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“You’re majesty please be careful,” Lucy said, watching Queen Hisui enter the castle ruins.

“Relax a bit Lucy,” Hisui said back to her. “If I wanted to be treated like a kid I would have brought my guards with me. I purposely sent that request to you so we could hang out and have some fun.”

“People think being a Queen is easy, but it’s not. Sometimes I just want to relax, and be treated like the ojousama I am. I’m sick and tired of all this constant paperwork and not to mention the constant complaints that I get about all of the magic guilds in Fiore.”

“Sorry about that your majesty,” Lucy said, carefully making her way through the castle. “The other members of Fairy Tail can be a bit rowdy.”

“Lucy you don’t have to call me that, just call me Hisui,” she said, turning around to face Lucy. “We’ve already been through a lot together so it’s not like we’re strangers. And you don’t have to worry, no one else is here besides the two of us.”

‘”As you wish your-, Hisui-san.” Lucy was happy that she could spend this time with the princess, but it would take some time to treat her like everyone else.

“Hey Lucy, what’s this?” Hisui, asked, running into another room, with Lucy following right after her.

“It’s beautiful,” Lucy said as she stared in disbelief at the one-foot-tall ruby statue of the most beautiful woman she had ever seen.

“This is the lost statue of the first Queen of Fiore,” Hisui said as she began to reach out for the statue. “I thought that this had long been lost. Who could have guessed that it would be here in these ruins.”

“Hisui, I don’t think that you should touch that,” Lucy said, feeling an icy chill go down her spine. She had spent enough time with Natsu to know when something dangerous was about to happen.

“Nonsense,” Hisui said, picking up the statue without hesitation. “See it’s just a normal statue, there’s nothing worry ab-”

All of a sudden the statue began to glow a vibrant pink hue and then the next thing they knew they were engulfed in that very same light!

“Hisui-san, are you alright,” Lucy asked as her eyes started to adjust from the flash. Though for some reason her head and clothes felt a lot heavier.

“I’m over here,” Hisui, said in a weak voice. Whatever that flash was it knocked her down to her feet and now it felt as if something was tangling her legs together.

“Here, let me help you,” Lucy said, her eyes finally adjusted enough to notice Hisui’s strange appearance.

Hisui was now wearing a green and white Victorian southern belle dress, along with white thin strap high heels. Her usually long and wavy green hair was now balled up into a giant Victorian-style bun.

“Oh my, Lucy, what happened to you,” Hisui gasped, looking at Lucy. She wasn’t the only one who received an outfit change,.

Lucy was now wearing a white and gold gothic style Victorian dress, in addition to a lovely diamond-encrusted white heels. Her hair was tied back in a gothic Victorian bun, which was a great contrast to  Hisui’s. They looked perfect together, almost as if they were ready to go to a ball.

“What do you mean me,” Lucy said, unable to keep her eyes off of Hisui. “You look stunning!”

“Really, because I think that you look even more so,” Hisui, said, eyeing Lucy with a lustful glare. “Though how did this happen to us?”

“I think it was the statue,” Lucy said, looking down at the statue which was now broken in half. “This must be some sort of prank left by your ancestor.”

“Pfft, they call this a prank,” Hisui said, unable to hold back a small chuckle. Her ancestor was truly an odd woman, though by the looks of it she had impeccable taste.

“ You know, if I was a boy I would ask you for a dance right here and now,” Lucy said, jokingly to Hisui.

“Well, no one said that you had to be a boy to ask someone to dance,” Hisui said holding out her hand, which Lucy graciously took. “If you would do the honor.”

“As you wish ojousama,” Lucy said, kissing the back of Hisui’s hand, before pulling her in.

While they danced Lucy and Hisui couldn’t help themselves from giggling at one another. This wasn’t the sort of trip that either of them expected, but they both could agree that it couldn’t have turned out any better.

Once they were done dancing, Lucy summoned Virgo and they sat down for some tea. Though at the time they were unaware that the broken statue had started to glow again.

This time unlike the physical changes that they experienced before; this one was more mental. Lucy’s and Hisui’s minds were soon filled with the same thoughts of the ojousama’s that existed while Hisui’s ancestor was still alive.

Their speech become more formal, and their manners became more refined They were acting as the ojousama’s that they truly were. Neither of them aware were aware of these changes, enjoying their new selves.

