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“You bumbling bimbo! How dare you stand in the way of Vegeta Prince of All Saiyan’s!?” Vegeta yelled at the sexy blond-haired bimbo facing him, wearing a sexy black leotard, and garter belt, with a witch hat, placed firmly on her head.

She was as you guessed it a witch, but unlike Baba, her magic was much more specialized. She went by the name The Pamperess and Vegeta was soon going to learn why.

“What a spoiled little boy you are,” The Pamperess, said looking at the little boy before her. “Did your parents not teach you that it’s rude to yell at strangers? Besides whatever did I do to deserve such anger?” she asked innocently.

“You wench! How dare you question me for what you did!” Vegeta yelled at her, not giving her a direct answer. Only proving the point that he was just a young boy with no manners.

“All I did was grab this box of cereal and next thing I know you’re yelling at me and calling me a bimbo. I see no reason to be so aggressive about it,” The Pamperess said not understanding why Vegeta was so upset.

“That was the last box ad that brand is my favorite!” he yelled at her, giving her a ridiculous answer. Only a child would get mad by not getting the brand of cereal that they wanted. This boy needed to be taught a lesson.

“OMG! I am so sorry for whatever trouble he’s caused, please forgive him,” said Bulma, who rushed over after seeing what had happened. They were supposed to have a simple day shopping together, yet for some reason, her foolish husband thought that it would be alright to start a fight in public. Ugh, how did she ever fall for this man?

“Get your hands off me woman!” Vegeta yelled, slapping Bulma’s hands away from him, which only shocked The Pamperess, to see how horribly he treated this lovely lady.

“No it’s my fault,” The Pamperess, said while examining Bulma’s fine body, which it was. To maintain her figure after two kids only made her that much more attractive. “Here, your husband may have his cereal back as long as you agree to go on a date with me my dear,” The Pamperess, said as she went in and kissed Bulma’s hand.

“You bitch how dare you!” Vegeta yelled, trying to punch The Pamperess, in the face, but she easily avoided him.

“Vegeta stop this,” Bulma pleaded with her man-child of a husband. “It was just a kiss on the hand, nothing more than that. Also miss, while I am flattered I am married and I have two kids. I do believe that there is someone better out there for you.”

“Nonsense, you are the most ravaging woman I have ever laid my eyes on. If your husband can’t see that and denies treating you like the queen you are then he is surely missing out.”

“How dare you ignore me and flirt with my wife!” Vegeta yelled, filled with rage that a slut like her dare makes moves on what belonged to him. She would pay for this.

“I challenge you to a fight!” Vegeta continued to yell at her, causing a crowd of people forming around them. One of them being the announcer from all the world martial arts tournaments.

“WHAT’S THIS?” the announcer pulled out his microphone and synced it up to the loudspeaker so that everyone in the store could hear him.


More and more people began to crowd around aisle #3 to watch the foolish woman that dared anger the prince. Bulma and Vegeta came to this store a lot, so there were many people who were familiar with Vegeta’s outbursts.

“Vegeta please stop this,” Bulma begged, as she was being held back by several of the employees for her own safety.

“Stay out of this woman!” Vegeta yelled back at Bulma, which only put The Pamperess in a worse mood. He would need to be taught a lesson for treating a queen like her in that manner.

“Naughty little boys like you need to be taught a lesson,” The Pamperess, said top Vegeta, hoping that it would rile him up more, which it did.

“You dare treat me like a child! I will have your head!” he yelled, rushing at her faster than the eye could see, but to his surprise as well as the crowds, he had missed.

In his fury, he kept attacking The Pamperess, but no matter what he did he couldn’t touch her. It was almost as if she wasn’t there, to begin with.

“It would see that I expected too much from you,” The Pamperess, said as the illusion of her disappeared before everyone’s eyes.

“How dare you use such trickery on me!” While Vegeta was mad at The Pamperess, he was also mad at himself for not thinking that he would have to sense her aura for this fight. It should have been child’s play for him to demolish this wench, but he just ended up making himself look like a fool. For that, she had to die!

