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When Del woke up, he found himself laying in a bed made for a queen. Del tried to get up, but he noticed that his center of gravity had changed, and it was then he realized that he had huge tits!

“Now, now, my sweat Delia,” said the voice of a man who she knew all to well. Sitting across from her was her rival Giovanni who was now wearing a Team Rocket executive uniform!

“I know that you have many questions but let me be the first to invite you to Team Rocket, my sweat lovely Delia. I do hope that you relax because we have a lot to talk about.”

“Giovanni what’s going on here?” Del was still confused by the state that his, no her body was in, but it was clear to her that Giovanni had betrayed her. “What did you do to me?”

“Delia, we were rivals for years and you never did notice the feeling that I had for you. I spent countless years trying to show you that I was worthy to stand by your side. However I knew that as long as you were a man you would never accept my love.”

“And what you think by turning me into a woman that I’ll magically fall in love with you?” “No I never said that, but I do hope that with enough time and reconditioning you will begin to see things my way.”

“You’re no longer the Giovanni that I knew, he would never join the likes of Team Rocket. He wanted to bring the world together and help people. They must have brainwashed you!”

“My dear Delia, I hate to break it to you, but that is simply not true. I joined Team Rocket because they symbolized my ambition. I want in sense world peace, but as we all know that won’t happen by just spotting off some pretty words. Action and force is necessary to get what you want.”

“Team Rocket will help me make sure that peace is maintained.” “That’s not the right way to obtain peace!” “So what if it isn’t. Sometimes drastic measures are needed to get the fastest outcome. I will use the Pokémon captured by Team Rocket and use them to usher in a new age of peace.”

“Delia can’t you see that this is all for the best. I need you by my side once I take control of Team Rocket. The boss has no ambition of the peace that I desire, but with your help I will have no problem getting what I want.”

“I can’t join you, knowing all the evil that Team Rocket has done. I can’t trust you anymore.” “Delia please don’t say that. True the current boss is an evil person, but my only goal is to help people.” “By hurting them and Pokémon, I won’t have any part in that!”

“They said the same thing at first as well. They thought that they could stop me, but now they serve me without question.” “Who are you talking about?”

The door to the room opened and in walked the last person that I would expect to see. Standing at the foot of the bed was none other than Lance the dragon champion!

“Lance, thank Arceus that you’re here, Giovanni betrayed us and is working for Team Rocket. I may look like this right now, but it’s me Del, you have to believe me. If we work together was can take down Giovanni before he does any more harm.”

Despite my plea’s Lance didn’t respond to a word I said. He just stood there and said nothing.

“It’s no use,” said Giovanni with a smile. “The Lance you see before you is nothing more than a puppet that is loyal to me and Team Rocket. The rest of the elite four are the same as well as the Kanto gym leaders. They all work for me, and soon so will you.”


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