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“So what’s up?” Giovanni sat down next to Del who was sitting on a bench in a park. “It’s been a while, did you give up on becoming champion or something?”

“It’s good to see you,” said Del without looking at Giovanni’s face. “Yeah I gave up on becoming champion. I was close though. Lance is not an opponent to look down on.”

“Don’t take it too hard, I doubt that even with my team I could beat Lance. Besides it’s been a while since we last talked and I’ve been meaning to talk to you. I’ve told my boss all about you and they think that you would be a great addition to our company. I bet that you would be made a vice executive if you signed up.”

“That’s a good offer and all, but I can’t accept it until I deal with Team Rocket. They are a plague and I will stop them.” “Woah calm down for a second. I sure that the elite four and the other gym leaders are taking care of it. You have no obligation to fight them.”

“The elite four and gym leaders are having problems of their own right not. Team Rocket should not be underestimated. I had to interfere when I saw several of their grunts stealing a Pokémon from its trainer. They will not get away with that!”

“I understand that you want to help, but at the most all you can do is fight the grunts for now. No one knows where there main base is.” “I do.” “What?” Giovanni expressed a look of shock when he heard that Del knew where the Team Rocket main headquarters was located.

“I found out where they are located and I am going to fight back. Giovanni you’re the only person that I can turn to, so please, join me. I need you’re help to take down Team Rocket.”

A dark shadow appeared across Giovanni’s face before he answered Del. “Hey, no worries I got your back. There is no way that I would let you fight against a terror like Team Rocket by yourself.”

“Overall it would be better if we had more people to help us, but with the two of us together there is nothing that we can’t do. So what’s the plan?”

“My plan is simple we rush into the building at night and then take down all executives and the boss. With them gone there will be no one to hold Team Rocket together and they would eventually fall apart.”

“It’s simple, but there is no way that we will be able to take them all down with six Pokémon a piece.” “That’s why we’re no going to play by the rules and bring as many of our Pokémon with us as possible. I don’t care if we are breaking the law by doing that as long a Team Rocket is destroyed.”

“I agree with you,” said Giovanni as he got up. I will meet you here later tonight and then we’ll take Team Rocket down.”

With that Giovanni left and Del waited for him. Several hours later Giovanni returned with a backpack big enough to hold all of his Pokémon. Del was thrilled that Giovanni came back because in truth he thought that Giovanni wouldn’t agree to this.

Del then led the way to the Team Rocket headquarters. Without a single moment of hesitation Del and Giovanni charged in taking down every grunt that tried to get in their way. No one could stop them as they made their way throughout the building.

Things were going smoothly with Giovanni by his side. Upon reaching one of the floors were a executives office was Del and Giovanni split up because they knew that it would be faster. Upon searching room to room, Del found a mysterious barren room. He was about to turn away when all of a sudden he was pushed from behind by an unknown person inside the room.

Once inside the door shut tight and the room began to fill up with pink gas. Del tried not to breath it in, but it was already too late. Before he could even try and call out a Pokémon to help him he blacked out.


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