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Ariana was furious. Not only had her plan not worked, but it would also seem that her new daughter was insistent on fighting back. Ariana would not stand for this.

“I thought that my old jacket would look nice with the dress you picked out for me. I think it suits me, don’t you think, mother?” Alice said to her, refusing to back down.

Though it would seem that Alexis and Atticus had already backed away when no one was looking. They have both experienced their mother’s wrath many times before and they weren’t looking forward to getting on her bad side anytime soon. Alice would just have to learn the hard way for now.

“It certainly does not,” Ariana said, looking at the jacket with disgust. “It is ruining the dress that I so carefully picked out for you. Take it off right now and I’ll make sure that It’s disposed of properly.”

“No,” Alice firmly said to her. “I won’t take it off and I won’t let you dispose of it. This jacket and my deck stay with me.”

“Young lady, I am only going to ask you once more to take off that jacket,” Ariana said to her. Such a defiant child was not to her liking. She would have to make several changes in her plans from here.

“And I’m going to tell you no once more,” Alice said back to her. “I don’t know what you did to make me like dressing up like that or acting like a spoiled little girl, but I can assure you that it won’t happen again.”

“That is it, I will not tolerate any more of this disobedience!” Ariana was about to slap Alice when Adrian came in and stopped her.

“Ariana this is not the time or place to argue about our daughter's attire,” Adrian said, as he looked her tenderly in the eyes.

“Alice you look very lovely, but I must agree with your mother that such a jacket isn’t fit for this event. Please allow me to take that for you. I promise that I will have it returned to you after the party.”

“You aren’t lying to me are you?” Alice asked concerned. There was no way of knowing of he was telling the truth. If he was anything like Ariana then she would never see her jacket again.

“I swear upon our family name that the jacket will be returned to you,” Adrian said, looking at his distraught but cute daughter.

Ariana meant well, but Adrian knew that she could go overboard at times. The best thing to do here would be to try to diffuse the situation. If the jacket was causing the problem then the jacket would have to leave, for now.

“Sebes, please take Alice’s jacket and place it in my study,” he said, as an elderly gentleman, walked up beside Alice holding out his hands.

“Do not fret young miss, I promise that no harm shall come to it,” he said to Alice in a gentle voice that put her at ease.

Reluctantly she removed her jacket and handed it to Sebes. Once he had left with it a smile formed around Ariana’s face. She had won this round, but the party had just begun and Alice still had a few more tricks up her sleeves.


Matthew Miller

Ooh tension already building in the Rhodes house hold. Can’t wait to see Ariana and Alice duel. No I can’t wait to see Adrian duel Alice! This going to be awesome!