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“So little sis, how do you like your new home so far?” Atticus asked her as another maid laid down a plate of pancakes in front of her.

“It’s okay,” Alice said back to him. “though I haven’t seen too much of it yet. I passed out the moment I was brought to my room.”

“Well if that’s the case then I don’t see I problem with showing you around. There’s even a great place for us to duel. I haven’t dueled you in ages and I heard that your deck had a bit of an upgrade.”

“That’s enough Atticus,” said Ariana with a stern tone. “There will be no dueling.”

“What!?” Alice yelled in shock. “What do you mean no dueling?”

“I mean exactly that young lady,” Ariana said while taking a sip of tea. “Alexis has informed me of your less than stellar progress in becoming a refined young lady.”

“That’s not true!” Alice yelled back as she stared daggers at Alexis. How could she tell her? That was supposed to be their secret.

“I do believe that it is true. Falling asleep in class. Binge eating. Lack of manners. Thinking of only dueling. Wearing the same uniform for weeks on end. Those are just a few examples that I was given. Should I list off some more?”

Alice just sat in her seat in silence. Everything that her mother said was true, and she couldn’t deny it. Alexis would pay for rating her out.

“For those reasons, I am forbidding you from dueling until you meet my standards. And don’t even think about talking back to me. You agreed to be my daughter just as I agreed to be your mother. As you mother, what I say goes. Do you understand?”

“Yes mother,” Alice said in despair. She knew that there was no way out of this situation, she was going to have to take her mother’s lessons seriously.

“Ariana, don’t you think that you’re being a tad bit hard on her,” Adrian said, trying to help Alice. He knew that if Ariana had her way then he wouldn’t be able to duel Alice. He had to make sure that didn’t happen.

“Adrian do not try to talk me out of this.  While we all know her circumstances that doesn’t give her the excuse to be lazy. In fact, it’s because of her circumstances that we should be trying even harder to get her used to her new life. Procrastinating is not something that we members of the Rhodes family are known for.”

“You’re right dear,” said Adrian disappointed that he couldn’t do anything to have her revoke her decision. Though that could only hold him back for so long. There was a monster inside of him that could only be quelled by taking down a strong opponent and Alice was the key.

“Good, “Ariana said as she clapped her hands together. “Now finish up breakfast and I will show you around your new home.

Ariana had gotten what she wanted, and she knew it. By forcing Alice to comply with her wishes she would now have to spend more time with her new mother. Ariana didn’t understand the fascination that her family had with this silly card game, but she was use that to her advantage.

While Alice would resist Ariana knew of ways to make her obey. Nothing was going to stop Ariana now from turning Alice into her perfect daughter. Soon she would be able to have some fun.


Matthew Miller

Ariana is kinda scary tbh. But I like that her husband, daughter and son(and now technically other daughter in Jaden) all of to duel and she’s an oddball out. My Alexis’s parents are both pro duelists and though they haven’t yet shown it, it will be revealed what decks they use. Anyways great story as usual. I might need to take some pointers off of you.


Don't worry, it is far from over. You'll be surprised at how heartwarming the ending is.