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“No,” Alice responded to her. “This Jacket belongs to me, and I will not be made your puppet. Now bring me to the party.”

“As you wish,” Mina said reluctantly. She knew that Alice must be mad at them, but this was only going to cause them more problems. If Alice just did as Ariana had wanted then nothing would have happened. Mina was afraid that a war was about to begin.


All of the members of the Rhodes family cheered as they saw Alice enter the room, but it was quite obvious that everyone became tense when they saw Alice wearing the Slifer red jacket.

“Mixing a little bit of old with the new, I like it,” said Atticus who was the first one to walk over to Alice. “Did Lex teach you how to put that makeup on, or was it our mother?”

Among everyone in the Rhodes family, Atticus was the least disturbed by Alice’s appearance. In fact, he almost let out a laugh the moment he saw his mother’s reaction. Alice truly was the fun little sister that he always wanted. It kind of makes him happy that he couldn’t find a cure for her.

“Atticus leave her alone,” said Alexis, bringing over a glass of grape juice for Alice to drink.

“Come on Lex,” said Atticus. “Now that she officially a Rhodes there’s no need to hold back now is there?”

“Ugh, you can be such a meathead sometimes,” Alexis said, putting her hand over her face to contemplate how someone this foolish could be related to her. “Alice, you look very nice, did Mina do your makeup for you?”

“No, I did it,” Alice said nervously. “What did you mean about me being officially a member of the Rhodes-”

“Wait! You did that yourself!” Alexis said in shock. Alice would only let her put the bare minimum of makeup on her and that was only when they had their sleepovers with Mindy and Jasmine.

“Yeah, somehow,” Alice said. Her cheeks started to turn red from embarrassment. She knew that she should have just wiped it off before coming here.

“You look amazing!” Alexis said to her. “You should have told me that you were skilled at putting on makeup. I would have asked you to put mine on me before.”

“I’m not that good,” Alice said, embarrassed that she actually was happy to hear Alice’s compliment.”

“She’s right little sis. You do look quite good,” Atticus said to her as well. “I bet the rest of the guys at the academy would love to see you like this,” he said, pulling out his phone, but Alexis stopped him from taking a picture.

“Atticus, stop that,” Alexi said to him. “Alice’s psyche is still fragile; you shouldn’t try to embarrass her like this.”

“I’m fine,” Alice said with a smile forming across her face.

When she lived with her uncle she never had any moments like this. Moments that made her grateful to have a family that loved and cared for her.

“Um, so, about what you were talking about before,” Alice said to them, grabbing their attention. What did you mean when you said that I’m now an official member of the Rhodes family?”

“Well after today you are,” said Alexis. “You see, today is none other than your-”

“What are you wearing young lady?”