After their fun day together they made their way back to Lucy’s place. Hisui had commissioned Lucy for the entire week, and since the ruins of the castle were closer to Magnolia, Lucy offered to let Hisui stay with her.

Though this would only be their accommodations for a short while. Something as small as this was not befitting ojousama’s such as themselves.

The next day they made a grand entrance into the guild. Everyone was shocked to see what they were wearing. Yet none of them could actually bring themselves to get close to them. It was as if they knew that they were not worthy to be near them.

That was if you didn’t count Wendy. For a little while, Wendy just watched as they had tea in the back courtyard. They were so elegant and beautiful that Wendy couldn’t help admiring them. To her, they looked exactly like the princess’ that she read about when she was younger.

“Wendy dear, please come sit with us,” Lucy said, motioning Wendy to take the seat next to her.

“Thank you Lucy-san,” Wendy said, nervously as she sat down.

“Here have some tea, and cookies,” Hisui said, pouring Wendy a cup of earl grey while pushing the plate of cookies towards her.

“Thank you,” Wendy said back to them, slowly sipping her tea. “Um, Lucy-san is there, um a reason, you're dressed like this?” Wendy asked gazing down at Lucy’s and Hisui’s Victorian dresses.

“You don’t have to be nervous dear,” Lucy said, caressing Wendy’s cheek.

Wendy was like an adorable little lamb, one that could easily be led to do whatever she wanted her to do. Though for someone as adorable as her that would be unwise Lucy looked over to Hisui and it would seem that they were both in agreement.

It would seem that statue did not only turn them into beautiful ojousama’s, but it gave them the power to turn others as well. A power that Lucy and Hisui were dying to use.

“Um Lucy-san, what’s going on?” Wendy asked as she saw her body start to glow pink. “I feel weird.”

“Hush now,” Lucy said, putting her finger lightly over Wendy’s as she watched her new daughter transform.

Wendy’s dress transformed into a bright pink Victorian gothic Lolita dress. Two pink ribbons appeared in her hair as it started to spin and curl around forming into what looked like drills. A pair of flat white heels appeared on her feet and finally, an adorable little purse appeared in her arm.

Wendy stood there shocked by what happened, while Lucy and Hisui admired how cute their new daughter was. Two golden crowns now sat on Lucy’s and Hisui’s heads, while a diamond-encrusted silver sat on top of Wendy’s.

“Mother, huh, why can’t I say your name?” Wendy asked herself, trying to say Lucy’s name, but instead called her mother. “Mother, wha-” Wendy tried to call out Hisui’s name, but that turned out the same.

“What’s going on!” Wendy yelled, getting annoyed that she couldn’t say their name.

“Sweety, you know that it’s improper for an ojousama to yell,” Lucy said. It was her job as Wendy’s new mother to teach her manners. She would not have an undisciplined child.

“I am sorry mother,” Wendy said without thinking. Even though it was Lucy’s and Hisui’s job to raise Wendy into a fine ojousama, the spell that they infected her with did most of the work. There was no need to worry, as Wendy would soon assimilate as they had.

“That’s better,” Hisui said. She was overjoyed how Wendy turned out and even more so to see how Lucy had already adapted to her. “Now finish your tea,” Hisui, sweetly said to her daughter.

“There is still much that we have to do,” Lucy said, looking around at all of the guild members that were currently watching them. Most of them were disgusting men, none of which were worthy to look at them. It disgusted her to think what they were thinking about while looking at them with their perverted gazes.

“What do you mean mother,” Wendy asked, innocently taking a small bite out of her cookie.

Lucy and Hisui now knew that they could turn the females around them into lovely ojousama’s. It was only a matter of time before every member of their guild would be transformed into the perfect versions of themselves.

While that was inherently their mission, that did not apply to Wendy. Forcing their new daughter to take part in this would be too much for her. They would have to remove her from this sight before their new utopia was created.

“Wendy dear, I have a request for you,” Lucy said as both she and Hisui caressed their daughter's cheek.

“What is it, mother?” Wendy asked curiously as to why her two perfect mothers needed her help.

“Inside Makarov’s office, there is a simple piece of documentation that we would like you to acquire for us. It is the deed to Fairy Tail. We will be needing it later, but you have to promise not to bring it to us until we come for you.”

