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“Miss Fontaine, we can explain,” said Alexis. “This is Jaden.”

After spending a half hour explaining everything to Miss Fontaine, she finally believed them.

“I still find it hard to believe, but the proof that you’ve given me is undeniable,” she said to them. “I will have to bring this matter up with the school board tomorrow.”

“What will happen to Jaden?” the three girls asked.

“That is up for the school board to decide. Though she technically hasn’t broken any rules, so I doubt drastic measures will be taken. Once the matter is dealt with I’m sure that Jaden will be able to return to classes.”

“So Jaden will have to take some time off?” Mindy asked.

“Yes. In order for her to get used to said changes a period of observation must be done. Then there is the fact that Jaden’s parents will have the final say if they want her to stay or take her home.”

“What? That can’t happen,” said Alexis. Jaden belongs here with m- us. She belongs here with us.”

“Her parents will have the final say in this matter. There is nothing we can do since it will end up being a family matter between them.”

“Um, that won’t be possible,” said Jaden with a sad expression across her face. “My parents are no longer around. Back when I was still a child there was this incident and they… passed.”

“My uncle helped me enrolled into Duel Academy, on the condition that he would only take care of me during the summer. Any thing other than that was forbidden.”

“Jaden I didn’t know,” said Alexis as she went in to hug Jaden. “You never told anyone about this before.”

“I had planned to keep it that way,” said Jaden. Dueling allows me to escape from the pain. It helps me so I don’t have to think about what happened.”

“Jaden,” Mindy and Jasmine said at the same time as they hugged Jaden as well. “It’s okay we’re here for you.”

“Well that is unfortunate,” said Miss Fontaine. “I will have to inform the school board this as well.”

“Miss Fontaine, I have a suggestion,” said Alexis, while leading her to the edge of the room so that Jaden couldn’t hear them talk. They talked for a few minutes while Mindy and Jasmine kept Jaden distracted.

“That could work,” said Miss Fontaine as they walked back. “Okay, now that we have a plan for what’s to happen next I think that we should all head to bed. Jaden come with me,” she said, holding out her hand for Jaden.

“Miss Fontaine, I don’t mind Jaden staying here for the night,” said Alexis.

“I am sorry, but Jaden is coming with me. I have a spare bed in my room that she can use. Don’t worthy she’ll be fine.”

Jaden grabbed Miss Fontaine’s hand and they walked to the door. “Alright girls it’s lights out. I hope that each of you sleep well.”


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