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“Is this really Jaden?” asked Alexis as she looked at the young girl in the black gothic Lolita dress sitting in front of her.

“It’s true,” said Syrus, who looked back at Jaden.

Ever since he/she lost the dual she’s been in a state of shock. Unable to speak or even move. She just sat there like a doll.

“”There’s no way that something like this is possible,” said Alexis. “You guys have to be playing a prank on me.”

“It’s true I swear that we’re not lying,” said Syrus, desperately trying to get Alexis to believe him.

“I’m afraid what he says is true,” said Bastion. There should be nothing scientifical about what happened, but we must all remember what happened last year with the Shadow Riders. If magical duel spirts and vampires exist, then something like this cannot be unheard of.”

“Bastion, even if what you say was true, I still find it hard to believe that this young girl is Jaden,” said Alexis as she looked back at Jaden once more.

“Here, check out his deck. It changed as he did, but if you look carefully there is a card there that will prove that we are telling the truth,” said Bastion as he handed her the deck.

“Doll Joint Hero’s, I don’t think I’ve heard of this arch type before. Wait Winged Dolly Kuriboh? The only one that has a Winged Kuriboh card in their deck is Jaden!” she exclaimed dropping the cards to the ground.

“Jaden is that really you?” she asked as she knelt down and grabbed Jaden’s hands which were now surprisingly small compared to her own.

“Alexis?” Jaden asked softly.

“Jaden it’s me, I’m here to help,” said Alexis as she smiled back at her.

“You can turn me back?” Jaden asked, hoping that Alexis could do something to help her.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know much when it comes to shadow magic, but perhaps my brother does. He spent quite some time as Nightshroud so maybe he has a clue for reversing what happened to you.”

“Really!” Jaden, asked as her eyes began to fill with tears.

This experience had been a lot on her. First off losing a duel to a doll was humiliating enough, but the fact that she was also transformed into a human version of the doll that beat her just added salt to the room.

“I can’t promise anything, but I can at least tell you that I’ll try,” said Alexis as she wiped away Jaden’s tears. “Though it’ll take a while for us to even try anything. My brother is in Italy right now with our parents, and he won’t be back for another month.”

“A month!” Jaden yelled as more tears began to form in her eyes. “I don’t want to be stuck like this for a month! Wahaaaaaaa!”

“Shhh! It’s okay,” said Alexis as she hugged Jaden. “I promise that I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

It took several minutes before Alexis was able to calm Jaden down. Now she laid on the couch unconscious as her fatigue had finally caught up to her.

“Thanks, Alexis,” said Syrus. “We didn’t know what to do. We’re glad that you were here to help.”

“It’s nothing. Jaden means a lot to m- us. He would have done the same if this happened to one of us. I’m just sorry that I can’t change him back.”

“It’s as you said, your brother may know a way to fix him. Only time can tell if we can fix this,” said Bastion. “Now Syrus help me with Jaden, we should get her back to the Slifer dorms.”

“Woah, where do you think you’re taking her?” asked Alexis as she stope Bastion and Syrus from getting close to Jaden.

“What are you talking about?” asked Bastion. “Clearly we’re taking Jaden home. She needs rest.”

“And that’s exactly why she’s staying here with me,” said Alexis firmly. “Both Ra and Slifer are filled with nothing but boys. I’m not letting a young girl sleep with a group of smelly men.”

“But Alexis, Jaden still identifies as a man,” said Bastion. “There should be no reason why she shouldn’t return with us.”

“I said no,” she said again firmly. “If you try to take her back there I will call campus security on the both of you. Go home I promise that I’ll take care of her.”


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