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“Please can we stop already?” pleaded Jaden as she stood in front of a body-length mirror wearing a pink dress. Several other sets of clothes lay at her feet. For the past hour, since Mindy and Jasmine came here, they’ve done nothing but use Jaden as their own personal dress-up doll.

“But Jaden you look so cute,” said Alexis as she held up another dress for Jaden to wear. “What’s the point of having a cute body like that if you’re afraid to dress up. Trust me, boys love it when you put in a bit of effort.”

“But I don’t want to look cute!” Jaden yelled at the girls. She felt as if they didn’t take her seriously in this form, and it was starting to annoy her.

“Now, now,” said Mindy. “That’s no way for a girl to act. If you want to be treated differently then you must first change that attitude of yours. We’re only trying to help.”

“She’s right,” said Jasmine. “Who knows exactly how long you’ll be in this form. You should get used to it for now.”

“I’m sorry,” said Jaden, realizing that she snapped a bit too soon. It was true that they were trying to help her, but everything was just moving too fast for her. She needed more time to clear her head.

In order to calm herself, she picked up the winged Kuriboh plushie next to her and hugged it. Whenever she did it always managed to calm her down.

“Now, that I think about it, what is that?” asked Alexis. “I don’t remember having that kind of plushie in my room.”

“I don’t know how to explain it,” said Jaden. “I think that somehow thanks to my new form, it allowed my winged Kuriboh to manifest itself in the physical world.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you look super cute right now holding that,” said Mindy. “If I had my camera on me I’d totally take your picture right now.”

“Thanks?” said Jaden, taking it as a compliment.

“You know, we could teach you how to be a girl,” said Alexis as she slowly took the Kuriboh from Jaden and started to hold it herself. “Before enrolling in duel academy and dueling prep school, the three of us were enrolled in an academy for prestigious young ladies. There we all learned the proper ways to act.”

“I’m sure that we could easily give you a crash course,” Alexis said to Jaden with a smile. “And who knows you might find it to be fun.”

“She’s right,” said Jasmine. “Being a girl is much more fun than being a guy. Plus we can show you other ways to have fun besides playing duel monsters. We all know how you’re basically an addict to the game, but maybe this is your chance to try new things.”

“I guess so,” said Jaden, who felt a bit pressured by the three girls. She didn’t want to walk all over their kindness, so she thought that it would be better for her to agree with them.

From there Jaden and the girls actually started to talk. This was her second year with all of them, yet she barely knew anything about them. The more that Jaden learned, the sadder she was that she didn’t try to put the effort in to get to know them better before this. If she had then maybe they could have become closer a long time ago.

The more they talked the less that Jaden seem to notice her new form as well. There were several times when she even forgot that she changed in the first place. Hours went by in a flash and before anyone knew it was already past midnight. Though that was when something unexpected happened.

All of a sudden Miss Fonda Fontaine opened the door and walk-in.

“What are you girls doing up so late? You should all be in-” Miss Fontaine stopped midsentence as her eyes landed on Jaden. “Girls, who is this?”


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