“Now, now, you had your fun,” The Pamperess, said, to him with a smile across her face. “I do believe that it is my turn to attack you. It wouldn’t be far otherwise.”

“Who the hell cares if this is fair!” Vegeta yelled at her. “All that matters is that you die!”

“Tsk, tsk, and here I was thinking about turning you into something cute for a few days,” she said to herself. “Though it would seem that I’ll need to teach you how to be a good little boy. No, if you are raised as a boy you’ll just turn out the same, perhaps it would be best to turn you into exactly how I see you.”

“What are you blabbering on about woman!?” Vegeta yelled at The Pamperess.

“This,” she said calmly, snapping her fingers. Then all of a sudden Vegeta’s Saiyan armor disappeared and in its place was the pink and blue dress! All that remained from his armor were the shoulder straps and his white boots.

“What the hell have you done!?” Vegeta yelled at her trying to make his way over to her, but he stopped once he heard a certain sound coming from between his legs.


Vegeta's face turned bright red, and the crowd started laughing at him.

“Hahahhahahahahahahahahahaha!” “Look at the big baby! I guess he really is a prince! A sissy prince that loves to wear diapers!”

“SHUT UP!!!” Vegeta yelled releasing enough ki to knock down everyone except The Pamperess.

“Awww, look at that baby is throwing a tantrum,” The Pamperess, said mocking Vegeta, but she wasn’t going to let him off this easy. She snapped her fingers once again, but time Vegeta started to regress back into a child.

As he did The Pamperess began to absorb his power, using it to make her breasts bustier and her ass bouncier. His plentiful power was the perfect source for her to become even sexier.

Everyone watched in silence, even the announcer. Everyone except Bulma who wouldn’t stand aside and watch her husband regress into a child.

“Please stop! I yield! I yield!” Vegeta yelled, unable to handle this level of humiliation.

“Stop this right now!” Bulma yelled walking straight up to The Pamperess.

“Oh, and what if I don’t,” The Pamperess seductively said to Bulma.


Bulma didn’t hesitate to slap The Pamperess right across the face, causing her lip to start to bleed. Though this only made The Pamperess desire Bulma more. She loved strong women and had no intention of letting this one slip through her fingers.

The Pamperess quickly grabbed Bulma and began making out with her for all to see. While at the same time she let her right-hand slip into Bulma’s pants without anyone being the wiser. She began to pleasure and satisfy Bulma in ways that Vegeta never did or could.

Small moans escaped from Bulma’s mouth, as she neared climaxing, but The Pamperess wasn’t going to give it to her that easily. She pulled her hand out at the last second, causing Bulma to fall to her knees in euphoria.

“Announcer if you would,” The Pamperess, said as she made her way over to the crying baby sissy prince Vegeta.



“What’s that sound? Does little Veggie need a change?” The Pamperess said bending forward to see a small yellow stain start to appear on Vegeta’s diaper.

“Pweees I awedy gave up…” Vegeta’s mental state was in shock right now, and due to his regression he was now stuck with a lisp.

“No way! Bulma’s going to need to stroller you out of here when I’m done with you!” The Pamperess got what she wanted, but it couldn’t hurt to mess with the once-powerful prince a little bit more now could it?

“But I da prwnce!” Vegeta yelled stomping his foot against the ground. “I da prwnce! I da prwnce! I da-”

The Pamperess snapped her fingers and a pink pacifier appeared in Vegeta’s mouth. He tried his best to remove it, but it was no use, it was stuck in there good.

“Sorry, but that paci is enchanted so it can’t be taken off by the user. Looks like you’ll have to ask your dear wife to do that for you. Though based on how much you scream she might keep it in there for a while.

The Pamperess snapped her fingers once again and a giant pink stroller appeared. She then used her magic to lift the struggling Vegeta up in the air, floating him right into his new stroller.

