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“Shut up! I will never be your daughter no matter how many fake memories that you put in my head! My friends need me and I will get back to them!”

“Don’t make me laugh, I know that you meant nothing to your teammates, they never cared about you, in fact if they did then do you still think that you would be here. Face it, I am the only person in the worlds that can fill the void in your heart. Wouldn’t Pyrrha want you to be happy?”

“You don’t get to speak her name! You and Cinder killed her! I won’t let you get away with it! I may be weak right now but I will not give in!” Jaune felt a surge of power wash over her body as she faced Salem, she could feel that her aura was growing in power.

“Then you leave me no choice but to take you back by force.” Salem sent multiple Grimm at Jaune, but to both of them were surprised to see that Jaune had defeated them with ease. It only took a swing of her sword to kill a single Grimm. 

“Tch, it would seem that you have finally awaken your semblance.” Salem looked pissed off but pleased at the same time. “You can’t stop me!” Jaune was ready to fight Salem with this new power, but Jaune was surprised to see that see turned around instead. 

Several of the jellyfish Grimm appeared behind her and stopped her from moving with their tentacles. “My dearest daughter you need to know the truth.” “What are you talking about? You already told me that I’m your daughter now what else do you want from me?” “I only wish to help you and show you the way. Here take a look and see.”

One of the jellyfish Grimm floated in front of Jaune and then a weird image appeared on it’s head. What it was showing Jaune was a video of some sort of her friends. They were all together except Blake. Jaune was happy to see that they were okay, but then she noticed something strange. There was a person that she didn’t know with them and what was even stranger was that they were happy, even though she wasn’t there with them. 

“I’m sorry that I had to show you this my child, but your friends do not care about you, they replaced. That is how much you meant to them, you were nothing to them.” Jaune didn’t want to believe what Salem was saying, but she saw just now that it was the truth. Ruby and the others left her to suffer. 

With that the last bit of hope Jaune had shattered. Even her thoughts of Pyrrha were overshadowed by despair. Jaune stopped fighting and then let the jellyfish Grimm take her back to her room.

From there they continued to install memories inside of Jaune who no longer fought back. Day after day it was the same and eventually Jaune forgot her name and became Joan. Salem was pleased with this development and visited Joan every day.

Joan felt happy when she saw Salem, because she was the one person that stayed with her. Salem took care of Joan just like the memories showed her. It was over the course of the next month that Joan forgot all about Ruby and the rest. She didn’t even care that she was becoming the perfect daughter for Salem, because when she was with her she felt safe. A month passed since then and Joan was now Salem’s obedient daughter. 

“Good morning mother,” Joan said as Salem entered the room. “It looks like you have finally had a good nights rest my dear daughter.” “It is all thanks to you mother for helping me get rid of my nightmares of the silver eyed girl.”

“I know that the silver eyed girl tried harming one once, but don’t worry because your elder sister Cinder will make sure that she never comes after you again.” Salem has sat down on Joan’s bed and Joan decided to follow her. Once she sat down she laid her head on Salem’s lap and then Salem began to brush her hair.

“I hope that big sister Cinder doesn’t get hurt by her like she did last time. I don’t want big sister to be hurt because of me.” “Now, now, I have told you before that your sister is quite strong. The only reason that she got hurt the first time was because she was trying to save your red haired friend from the silver eyed girl.”

“I hope that the silver eyed girl pays for what she did to Pyrrha.” “I know that Pyrrha was a special person to you, so you don’t have to worry, we will avenge her, I promise you.” “Thank you mother.”

Joan had long become addicted to Salem’s affection. In truth it was the only thing that helped her keep her shattered mind together. Without Salem to help Joan through this past month she would most likely have become brain dead.

“Oh my dear child there is no need to thank me just yet, in fact I have a surprise for you,” she said while looking at Joan with a sweet smile. “A surprise for me?” “You just for you because today is a very special day because today is the day that you were born.”

“It’s my birthday?” Tears rolled down Joan’s cheeks and Salem gently wiped them away. “I know that you get very emotional on your birthday, but for now please follow me,” she said as she stood up and held out her hand.

Joan took her hand without hesitation. She trusted Salem, her mother who had been there for her this entire time while she grieved the death of her friend. Salem then led Joan all the way to Watts’ lab where there were two pods there. One pod was already closed while the other was still open.

“Mother what is this?” “This my dear is your present. I know that Watts isn’t here right now but he told me what to do I order to operate it.” “What does it do?” “Do you remember when I called you the new Summer Maiden?” “Yes, that was before big sister left.” 

“Your sister is known as the Fall Maiden, when you enter this pod you will gain similar powers to your sister.” “That means that I can help her defeat the silver haired girl?” “Yes and there is so much more that you can do.”

“I’ll do it.” Without question Joan laid down in the pod and then with Salem at the controls the pod began to close. Joan was a little afraid of tight spaces, but she knew that her mother would be with her.

“Okay this will fell weird at first, but trust in that feeling and accept the power that it gives you.” Joan briefly heard what her mother was saying through the glass of the pod. A few seconds latter Salem started the pod up.

In a matter of second Joan felt a strange warmth go throughout her body, it was a similar feeling of when she unlocked her aura and semblance, but it was much stronger. At one point it felt as if her skin was on fire, but that feeling soon disappeared and the process ended.

The pod began to open slowly and Salem was there to meet her when it did. “You did a wonderful job my dearest daughter. From now on you are the Summer Maiden and now I am one step closer at completing my plan.”

“I will do anything as long as it makes mother and bog sister Cinder happy. I will forever be by your side.


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