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“No!!! I can’t believe I lost!” yelled Jaden as he fell to the ground.

“Sorry Jaden, but it looks like I win and now you shall share my fate!” yelled Alice as the same dark mist that was controlling her body surrounded Jaden!

“I might not be able to stick around after this duel, but as my new sister with that human body of yours you’ll be able to take revenge for all of us!”

Alice’s body crumbled to the ground and the mist around Jaden disappeared to reveal that there was another Alice lying there on the ground where Jaden once was!

“Jaden is that you?” asked Syrusas he helped Jaden to her feet.

“Yeah Sy, I’m fi… My voice, what’s wrong with my voice? Why is it so squeaky and high pitched?”

“Jaden, you might want to sit down,” said Bastion as he handed Jaden a mirror.

“What the heck! What happened to me!? Wait what happened to my deck!? Why are all my elemental hero’s now doll joint hero’s!? I can’t get my game on with this!”

“Syrus, it would be best if you called Alexis,” said Bastion. “We’re going to need all the help we can get to calm Jaden down. May the gods of trading cards have mercy on us all.”


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