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“Fire Force Officer First Class Maki Oze reporting for duty,” Maki said as she greeted the members of Special Fire Force Company 7.

For the next month, Maki was ordered to undergo training with Company 7 in Asakusa. Captain Shinmon Benimaru was known as the strongest fire force captain. Training under him would benefit her greatly.

“Welcome,” he said to her. While he didn’t mind her being here, he was a bit annoyed that Company 8 had to send most of their members here to train. While they were still small that didn’t mean that they were incapable of training their own right?

“Sorry about the captain’s tone,” said Konro Sagamiya. He’s thrilled that you’re here, it’s just that he has problems showing certain emotions.”

“It’s alright,” said Maki. “I’m here to train, not to be liked. If I can become stronger under Benimaru’s tutelage then I am willing to take a beating.”

“That’s good,” said Konro. “Here at Company 7, we are all about becoming stronger to be able to defend everyone. Our motto is zero casualties. That means if you aren’t strong enough to protect yourself then you shouldn’t be a member of Fire Force, to begin with.”

“That’s a good way to live by,” Maki said to him. Training here will most certainly be useful for her. Ever since Shinra and Arthur joined Company 8, she felt as if she was dragging the rest of her team down.

She would use this opportunity to learn from Benimaru who was a second and third-generation pyrokinetic. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that she wouldn’t miss out on.

“Come with me and I’ll show you the way to your quarters,” Konro said. Benimaru had already left, leaving the rest to Konro. In all honesty, Benimaru felt like Konro would be the better fit to be captain than him. Konro had always been the one to help him out with the finer details of their work. All he did was act like a poster boy that basically punches monsters. There was nothing else to it.

“Emergency! Emergency! Spontaneous Human Combustion Detected! Irregular Infernal On The Loose!”

The loudspeaker rang across the base. It had only been several minutes since she got here, and Maki already had the assignment to complete.

“Suit up!” Konro said, leading her to the changing room.

Once Maki was done she leap into action. Though when she got to the scene of Spontaneous Human Combustion, she saw that there were no other members of Company 7 there besides the captain.

“What are you doing here?” he asked as he saw her walk over to him. Benimaru had scoped out the scene and decided that it would be easy enough for him to handle alone.

“I’m here to help sir,” Maki said, waiting to be given instructions.

“Well, you’re not needed here,” he said coldly to her. “Go back to base.”

“I cannot do that sir,” Maki said back to him. “Even if you are able to take down the infernal alone, please allow me to evacuate the civilians.”

“Fine, just don’t get in the way,” he said as he made his way towards the raging inferno.

Several minutes later Maki managed to evacuate all the civilians, but the captain had yet to make his way back out. Worried she made her way to him.

When she got there she was surprised to see that the infernal that the captain was battling looked mostly human. In fact, it almost looked like a mature woman.

“What are you doing here!?” Benimaru yelled at Maki when he noticed her enter the area. “I told you that you weren’t needed!”

“Sir I can help you!” Maki yelled, despite to help and show Benimaru where she was at in terms of skill.

“No, you can’t! It’s too dangerous!” he yelled while blocking an attack from the infernal. “This one is irregular. I will not risk anyone’s life here!”

“But sir I am worried for you!” Maki yelled back at him. Looking at how bad he was struggling here; Maki knew that he needed her help.

“Ara, Ara,” a woman’s voice rang throughout the room. Maki and Benimaru stood there shocked as they noticed that the voice came from the infernal.

“What a cute couple you are,” the infernal said to them in a sweet voice.

“We’re not a couple!” Maki yelled back at her. There was no way that someone as cool as Benimaru would dare look at someone as plain as her.

“Then I guess you’re in that kind of relationship then,” the infernal said to Maki. “I have to say I do see the appeal.”

“Shut up you monster!” Benimaru attacked the infernal, but his attack was ineffective.

“Now, now, there is no reason to attack me, I mean you no harm,” the infernal said in such a sweet voice that Maki almost believed her.

“Just shut up and be purified already!” Benimaru yelled. He was getting annoyed by this infernal. He didn’t care that she could talk. All he wanted to do was get his job done and go home.

“Such a rude young man you are,” the infernal said to him, avoiding another one of his attacks. “Perhaps your body doesn’t suit your mental age.”

‘The hell are you talking about!?” Benimaru yelled at her, but thanks to his rage he was unable to stop what happened next.

The infernal hit him square in the chest with what looked like a pink flame, causing him to crash into the ground!

“How dare you!” Maki wasn’t about to stand by and do nothing while Benimaru was attacked. She rushed at the infernal, but she was nowhere near the infernals speed.

The infernal struck her with the same flame that hit Benimaru. Maki collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath. This was the first time that she was so easily done in by an opponent.