Once his diapered butt was firmly seated in the stroller she strapped him down, ignoring his protests. It was almost cute seeing the sissy Vegeta struggle like this. Though not wanting to cause any more trouble The Pamperess, snapped her fingers one final time putting Vegeta to sleep.

“Here you go my lady,” The Pamperess, said as she wheeled Vegeta over to Bulma, whose hand hadn’t left her crotch yet.

“Thank you,” Bulma said, unable to look away from The Pamperess.

“The spell should wear off in a few days. Though I could prolong it a bit more if you would agree to go on a date with me. You don’t have to make up your mind just yet, but here’s my number.”

The Pamperess’s phone number appeared on Bulma’s hand, before she disappeared,., leaving both Bulma and the rest of the crowd standing there in awe.

Several days had passed since meeting The Pamperess, and Bulma couldn’t get her off her mind. The way that she felt when she touched her was amazing. She’s never felt that way with Vegeta. He was ruff and didn’t care for her needs while they did it, but she could tell that The Pamperess was different.

“Women get your ass over here and help me!” Vegeta yelled from the next room.

The day after she returned home with Vegeta, the spell that The Pamperess cast had already started to fade. Vegeta was growing more and more. At the same time, he was becoming more insufferable as well.

If Bulma knew how much of an annoyance he would be these past few days, she would have just left the pacifier in. He’s made her life miserable for the past few days. He became so annoying that she had to beg Chichi to take care of Trunks and Bulla since he took up all of her time.

When Bulma got into the next from she saw it littered with weights. For the past few days, Vegeta has been doing his best to try and recover from what The Pamperess did to him. And luckily for him, it was working.

“Woman I need new weights these ones are too light, get me some more!” Vegeta yelled, throwing one of the weights right out of the window to prove his point.

“Yes dear,” Bulma said, making her way back to their bedroom. When she picked up the phone to order Vegeta new weights the number on her hand that The Pamperess gave her lit up. In her frustration, she called The Pamperess.

“Hello, I don’t know if you remember me, but we met the other day when you turned my husband into a sissy baby,” Bulma said, embarrassed that she even called. There was no way that the beautiful lady from the other day would remember someone like her.

“Darling how could I forget a fine piece of ass like yours,” The Pamperess, said from her end of the phone. “In fact, not to sound desperate or anything, but I’ve been waiting these past few days for you to call.”

“So, how’s that sissy husband of yours? Is he causing you any trouble? If I’m right the spell should wear off by tomorrow.”

“About that, could you know, make it last a bit longer as well as make it a bit stronger. He’s been a pain these days and I just can’t deal with him right now.”

“Well hon, I could do that for you, but you remember my price right?” The Pamperess said seductively to Bulma.

“Just one date, right?” Bulma asked, as she slowly moved her free hand to her crotch, remembering how it felt before.

“Yes, just one date is all I require, though if you want more at our first I’ll be more than happy to meet your request.”

After agreeing to meet up with The Pamperess tonight, Bulma spent the next several hours preparing. If she was doing this she was going to look her best.

Later that night Bulma wore a large brown trench coat as she tried to leave the house. Unfortunately for her, Vegeta was still awake.

“Woman, where the hell do you think you’re going?” Vegeta asked standing in front of the door so she couldn’t leave.

“Vegeta, you’re awake,” Bulma said nervously.

“Of course, I awake you fool; now where do you think that you’re going?” Vegeta was grumpy. After being regressed into this new form, he’s been tired all the time. He was about to take a nap like usual but saw that his wife was trying to sneak out of the house.

“I found out about a new pill that could help you regain your strength back,” Bulma said, making up the first thing she could think of.

“If that’s the case then I’m coming with you,” Vegeta said, not taking the hint that Bulma wanted to go alone.

“Vegeta, you still need rest to recover. I promise that I’ll be back with it in a few hours. There is no need to worry about a thing.” Bulma hoped that Vegeta would listen to her just this once.

“Fine, but that’s only because I’m tired. So you better hurrrry up and get that pill,” he said yawning as he made his back to their room.

