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“Shut up! I will never be your daughter no matter how many fake memories that you put in my head! My friends need me and I will get back to them!”

“Don’t make me laugh, I know that you meant nothing to your teammates, they never cared about you, in fact if they did then do you still think that you would be here. Face it, I am the only person in the worlds that can fill the void in your heart. Wouldn’t Pyrrha want you to be happy?”

“You don’t get to speak her name! You and Cinder killed her! I won’t let you get away with it! I may be weak right now but I will not give in!” Jaune felt a surge of power wash over her body as she faced Salem, she could feel that her aura was growing in power.

“Then you leave me no choice but to take you back by force.” Salem sent multiple Grimm at Jaune, but to both of them were surprised to see that Jaune had defeated them with ease. It only took a swing of her sword to kill a single Grimm. 

“Tch, it would seem that you have finally awaken your semblance.” Salem looked pissed off but pleased at the same time. “You can’t stop me!” Jaune was ready to fight Salem with this new power, but Jaune was surprised to see that see turned around instead. 

“You may go. I can see now that you need time to understand whose side you should truly be on. Go and when your friends abandon you I know that you’ll come back and when you do I will be waiting with open arms just as a mother should.”

Jaune didn’t bother saying another word to Salem as she ran inside the airship. She knew that Salem was planning something, but for now all that matter was getting back to her friends. When she started the airship she looked back one last time to see that Salem was waving her goodbye.

From there it took several days for Jaune to reach Haven. However when she did she instantly knew that something was wrong. The Whit Fang were attacking and there was a ton of other Faunus fighting against them. 

Once Jaune landed the ship she ran towards the main building. She knew that if Ruby was in Haven someone up top must know where she is. It was troublesome to avoid all of the fighting, but it didn’t take long for her to reach the main building and open up the door.

Once she did she was met with a sight that she would have never would have thought of. In front of here were Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Qrow, Nora and Ren. Each and everyone one of them were in the mist of a battle between Cinder, Hazel and three other people who she did not know of.

“You!” Cinder was the first to call out to Jaune, causing Rwby and the others to look over at her as well. “How did you escape?” Cinder rushed at Jaune with her sword and attacked her. Jaune managed to guard against her by fusing her sheath and sword together. 

“How dare you come here! I knew I should have gotten rid of you when I had the chance!” It only took seconds for Cinder to knock Jaune to the ground. “You never stood I chance against me! Someone like you is just a failure with a death wish.”

Cinder pinned Jaune to the ground with her heel and kicked her sword away. “I don’t care, as long as I can help them that’s all that matters. They matter much more than I do, my life means nothing compared to theirs.”

“You think so?” Cinder looked over at Weiss and then gave Jaune a sinister smile. She then walked away from her and created a spear with her powers. Before Jaune could do anything she threw it right at Weiss. “Nooooo!” Jaune screamed as the spear penetrate Weiss’ stomach. She watched as Weiss fell down to the ground as everyone else in the room did the same.

“Weiss!” Jaune quickly grabbed her sword and ran over to Weiss without giving Cinder a second thought. “Weiss please no! Please don’t die.” Tears poured out of Jaune’s eyes as she put pressure on Weiss’ wound. 

“Who the heck are you?” “Ren had ran over to where Jaune and Weiss were. “There’s no time we have to help her!” All of a sudden Jaune felt that same feeling that she felt when she faced Salem a few days ago. Next thing she knew it was as if her aura was being merged with Weiss’. It was as if she was powering and enhancing Weiss’ aura. 

“What’s going on?” Ruby had ran over to where Jaune and Ren were to check on Weiss. “Ren who is this girl?” “I don’t know but whatever she is doing it’s healing Weiss.” “Whoever you are thank you.”

“Ruby there is so much that I have to tell you guys when this is all over, but for now I am happy that you trust me.” “I’m sorry do I…, no it can’t be, Jaune?” “Ruby I’ll explain everything when this is over now go Yang needs your help.”

“But what about you?” “Don’t worry we’ll protect the,” said Nora as she ran over to Ren’s side. “Ruby go, I’ll be fine and so will Weiss.” Jaune was happy that her friends recognized her, but she knew that now wasn’t the time for a reunion. 

After that Jaune zoned out for most of the battle. Whatever she did to Weiss healed her and even made her stronger, but it both physically and mentally made her weaker so that when the battle was finally over she passed out. 

“I can’t believe it, that’s Jaune?” “It’s hard to believe but she has the same eyes that Jaune has. I could tell that they were the same person the moment that I laid my eyes on them.” “Ruby, Jaune’s been gone for months, there is no telling if this girl is really Jaune.” “You guys need to trust me.”

Jaune woke up to her friends bickering. When they finally noticed that she was awake they stopped talking. Jaune looked around and saw that everyone was there. Even Blake who he didn’t see the night before was there and there was a small boy there as well.

“Hey guys, it’s been a while.” There was so much that Jaune wanted to tell them, but for now that was what she wanted to say the most. 

“Are you really Jaune?” Weiss and the others looked at Jaune with curiosity. “I know that I look different, but it’s me Jaune, your friend.” “If you are Jaune then tell us something that only the rest of us would know.” “Well there were a few secrets that I had, but only Pyrrha knew them, I guess that the only other thing would have to be vomit boy.”

“That nickname, so it really is you!” Everyone started to surround Jaune with Laughter and tears and Jaune couldn’t help but cry with them. 

“Okay, so now that we got this whole reunion done with, we still need to know where you’ve been this entire time.” Qrow wasn’t into the whole reunion as the rest of them were, but that was fine to Jaune. Her friends need to know the truth.

“For these past few months I was held captive by Salem.” From there Jaune told them everything that happened to her, from being turned into a girl to Salem revealing that Jaune was her daughter and even the part where Salem tried to embed fake memories inside of her mind.

“Jaune, you’ve been through so much.” Ruby and the other looked at Jaune with eyes of pity. “It’s fine because every time I was about to break I thought about you guys and Pyrrha. Doing that kept me going, I’m just happy that I finally made it back to you guys.”

“Don’t worry Jaune we’ll make sure that Cinder and Salem pay for what they did to you, I promise."

From there Jaune had many new adventure’s with her friends. However whether or not they actually defeat Salem is another story that has yet to be written.


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