“While your drive to protect him is admirable, it is useless in your current state. Perhaps a change is needed for you as well,” said the infernal, once again conjuring up a pink flame. The infernal then lightly held it over Maki’s head.

“I hope that you enjoy your new life. I promise that it’ll be interesting,” the infernal said as it began to purify itself.

Due to shock Maki eventually passed out. When she woke up, she found herself in Company 7’s infirmary. Konro was sitting next to her. He gave her a smile when he saw her wake up, but from there it was a matter of business.

When Benimaru and Maki did not return, Konro sent the other members of Company 7 to check on them. He nearly had a heart attack when he saw that they were both passed out. Any infernal that could do that to Benimaru was worth documenting.

Konro asked Maki about the events that led up to them passing out, but Maki could remember anything. It was as if someone or something was tampering with her memories. The same could be said for Benimaru as well.

He couldn’t recall even fighting against the infernal. The reports show that once the other members of Company 7 came, the infernal was already gone. It’s impossible for infernals to hide, so that means that Benimaru most have defeated it.

After Konro was finished up with his questions he told Maki to take the next few days off to allow her to recover. Though the odd thing was that Maki felt great. In fact, she felt better than ever.

For the next few days, Maki began to train, discovering that her body and even her pyrokinetic abilities have improved as well. She didn’t know how to explain it. It must have been a gift from god.

Benimaru on the other hand felt sluggish these past few days. His body was sore and all he wanted to do was sleep. It was odd, that a single infernal could make him feel this wiped out. He thought that if he just took it easy for the next few days he would be fine.

However, that was certainly not the case. In fact, his symptoms started to get worse. He had the chills, was light-headed, and couldn’t even bring himself to eat. Something was definitely wrong with him, but he didn’t know what.

“Hey Maki,” said Konro said as he walked over to her the next day. “The captain isn’t feeling too good right now. Is there any chance that you can help me out in fulling his duties?”

“I don’t think I qualified,” Maki said back to him.

“Nonsense, Obi has told me all about how you help him with paperwork at Company 8. I say that you’re more than qualified to fill in for Benimaru for now. Knowing him, he’ll be back on his feet in no time. I guess it’s taking longer due to that fight with the infernal you two had.”

“I’m actually surprised by how good you look right now,” he said to her, noticing that his complexation was looking much healthier than it did the other day.

“Come on you don’t mean that,” Maki said, blushing a little. There weren’t that many men out there that complemented her like this. Everyone in Company 8 keeps commenting on her gorilla-like strength.

It was nice that there was someone like Konro who knew her actual charms. Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t her type. If he was she wouldn’t hesitate to pounce on him and make him hers.

Maki did as Konro asked and began to do the paperwork that Benimaru was supposed to be in charge of. She knew that he wasn’t that good with paperwork and dealing with internal affairs, but this was ridiculous. Based on everything here in the paperwork it would seem that Central wasn’t even sending them half of the funds for their operations.

Konro must have tried his best to fix this, but there is only so much that he can do by himself. Maki knew that she couldn’t leave things like this, so she got to work.

While she wasn’t doing anything that she wouldn’t normally do at Company 8, she still put her heart and soul into this. Company 7 was just a bit older than Company 8, but it would be terrible if some malicious rumors came out about this, ruining its reputation as well.

During the time that Maki spent working, she also made time to help Benimaru out. She saw him in his weakened state and couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. She initially only wanted to train under him, but she couldn’t just think of herself in this situation. She was going to help him no matter what.

In order to make Benimaru more comfortable, she changed out his old mattress while he slept and made sure that there was ample lighting and quality airflow in the room. When people get sick they don’t bother to try to clean up the environment that they stay in.

Most people just leave things as they are and try to wait it out until they get better. This way of thinking only makes people stay sick longer. It is always best to recover in a clean area with proper airflow.

When Maki was younger she got sick a lot. Her mother would end up taking care of her, and this was the method that she would use for her. This was the best way to get Benimaru back on his feet again.

Though Benimaru was less than cooperative. He didn’t like the fact that Maki was trying to take charge of his life. He was a grown man and refused to be treated like a child.

“Benimaru, I made you some soap,” Mai said as she knocked on the door to his room. “It’s a bit hot, so be careful while eating it.”


Benimaru slammed his door open, startling Maki, making her almost drop the soup.

“Will you just leave me the hell alone already!” he yelled at her. “You’ve been trying to take care of me for over a week now and I’m not getting better! Just leave me alone!”

“No,” Maki said calmly as she placed the soup down next to the door. “You are a sick patient right now. The others may be afraid to take care of you, but I am not. I will continue to take care of you until you are fully healed.”


