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During the final battle against Kaguya, Naruto was in a heated battle against Kaguya and Sasuke was to weak to continue the fight. Though Naruto held his ground and kept fighting.

Seeing that the tides of battle had changed against her Kaguya decided to use a jutsu which even she feared.

“Yugo Yugo Jutsu!” Kaguya yelled as she struck Naruto in the head with her palms!

Naruto crashed into the ground with enough force to make a normal person black out, but he wasn’t you’re average ninja.

“Bleagh!” Naruto threw up what little food he had in his stomach before he got up. Though as he did his entire body felt like lead! He instantly dropped to the ground unable to move.

“What have you done to me!?” He yelled as he struggled to move, but it was no use.”

“Be silent my love,” said Kaguya with a tender voice. “It will be over shortly,” she said as she held her fingers up to her mouth.

Naruto then watched in horror as Kaguya’s hand started to melt into his skin! Bit by bit her body merged with his own. As Naruto watched the last body of Kaguya flow into his body he though it was over, but he was wrong.

Naruto felt his muscles start to shrink as his arms and legs started to expand. It felt like his body was being crushed into a thousand different pieces and then reassembled! “Awwwwwwwwwwwwwh!” Naruto screamed as two fully formed horns similar to Kaguya grew out of his head! “Awwwwwwwh! Please make it stop!,” he screamed in pain, but no one answered him.

While screaming in pain Naruto noticed several more changes in his body. His hair which he had started to grow all the way down past his shoulders and to his legs. Its once blond color had turned a stale gray. In addition to this his watched as his skin turned pale, the same as hers!

Once Naruto’s pecks had turned into huge J-cup breasts she realized what was happening. Naruto had become another Kaguya and there was nothing that she could do to stop it!

“No! What is this!? This has to be some sort of nightmare! This can’t be real!”

“Be silent my love,” said Kaguya’s voice. Naruto turned to see if she was there, but was even more shocked to see that her face, no her head was right next to hers. Naruto tried to back away, but no matter how far she moved Kaguya followed closely after her.

A minute later Naruto noticed that Kaguya’s head was attached to her body!

“What have you done to me!” Naruto yelled in confusion. “Hush now my love, I have done this for the both of us,” she said as she caressed Naruto’s cheek with her left hand. At that moment Naruto felt the left side of her body go numb, as if she was no longer in control!

“I have to say that our body turned out better than expected,” said Kaguya as she ran her hand down their body. “I was right to chose you to join with. That other one could never meet my standards.”

“While being naked let’s us be more intimate, I don’t believe that right now is the proper time. Let me fix this,” she said as she waved their left hand over their body. Seconds later a beautiful kimono appeared. Upon looking at it closer Naruto noticed that the kimono was made of all the tailed beasts inside of him. Each thread represented by one of the nine. Though Kurama seemed to stand out among them all.

“What’s going on?” Naruto asked again, now even more confused by what was going on.

“My dear Kagura, as I said before I have done this for us. I have granted the both of us a gift one of which cannot be taken back.”

“My friends will stop this! I won’t let you win!” “Honey, we’ve already gotten what we’ve came for. Though I can see that it will take some time before you come to understand you current predicament.”

“I won’t let you! I will never accept this!” “You say that now, but we have the time change that. Now let’s start your training here.”

“It’s no use to hope for your friends to came. I made sure that they are kept busy while I begin your training.” “Training?” “Yes. Once I show you the wonders of our new form you will never want to change back.”

-1 year Later-

A year has passed since their fusion. At first Kagura was resistant to the change, but over time Kaguya had shown her the true joy of being together as one. They live together in uzushirogukure with female black zetsus as their ninjas and female white zetsus their samurais. Though their lives our not as peaceful as they would want.

Sasuke and the allied ninja forces threaten them constantly. Though with the power of love that comes from the both of them, they continue to fight one for a future where they can be together without fear.


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