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“Rejected again!” Naruto yelled in frustration, throwing the flowers he picked out for Sakura on the ground.

Time and time again he asked Sakura out, and time and time again she’s rejected him. Her excuse this time was that she didn’t like flowers, but he knew that was a lie. She would never love him, would she?

“Romance trouble’s?” asked a weird man in a black trench coat as he stepped out in front of Naruto.

“Just leave me alone. I don’t want to talk about it,” Naruto said, trying to push past the man, but he wouldn’t budge.

“Love is such a painful thing, isn’t it,” the man said to him. “You know that you’re the perfect guy for her, but she doesn’t seem to notice now does she?”

“You’re right.” Naruto couldn’t help but agree with the strange man. He had always done his best to make Sakura happy, yet she never even noticed him. Even after Sasuke left she never turned her gaze over to him.

“I understand your pain,” the man said in a sad tone. “I have waited years to be acknowledged by the one I love, but she has yet to come to me. While I may not be able to help myself in this issue, I can offer some help to you.”

“What are you talking about?” Naruto asked.

“This,” the man said, holding out a pink scroll in front of him. “I may be told old to continue to pursue my love, but you aren’t. You are still young, so I am sure that this scroll shall work to your satisfaction.”

“What does it do?” Naruto was a bit skeptical about accepting a random scroll from a man that he just met, but he was desperate for help.

“If you use this scroll in the same room as the one you love, she shall understand how you feel about her. Any doubts that she has will vanish. She will finally understand that you are the one meant for her.”

“What’s the catch?” Naruto knew that this was too good to be true. There had to be some sort of catch to this.

“There is only one,” the man said, forcing the scroll into Naruto’s hand. “Be happy. Live your life with the one you love, something that I could not.”

After that the man disappeared, leaving Naruto to ponder whether or not he should use the scroll. It wasn’t until a few days later that he decide to use it.

“Naruto, what did you call me here for this time?” asked Sakura as she stood inside their old classroom.

“Sakura I love you please go out with me,” he said to her, trying one last time the normal way.

“Naruto, just stop,” Sakura said. “I’ve had enough of this. I don’t like you any more than a friend. If you try this again I’ll never talk to you ever again.”

“Then you forced my hand,” Naruto said as he pulled out the pink scroll and slammed it on the ground. He then cut open his hand activated the jutsu sealed within the scroll.

Instantly the room filled with pink smoke. Naruto was confused by what was going on and tried to open the door to the classroom, but it was sealed shut!

“Naruto, what did you do!” Sakura yelled at him.

“I don’t actually know,” he said, rubbing his head.

“You idio- Ahhhhhhhhh!” Sakura screamed out in pain as the smoke filled her lungs.

“Sakura!” Naruto yelled, but by then it was too late for him as well.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” Sweat started to pour down his face as he fell to the ground in pain. His bones started to break, and crack, while his muscles started to shrink. Naruto was scared and confused. He didn’t know what was going on. Why the hell did he trust a man he never met before. It was obviously a trap!

He felt his spine begin to pop and his shoulders start to break. He felt his legs and arms start to stretch out, causing him to writhe in pain! In the midst of the pain he saw Sakura through his watery eyes, and she was undergoing a similar transformation to his.

He dug his fingernails into the floor as the pain intensified. At the same time both his chest, ass, and hips started to expand. All of his unused fat and now useless muscles were redistributed across his body into these spots.

His skin became pale, and his hair turned white as it grew down to his ass. At the same time, he felt three horns start to push their way out of his skull! Finally, when the pain started to recede he felt a wave of ecstasy spread across his body as his dick receded inside of him as she was finally turned into a woman!

At that moment Naruto passed out. It wasn’t until a few hours later did he wake up. Once he did he was shocked to see what had become of his body. It would seem that while he was passed out someone placed a full body mirror in the room.

Naruto recognized he/her new form instantly. Her body looked exactly like Kaguya Otsutsuki. When she looked over she saw that Sakura was the same as her. She was also an exact duplicate of Kaguya.

In their distress, they began to bond. Naruto never did get the chance to figure out what the scroll actually did, but it didn’t matter.

Over a month had passed since their transformation, and they couldn’t be any happier. Naruto and Sakura were now the hottest couple in Konoha. They fell deeply in love with one another after their transformation and have been together since.

Sakura especially enjoys their relationship now as there is still much to teach Naruto about the pleasures of being a woman.


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