Benimaru kicked the soup away from him, causing it to spill everywhere. Maki didn’t say a word but only looked at him in disappointment. How could the man that she came here to train under be so stubborn when it came to his personal health?

Maki carefully cleaned up the mess and walked away. Perhaps tomorrow he’ll be in less of a mood. Until then it would be best to leave him be for now.

After Maki left Benimaru went back into his room and collapsed. His condition was getting much worse and he didn’t know why. Something must have happened when he fought that infernal. If only he could remember what happened.

It took all he had just to stand in front of Maki without collapsing. He had to get back into peak condition. His Company depended on him. Being gone for over a week was unacceptable.

When Maki woke up the next day she went to Benimaru’s room to bring him breakfast, but oddly enough he wasn’t there. Instead, she found him in the training grounds, next to his usual set of weights.

Though no matter how hard he tried, Benimaru couldn’t lift them. His body wouldn’t obey him. It came to the point that he collapsed again, but this time Maki saw everything.

She ran over to him to see if he was okay but was shocked by his current appearance. He looked like he lost a ton of weight and even looked a bit small. His face was daintier to the point that he probably would look like a cute girl from afar.

“Sir you have to rest,” Maki said, trying to help him up, but he slapped her hand away.

“Shut up!” he yelled at her, tears rolling down his eyes. “I don’t need your help! I can lift this all on my own.”

“You mean this?” Maki asked as she lifted the weights easily with one hand. “This isn’t that heavy. You shouldn’t be having troubles lifting this kind of weight.”

“How?” Benimaru looked shocked. The weight that she was holding was the one he normally used for training. Even when he wasn’t sick he still needed two hands to lift it. How could a girl that came to him for training be able to do this when he hasn’t taught her a thing?

“Come on let’s get you cleaned up, you’re covered in sweat,” Maki, said, easily picking him up in her arms.

Benimaru tried to resist, but he was too weak to do so. He tried to hide his face as Maki walked him down the halls through the base. Many members of Company 7 were shocked by their captain’s current state.

The man who was known as the strongest was being carried like a princess. How could something like this even happen? How could he show such a weak side of himself to them?

This was the day that Company 7’s trust in Benimaru started to waver. They could no longer see him as the unbeatable captain like before. Instead, they would think that Maki looked more like a captain than he did.

The only good thing was that Konro wasn’t here to see any of this. If he had, he would be furious at the members of Company 7 for looking down on their captain. Everyone has bad days, and no one could be perfect 100% of the time. Unfortunately for Benimaru what he was going through was much worse.

Maki brought Benimaru into the bathroom and filled up the bath. Then without hesitation, she stripped him of all his clothes. Embarrassed that there was such a bold girl, he covered his manhood. Though when he did he saw that it had definitely shrunk in size.

“What are you doing!?” Benimaru protested as she lifted him into the bath.

“I’m giving you a bath,” she said, looking down at him as if he was a weakened animal.

“How the hell can you say that so casually!?” He didn’t understand how a girl that he was supposed to train was bold enough to strip him down and offer to bathe him. Though for some reason he didn’t completely dislike it.

“It’s fine, I used to bathe with my father and brother growing up. You ain’t got nothing I haven’t seen before. You don’t need to be so shy about it. Besides, I’m into men that have much bigger packages than yours.”

Benimaru was embarrassed, after realizing that she saw everything. This wasn’t fair. His body was falling apart, his manhood shrunk and now there’s this girl saying that he isn’t her type. This had to be some sort of nightmare.

“Now just sit back and relax while I help you get clean,” she said, bringing out a sponge. Benimaru wanted to protest some more, but he knew that it would be pointless in his current state. He allowed her to bathe him and once she was done, she helped him get dressed into clean clothes and then put him to bed.

Due to his mental exhaustion, Benimaru passed out almost immediately after Maki put the blanket over him. She looked at him with a loving gaze as she left the room. Seeing him like this was breaking her heart. For some reason, she had the increasing urge to protect and pamper him, but she didn’t know why.

One thing was certain, Benimaru couldn’t be left alone anymore. She would double, no triple her efforts in trying to take care of him. If she had to force him to comply then so be it.

For the next week, Maki did just as she set off to do. She increased her efforts to help out Konro as well as take care of Benimaru. It came to the point that Konro and the other members of Company 7 were starting to see her as their temporary captain, though none of them did say that to her face.

While she wasn’t helping out with paperwork, or taking down infernals, she was taking care of Benimaru. Training which was her reason for coming here was put on hold. In fact, it would seem that she didn’t even need it.

She was now taking down infernals as fast or even faster than Benimaru. Every day Maki seemed to be more rejuvenated. Her hair and skin looked younger, while her face actually started to resemble a refined beauty. She became thicker in all the right places and that doesn’t just mean muscles.