“If it’s for my mother’s then I will not fail,” Wendy said with a bright smile across her face. She was now completely under their spell, as their cute, lovely, and loyal daughter.

“That’s good to hear,” Hisui said, happy with how eager Wendy was to help. “Now run along, your mommies have to get to work.”

“As you wish mother,” Wendy said, elegantly making her way back into the guild.

From there all that was left was to begin. Lucy and Hisui used the second ability granted to them by the statue. They created a magical field where only their magic could be used. Then one by one they began to turn each and every female there into beautiful ojousama’s.

At first just like Wendy, they resisted the change, but it didn’t take them long to assimilate as well. Each one of them is endowed with Victorian-style dresses and hairstyles. Their personalities are being rewritten to become elegant ojousama’s.

Shocked and afraid by what they saw the men around them tried to flee, but it was already too late. Black collars appeared around their necks as their shirts disintegrated from their bodies. Those with less than desirable bodies had to be fixed.

Lucy and Hisui used their magic to expand their muscles as well as form six-pack abs on their bodies. Then before they could resist any further their eyes glossed over; they were now nothing more than sexy little boy toys who would obediently serve their new ojousama’s.

Leaving the new ojousama’s to play with their new toys behind, Lucy and Hisui made their way back into the guild where most of the remaining members were waiting for them.  They were about to start transforming everyone else when Natsu barged right through the front door.

“And I keep telling you that last piece was mine!” he yelled loudly at Happy.

“But you said you didn’t want it!” Happy yelled back at him.

“I was saving it for later!” Natsu yelled at Happy again.

Overall Natsu’s presence shouldn’t have changed Lucy and Hisui’s plan, but upon seeing Natsu, Lucy came up with a better idea for her naive crush.

“Oh, Natsu,” Lucy said sweetly, waving at him to come over to them.

“Lucy? Hisui? What the hell are you guys wearing? You both look ridiculous!” he yelled at them, as he made his way over to them. “It doesn’t suit you at all.”

“While crude may your words be, I do believe that you’re right, don’t you agree Hisui?” Lucy looked over to Hisui then once again she instantly understood what Lucy was thinking.

“I think that our new look would look best on you,” Lucy said as she leaned in and kissed Natsu on the mouth without hesitation. Then as Lucy’s lips left Natsu’s Hisui’s then made contact.

“What the hell are you doing!?” Natsu yelled in confusion. “That’s disgusting! How vulgar of you! Wait, why did I just say that?”

Lucy and Hisui smiled at one another, watching Natsu’s body glow pink.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” Natsu screamed out in pain. Unlike the offers that only had their clothes and mind changed, Natsu’s transformation was far more severe, and it couldn’t be done with just transformation magic like Mira’s, no this had to become permanent, so it was going to hurt.

Sweat started to pour down Natsu’s face as he fell to the ground in pain. His bones started to crack his muscles started to shrink, as his body began to change. Natsu was scared and confused, but oddly enough at the same time euphoric. What the heck was going on, what did those two do to him?

Natsu felt his spine begin to pop in certain positions and his shoulders start to break. As his upper torso began to take a more feminine form, his arms and legs followed suit. His arms became more slender as they lost their muscle and his hands daintier, while his legs became thinner.

He dug his fingernails into the floor as the pain intensified and all the excess hair across his body disappeared. At the same time both his chest, ass, and hips started to expand. All of his unused fat and now useless muscles were redistributed across his body into these spots.

His hair turned grew longer, but was so set into the same style as Lucy and Hisui’s. Finally, when the pain started to recede he felt a wave of ecstasy spread across his body as his manhood receded inside of him turning him into a woman!

As Natsu rose from his/her feet, her now unusable clothes began to morph around her body forming a scarlet red Victorian gothic dress. His black sandals turned into thin strap red high heels, encrusted with rubies. Finally, a gorgeous diamond necklace appeared around Natsu’s neck completing her new look.

“My heaven’s what have you two done to me.” Upon saying those words, Natsu was shocked. Never before did he/she said these kinds of words. What did Lucy and Hisui do to him/her? Did she actually enjoy this?

Lucy and Hisui looked lovingly at Natsu who was adorable trying to fight against the assimilation. Though just like the rest Natsu soon became a beautiful ojousama queen herself as a golden crown appeared on her head, signifying that her transformation was complete.

