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Han Uzaki was a 2nd year college student. He was so excited to find out that his senpai, Shinichi Sakurai from high school was in the same collage as him. For a full year Han watched as his senpai did nothing. It was as if all the motivation that he saw his senpai have in high school was now more. In addition to that it would seem that his senpai had no friends. Every day he was also alone. 

After a full year of watching this he couldn’t sit back and watch anymore so he started to force his senpai to hang out with him. For a while Han thought that he was finally showing his senpai what it meant to have fun, but he soon realized that he was just bothering his senpai. He never wanted to make his senpai angry but that was what Han was doing. 

Han realized that it was because his senpai had changed while they were apart. I truth Han had always cared about his senpai for a reason that he couldn’t quite explain, and he knew that it would make his senpai happy then he would wait for his senpai to make friends of his own.

A week had passed since Han last saw his senpai and he was feeling depressed. He had hoped that his senpai would seek him out, but he never did. Han decided that the best way to take his mind off of his senpai would be to join a club. For the rest of the day Han went into many clubs but know of them called out to them. 

He was about to head out for the day when he learned of a farming club that involved the milking of cows. Han had always liked cows since he was little and decided that he would check it out. When he entered the room, he saw that there was only one other person in there, a girl with long black hair and glasses.

“So you’re the guy that I heard about who is having problems with his senpai,” said the girl as she sized him up. “Wait how do you know about that?” “You’re senpai is quite famous here, many people love to gossip about him and since you were recently with him up till now, people also know about your circumstances.” “So you know that senpai hates me?” “Trust me, if your senpai hated you then you would know, but I do think that I can help you to gain a better relationship with your senpai.” 

“You can! I’ll do anything, senpai means so much to me.” “I’m glad to hear you say that now drink this,” she said as she handed him a glass of milk. “If you say so.” Han drank the entire glass and then set it down on the table. “So how was it?” “It was actually pretty good, in fact it might be the best milk that I’ve ever had.” “That’s great, one of our club members made it herself.” “Wait what do you mean by that?” “You’ll see, the transformation is about to begin.”

Han felt I surge of pain go across his body. His arms and legs began to shrink, and his hair grew a bit longer. Then before he realized it there were two fully formed J-cup breasts! When he saw the size of his tits, he went to check his lower body to find that it was now gone. Han had officially turned into a girl! 

“What have you done to me?” Han couldn’t help but start crying in front of the black haired girl. “It’s okay. The reason why you didn’t feel a connection with your senpai was because you were in love with him, but he could never accept your feelings as a man. That’s why now as a woman there are many new way that the two of you can hang out.” “Will senpai really start to notice me now?” “Of course he will, he would have to be a complete moron not to notice you.”

“Then I’m going to go see my senpai right now!” “Hana-chan, you can’t leave just yet,” said the black haired girl as she kept her from leaving. “Hana?” “Yes, that’s your new name, we can’t keep calling you Han, no can we.” “Okay, but why can’t I go see senpai?” “Well for one you’re now a member of the farming club.” “But I never signed a paper to join.” 

“Drinking the milk is the only way to join this club, it was made specially by our club members and I do hope that you make delicious milk for us as well. Plus don’t you think your senpai would notice you more is you were a cute cowgirl as well.” “Senpai will notice me?” “Of course, now let’s get you changed into your new club uniform.”

After Hana joined the farming club her senpai started to notice her a lot more. She could see every time that he blushed while looking at her and he looked as if he was actually having fun hanging out with her now. On the days that she doesn’t spend with her senpai she goes to her new club. 

Her club uniform is a cow themed bikini that clings tightly to her giant breasts, along with cow themed legging. In addition to that she is required to wear a red collar with a bell attached to it and a cow themed headband. Every day at club is fun for her and she loves making milk, hopefully one day she could even get her senpai to join as well.


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