Maki was in the best shape of her entire life. Just wait until she gets back to Company 8, they won’t even believe it either. I bet that no one would call her a gorilla after this.

Benimaru on the other hand was not doing so great. His body was worse than before. At this point, he could move, but standing up was impossible for him. The best he could do was crawl around for short distances.

His body had shrunk even more. He was now five foot two. His well-toned muscles had all disappeared and despite not eating much, it looked as if he was gaining weight. Specifically in his chest, ass, and thighs.

His face had become daintier to the point that even up close you could mistake him as a girl. His manhood had shrunk considerably as well, to the point where it was too tiny for him to grab. When using the bathroom he was now forced to sit down on the toilet at all times.

He’s had to reluctantly ask for Maki’s help on multiple occasions. Every night he would cry himself to sleep, not knowing if the next day would be better or worse than the one before.

Maki made sure to watch him go to sleep every night. She felt the increasing desire to hold him in her arms to comfort him, but that would only make him feel weaker. Those that were once strong like Benimaru break under the pressure of who they used to be.

Later that night Benimaru had a nightmare. In it, he saw himself lose over and over again to a female looking infernal. It mocked him, called him weak, and there was nothing that he could do to stop her. She was too strong for him.

“So weak,” the infernal said to him. “So very, very weak.”

“Shut up!” Benimaru yelled out in rage. “Just leave me alone!”

Tears started to roll down his eyes as he traded places in his ream. He was the one now facing off against the infernal, and she was laughing at him.

“It looks like I was right,” she said as a demonic smile appeared on her face. “You are nothing more than a big baby. Pretending to be strong on the outside, when you are weak on the inside.”

“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Benimaru was enraged. Never in his entire life has someone treated him like this. She had to go!

“Aww, is the big baby girl cranky?” She said mocking him some more.

“Shut up!” Benimaru could only respond to her with the same phrase over and over again. Trying to talk to an infernal was impossible, but listening to them talk was even worse.

“Don’t worry, so your transformation will be complete, and your new mommy will take very good care of you,” she said, laughing at him as she disappeared into the darkness.

Benimaru awoke the next day to find that there was a warm feeling in his lower body. When he removed his covers he saw to his horror that he wet the bed!

Unable to cope with wetting the bed he began to cry and cry until Maki came rushing into the room. She saw the state that he was in and immediately hugged him to calm her down.

Once Benimaru had stopped crying she moved over to a dry area and started to pull down his pants. Though to her surprise once she did she was shocked to see that his manhood was no more! Benimaru was now a female!

Upon seeing that his manhood was now gone, Benimaru’s mind cracked. She began to cry more and more. Maki stayed there to comfort her until she passed out from exhaustion. Once she was asleep, Maki carried her to her room and laid her down on her bed.

After that, she went down to talk with Konro. At first, he was very skeptical to believe that something as crazy as Benimaru turning into a girl and then wetting her pants could be true. Though he changed his mind when Maki brought him in to see the sleeping Benimaru.

“How could this have happened?” Konro asked, unable to look away from Benimaru.

“I don’t know, but I don’t think that we can keep this as a secret,” Maki firmly said to him.

“No! We have to keep this a secret. If anyone were to find out then it will be the end of Company 7,” Konro couldn’t let all that he and Benimaru worked for go to waste. There had to be a way to avoid telling everyone.

“Do it,” a female voice rang out in her head. “Proclaim your child to the world. She needs you to protect her.”

“No, we will tell them,” Maki said, agreeing with the voice inside her head. “In order to ease everyone, I will proclaim myself as the new captain of Company 7.”

“You can’t do that,” Konro protested. There was no way that he was going to hand Company 7 over to her.

“You will do it, or I’ll make you,” Maki said. There was no way that she was going to abandon Benimaru and the best place for her to be was here, as Company 7’s captain. If she had to threaten Konro to do so then she would.

“Fine,” Konro said, understanding that for these past few weeks she had been acting as the captain without realizing it. Having her in charge and taking care of Benimaru would be for the best.

After Konro agreed they made the announcement to the other members. While there was a bit of resistance at first, it soon died down. They were able to see that Maki was the captain that they need after all. Unfortunately for Company 8, she wouldn’t be coming back anytime soon.

Several weeks after that Maki finished up her paperwork and headed back to her room where Mary, formerly Benimaru was waiting for her.

“Oh sweety, did you have an accident again?” she said looking at Mary who was looking at her mommy with joy in her eyes.

“Babu!” Mary said, holding out her arms for Maki to pick her up.

After Benimaru turned into a girl her mental state started to regress as well. The end result is what you see today, I lovely little adult baby girl, who loves her mommy.

Maki would do everything in her power to protect her baby girl, so make sure that you never get on her bad side.


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