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Shinichi Sakurai was a 3rd year college student and for a while he was hanging out with his friend from high school, Han Uzaki. Before Uzaki came Shinichi was fine with his way of life. True he didn’t have many friends but he was happy.

No one bothered him that much and he was enjoying his college life. However once Uzaki came his whole life changed. Day after day Uzaki would force Shinichi to hang out with him and day after day Shinichi would begrudgingly go with him.

Shinichi didn’t hate Uzaki, but it was tiring to hang out with him every day. It was exhausting to deal with class work, his job and Uzaki so he decided to take a break. For a whole week he avoided Uzaki, until then Uzaki disappeared. 

For several days Uzaki was missing. Shinichi got worrid and started asking around until he heard news that Uzaki changed. He had no idea what that meant until the next day when a girl with huge tits who looked similar to Uzaki appeared before him. 

To his surprise that girl was Uzaki. He could believe it for a while, but he eventually started to like the new Uzaki. She was fun and cheerful. She made his life brighter. He hid it from her and tried to act indifferent about it, but he knew that he loved hanging out with her.

Whenever he saw her breasts he couldn’t help but blush. He didn’t even know how to feel about Uzaki now. Until a few weeks ago Uzaki was still a guy that he knew in high school and now she was a girl. Every now and then he thought that he might have feelings for her, but he knew that he shouldn’t feel that way about her friend.

What really concerned him was how this happened. Whenever he asked Uzaki she brushed it off and laughed at him. The only thing that he did know that She joined a club recently, but she wouldn’t tell him which one it was either. She told him that she would tell him when he was ready. 

In order to get answers he decided that he would find them on his own. Whenever Uzaki was in class and he wasn’t he would search club to club to find out which one she had joined.

He went from club to club until one day he heard about a club called the farming club. From what he heard it was a club that involved the milking of cows. When he heard about this club he remember that Uzaki liked farm animals so this might be the club that she joined.

When he entered the room, he saw that there was only one other person in there and to his surprise it was his co-worker Ami.

“So you’re finally here,” she said with a smirk across her face. “You! What are you doing here?” “Can’t you tell I’m the club’s president.” “That doesn’t explain why you’re here right now, shouldn’t you be working today?” 

“I have the day off and I was hoping that you would show your face today. I was wondering if I fixed your problem for you?” “What problem?” “I would have thought that Uzaki would have told you about what happened by now.”

“Well you see there was a rumor that there was a guy that was having problems with his senpai.” “Wait how do you know about that?” “You’re quite famous here, many people love to gossip about you and Uzaki-chan, you are the talk of the campus right now. There were rumors that you were being a jerk to Uzaki-chan so I decided to help her out.”  

“What are you talking about?” “Don’t tell me that you never realized Han’s feelings before she became a girl.” “What feelings, what are you talking about?” “I can give you all the answers that you want, and I can even improve your relationship with Uzaki-chan as well.” 

“If it will make you give me a straight answer then I will do whatever you want.” “I’m glad to hear you say that now drink this,” she said as she handed him a glass of milk. “Really, all I have to do is drink this and then you’ll tell me everything?” “Yes, so please drink.” 

Shinichi then drank the entire glass and then set it down on the table. “So how was it?” “It was decent, it tastes familiar though.” “That’s to be expected because it was made by Uzaki-chan herself.” “Wait you don’t mean?” “You’ll find out that answer soon enough, the transformation is about to begin.”

Shinichi felt I surge of pain go across his body. His long arms and legs began to shrink, and his hair grew a bit longer. Then before he realized it there were two fully formed G-cup breasts! When he saw the size of his tits, he went to check his lower body to find that it was now gone. Shinichi had officially turned into a girl! 

“What have you done to me!?” Shinichi couldn’t help but start crying in front of Ami. There was a wave of emotions that she couldn’t hold back. It was as if she was releasing all of the emotions that she had kept dormant over the years. 

“It’s okay. The reason why you feel strange around Uzaki-chan is because you love her, but you don’t know how to express your feelings for her. I know that transitioning into a woman is weird for you right now but trust me when I saw that you’ll thank me later.”

“But Uzaki is a girl, I can’t love her like this.” Tears rolled down Shinichi’s cheeks and Ami gently wiped them away for her. “It’s okay, I’m sure that Uzaki-chan will love you no matter what gender you are. In fact I do believe that she was hoping for this ever since she became a girl herself.”

“Plus now that you’re a woman there is so much that the two of you can do together, I’m sure that she will be dying to hang out with you even more now.” “Will she really be willing to accept this?” “I know that she will, besides you’re cute enough as it is, if she doesn’t accept you then I might have to take you for myself.” 

“Then should I go find her right now?” “Not yet Sakura-chan, before you go you have to join this club, if you don’t then we’ll be forced to change you back into your boring male self.” “Please don’t, I don’t want to have to hide my feelings away again!”

“It’s okay Sakura-chan, no one will take this gift from you. All you have to do is agree to join this club and Shinichi Sakurai will be no more and Shinichi Sakura will take his place.” “Yes I agree now can I please see her, there is so much that I want to say to her.”

“Wait before you do that you have to get into your new club uniform and then you can go met her along with the other cowgirls.”

The club uniform that was given to Sakura was a cow themed bikini that clings tightly to her giant breasts, along with cow themed legging. In addition to that there was a red collar with a bell attached to it that she was required to wear around her neck and a cow themed headband. When she was done changing she couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, but for the sake of getting Uzaki-chan to notice her, then she would be willing to deal with this level of embarrassment. 

It was finally time for her to meet Uzaki-chan and tell her everything and maybe get a little revenge on Ami for helping her.


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