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“Miss please stay still,” Mina said tightening Alice’s corset.

“Ugh, easy for… you to say, ugh… you’re not the one that, ugh… is getting her… chest crushed!” Alice whined gripping the edges of her full body mirror.

“There done,” Mina said, as she and another maid finished tying the corset down.

“Ugh, I don’t think I will ever get used to this,” Alice said, slowly rubbing her sides.

“Miss Alexis also said the same thing when she had to wear a corset for the first few times,” Mina said, giving Alice an innocent smile. “Now hold up your arms while we put your dress on you.”

Alice did as she asked and within the next five minutes, Mina and the three other maids there put her midnight blue dress over her body. This dress and corset were prepared especially for the tea party she was about to attend.

Over the course of the past few weeks, Alice has done her best to follow her mother’s teachings. While she wasn’t as overbearing as before she was indeed a strict teacher. She had to learn everything from manners to how to dress and even dance. These past few weeks were some of the hardest moments of her life.

Though despite her displeasure with the lessons, she stuck through them in order to keep her promise to her father. True it wasn’t a written agreement that she had to follow anything that her mother told her, but it was a matter of honor for her.

Mina herself was impressed by how far Alice was willing to go. Most people would have already quit in rage after a few days of Ariana’s teachings. Her mistress demanded perfection and could be quite overbearing with her demands. Though Alice stuck through it all the way.

She might not notice the changes herself, but she’s defiantly become a much more refined lady in these past few weeks. It has actually come to a point where she is just as refined as Miss Alexis.

Plus, Miss Alice no longer complains about wearing other feminine clothes, like the dress she is wearing now. Unfortunately for both her and her mistress, Alice still wouldn’t cosplay for them again. Though to be honest they did deserve it after what they did. It was lucky for them that Alice didn’t carry too many grudges.

“You look wonderful,” Mina said, guiding her to sit down. “Now just sit still for a bit while we do your makeup for you.”

“And why couldn’t you have put it on before putting me in the dress?” Alice asked, a bit annoyed with how much prep work she had to do just to go to a tea party.

“Miss, you know all too well that your makeup would have smeared if we put your makeup on first,” Mina said while holding Alice’s chin up so she could apply a ruby red lipstick to her lips.

After several more minutes of sitting still and waiting for her maids to finish, Alice was finally able to stand once again. While walking in heels and a corset was indeed difficult Alice was able to manage thanks to her mother’s lessons.


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