man or woman you will marry will have direct ties to the Rhodes family, and their assets. For that reason, there are many other prominent families that believe that your parents will sell you off to the highest bidder.”

“This is one of the reasons why the CEO of the Anderson shipping company has come here today. She most likely will try to set you up with her son, to gain a foothold in the Rhodes family.”


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