“Oh my, what a brute I was,” Natsu said, in a daintier tone. “I am ever so sorry for whatever trouble I caused you.”

Natsu’s transformation may have been a bit too much on her mind. Seeing that her speech was more elegant than theirs. Though they couldn’t help but be satisfied by their new lover's appearance and attitude.

While the three of them were off in their own little world the rest of the guild stood there in shock after seeing what happened to Natsu. Scared for their lives they tried to run, but just like the others before them, they were too slow.

They once again created a magical field where only their magic could be used, making it impossible for any of them to fight back. Then one by one they began to turn each and every female there into beautiful ojousama’s.

Though unlike before there were now several ladies, whose beauty exceeded the three queens. Finding this unacceptable, the queens turned as well as brainwashed those ladies into their personal maids, one for each queen and one for their little princess Wendy.

Though after counting all of their new maids, they discovered that there were seven of them. Too many for them just to have one maid, but too little for them to have the same number.

That problem eventually fixed itself. While Lucy and Hisui began dealing with the men, turning them all into their slaves/boy toys, Natsu found Mira, Jenny, and Lisanna hiding behind the bar counter.

Seeing this as the perfect opportunity, Natsu transformed these three lovely ladies into the last three ojousama queens that they needed. Finally, everyone that was in the guild at this moment was turned into beautiful ojousama’s.

Once everything was done on their part, Lucy, Hisui, and Natsu, went to retrieve their daughter. Wendy had long since found the deed to the guild and was waiting patiently for her mothers to come for her. While she was shocked at first when she saw Natsu take the place of her third mother, so accepted it wholeheartedly.

Several days had passed since Fairy Tail’s ojousamafication, and things couldn’t have been much better. The guild was refurbished into a refined tea hall, for all the ojousama’s to chat and enjoy one another’s company.

At first, when Makarov saw the state that the guild was in he tried to object, but in his condition, it was nothing more than child play to get him to sign the guild over to Lucy, Hisui, and Natsu, who afterward admitted him into a retirement home.

They ruled their new guild, The Fairy Tea guild as its queens, with Wendy as their princess who was pampered by all three of them. They stood higher than anyone else, and no one would dare go against them.

Mira, Jenny, and Lisanna, who were queens in their own right, thanks to Natsu spent their time showing the other ojousama’s how to act. They were even the ones that started showing off their boy toys, turning it into an unsaid competition.

Interestingly enough the men didn’t seem to mind. Whether it was an after effect of the spell cast on them or their innate desire to serve their ojousama’s they actually seemed happy.

That can be especially said for Laxus, Elfman, and even Gajeel, who were the three most requested boy toys to be shared with the other ojousama’s. Though unfortunately those three were strongly protected by their ojousama’s. Mira, Evergreen, and Levy were not the types of ladies that one would want to mess with.

But unfortunately, there was still a single lady that wished to take Laxus from Mira, who was none other than Freed. It was unanimous among the six queens to turn Freed into an ojousama, as it would be a waste to let someone as cute as him become a slave/boy toy. Though it would seem that her affections for Laxus only grew because of it.

Erza and Juvia who used to be the rowdiest of the female mages in Fairy Tail were now turned into delicate ladies. Erza herself would now faint at the mere sight of blood. As for Juvia, she was simple to Erza, but unlike her, Juvia had a darker side.

Gray was unfortunately part of that darker side. In one of the empty rooms in the guild, Juvia would shower her precious boy toy, Gray, with all of her love. Unable able to resist Gray complied with her wishes, finally granting Juvia the pleasure she’s always wanted.

Finally, as for Fairy Tail’s three little mascots, they live as ojousama’s just like the rest. Both Carla and Happy enjoy their time together as lovers, while they are pampered by their beefy boy toy Panther Lily.

Finding that statue was nothing less than a godsend for not only Lucy and Hisui but for their entire guild. Each one of their members whether they’re ojousama’s or salves/boy toys are living the perfect lives that they were always meant to.

Perhaps sticking to just the guild wasn’t enough. Perhaps all of Magnolia, no Fiore, no the world needed to embrace the ojousama lifestyle. Perhaps it was time for them to begin the ojousamafication apocalypse. Then the world would truly be perfect.


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