After that Bulma made her way out to the restaurant that The Pamperess recommended to her. She took off her coat to reveal that she was wearing a beautiful black evening dress.

“Wow, you look stunning,” The Pamperess said, as she pulled out Bulma’s chair for her.

“Compared to you I look like dirt,” Bulma said as she looked at The Pamperess who was wearing a midnight blue evening dress that accentuated her tits, ass, and curves. Compared to her Bulma looked like a twig.

“Nonsense dear, you look fabulous, but if you would like I can give you an upgrade,” The Pamperess, said eyeing Bulma's tits, and ass.

“Upgrade?” Bulma asked in confusion.

“Let’s just say that I can make you as well endowed as me,” The Pamperess, said, lightly stroking her breasts, which made Bulma unconsciously bite the bottom of her lips.

Bulma could only imagine what those giant pairs tits and ass would feel like in her hands. Wait, she couldn’t be thinking thoughts like this. She was a married woman. Bulma shook her head a few times to help herself get back to her senses.

“Sorry, but I will have to decline. I wouldn’t feel right using you like that,” Bulma said, trying to avoid looking The Pamperess in the eyes.

“Oh it wouldn’t be a bother,” The Pamperess said, slowly moving her hand on top of Bulma. “I don’t expect anything in return, I’m just happy to help out.”

“Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt,” Bulma said, giving in to her sexual instincts.

“Hold on, this might get a bit intense,” The Pamperess said, snapping her fingers together. When she did a wave of sexual ecstasy washed over Bulma’s body.

Unable to resist the pleasure, Bulma, started to moan, but The Pamperess made sure to mute her so that the other customers wouldn’t know what was happening.

Bulma’s tits slowly grew from C-cup breasts all the way to E-cup breasts. As they did Bulma couldn’t help herself from grabbing her right tit with her left hand and slowly putting her left hand into her crotch.

As her hips and ass started to expand Bulma’s body became even more sensitive. It was to the point where she was nearing to climax, but The Pamperess wasn’t going to let her have it this soon.

She snapped her fingers and Bulma's transformation was complete, and her nearing climax vanished. The Pamperess looked sadistically at Bulma. She would have this woman climax, but only after Bulma was the one to beg her for it.

“No fair,” Bulma said back to her.

“Sweetly, it’s not time for that yet,” The Pamperess seductively said. “We can wait until after dinner now can’t we?”

“I guess Bulma said,” disappointedly. “Her thoughts about staying true to her husband flew out the window after she experienced that pleasure The Pamperess gave. And that was only a taste. Bulma couldn’t wait before she could taste the whole thing.

The Pamperess saw how Bulma looked at her, and could only imagine the fun that they would have tonight. She was a woman that was worth taking her time with. Oh, how Vegeta was a fool for not treating this woman like the goddess she was.

The Pamperess, licked her lips imagining the look on Vegeta’s face when he finds out that his wife had abandoned him for the woman that turned him into a sissy baby. She couldn’t wait.

As the night went on The Pamperess and Bulma began to chat and to Bulma’s surprise, The Pamperess actually listened to her. During her many years with Vegeta, he has never openly listened to her.

But The Pamperess was listening to every word that came out of her mouth and it turned out that they had a lot in common. Bulma truly felt more attracted to The Pamperess than she ever did Vegeta.

After they were done with their meal The Pamperess paid the bill and brought Bulma back to a love hotel. They spent an intimate night together, and in the end, Bulma didn’t return home until late in the afternoon the next day, only after she agreed to meet with The Pamperess for a second date.

Though when she got home Vegeta was already watching for her, once again in the same regressed state that he was in when he lost to The Pamperess and in the same dress, even though he didn’t notice it. It would seem that the spell was a tad bit stronger this time.

“Where haff you bwen?” Vegeta asked her with a lisp.

“Sorry, honey, but I lost track of time and couldn’t get to the pill in time. Though don’t worry I promised that when I go out tonight I’ll get it for sure.” And when she goes out with The Pamperess tonight she’ll ask her to regress Vegeta a bit more.


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