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Mark and his family had just moved to Littleroot town in the Hoenn region and today was his eleventh birthday. Luckily for him he was in the town of the famous Pokémon professor Birch. Mark was so excited that he left his house earlier that day after saying goodbye to his parents. Today was the start of his Pokémon journey for him to defeat the elite four.

“Professor, I’m here to get my very first Pokémon,” he said as he knocked on the door of the professors lab. The professor told him to come bright and early, but Mark wondered if he was too early. “Sorry kid, but you won’t be seeing the professor today,” said a voice from behind him, but before he could turn around and see who is was I bag was put over his head and he was knocked out. 

He woke up later on as the bag was ripped off from his head. Mark looked around and saw that he was now in a barren warehouse surrounded by men in black suits. There were others like him that were taken here as well, but he feared what would happen if he tried to talk to them so instead he decided to do the next best thing.

“Where am I?” he asked the nearest man to him. “Where you are doesn’t matter, but where you are going will.” “What are you talking about?” “Each and every one of you have been sold out by the Pokémon professors that you trusted to help you start your Pokémon journey. They were getting fed up with giving snot nosed brats Pokémon that they didn’t deserve. If you really wanted a Pokémon you should have caught one for yourself.” 

“That’s not fair, they were supposed to help us start our adventure!” “You see you’re not wrong, the only problem is that your adventure is not the one the you originally planned. We are here to make sure that you go on the right path. Now you must choose,” he said as he pulled out two pills, one red and the other blue. 

“Team Magma and Team Aqua are actively recruiting new members and you have been chosen to join one of them. If you choose red you’ll be a member of Team Magma and if you choose blue you’ll be a member of Team Aqua.” “I won’t join either, I wants to beat the elite four and become a Pokémon master!” “Sorry kid but that isn’t in the cards for you, now be obedient like the rest and pick a pill.”

I looked over at the others that were brought here against there will like me to see that they had all changed. I was staring at exact duplicates of the famous Pokémon coordinator May! It would seem that after they took their pills they were given their uniforms and then they were taken away. 

“Isn’t it a nice treat, no matter which you choose you’ll be an exact replica of May, you should be honored. Now choose, it would seem that you are the last one left.” I looked at the pills in his hands. I didn’t want to choose either, but I didn’t have a choice. I closed my eyes and grabbed a pill at random. 

When I opened them again I found that I was holding the blue pill. “Good, now swallow it.” I did as he told me to and the moment I did I felt a blazing heat go throughout my entire body. I felt as if I was being engulfed in flames. My bones cracked and my hair grew longer. Before I knew it I was no longer a boy. My body had changed into that of a girls. I felt dizzy and disoriented. My mind was trapped in a fog as they handed me my Team Aqua uniform and led me into a van. 

When my mind finally cleared I was already dressed in the female grunt aqua uniform. I was standing around others that all showed blank expressions across their faces. They had been turned into May as well, but unlike me they didn’t seem to be conscious. 

I looked where the others were looking to see the figures of three people. In the front was a tan man with a beard that was dressed like a pirate captain. To his right was a giant buff man with the Team Aqua logo tattooed on his chest. Then on his right was a beautiful woman with black hair that had a stripe of blue in it. These three had to be the leaders of Team Aqua, so I guess at this point that would make them my new bosses. 

“Attention grunts, from today onwards you are now crew members of the great Team Aqua. I am your captain Archie! The goal of Team Aqua is a right and just one. We are to battle against the horrible Team Magma and expand the sea to help all Pokémon! We will return the world back to way it was for the sake of Pokémon! We will do this by any means necessary and there will be many that want to stop us, but we will prevail!”

“That’s amazing!” Before I realized it I had begun talking. Captain Archie had a look of shock on his face when he heard me.” “You see that is the reaction that I want to hear! This new recruit knows right off the bat that we of Team Aqua are just!” 

“Tell me lad or should I say lass, what is your name?” Archie walked over to me with a bright smile across his face. “Um, my name is Mark, but I guess that wouldn’t work anymore.” “You’re right, someone that understand the beauty of Team Aqua’s goal deserve a worry name and position! Your name will now be Nami and you will serve directly under Shelly! I hope that you will be up to the task of training this young lass.”

“Yes Archie, I will train her to understand the world that you dream of!” Shelly walked over to Archie and then stared at me. “You may just be a brat, but Archie sees something in you and I will make sure that you live up to his expectations.” “Very good Shelly now lads let’s get to work!” 

After the meeting was over Shelly brought me to her personal quarters. “If you are going to be an assistant to an admin we can’t have you looking like a regular grunt.” She then handed me a new uniform and told me to it on.

I was now wearing a blue wetsuit like Shelly. I was relieved that it didn’t show that much skin as I was still uncomfortable with this body. 

From there my training as an assistant to an admin began. The work was hard but the people that I met were nice. Shelly was a bit mean but she was like a big sister. Whenever I made a mistake she was always there to show me the right way.

In fact Shelly helped all of the May grunts. A lot of the people turned into May clones were makes before and were confused. They were different than me since for some reason I still had my identity, but you could tell by looking at them that they were confused. Shelly took care of them and has even trusted me with some of their training.

It was fun to hang around Shelly because a lot of the grunts even sent her love letters. In public she acted as if she didn’t care, but in private or at least around me she got flustered while reading the letters.   

Matt was fun as well. Despite his rough exterior he was actually a soft hearted guy. There was a time the Team Aqua just went out to the beach to have fun and there was a swarm a Milotic performing. I was in the back and couldn’t see that well and I thought that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the show. However Matt being the big guy that he was, lifted me up onto his shoulders and let me see the show. To thank him I bought him ice cream and it also turned out that he had a sweat tooth. So whenever I see him I always try to invite him to go too café’s with me.

Then there was Archie. He was very proud of his work and never liked hearing the word no, or you can’t. Shelly and Matt have a hard time dealing with him, so at times that ask me to keep an eye out for him. Since I have more of a timid personality Archie goes at a slower pace to make sure that I can keep up. He cares about all of his crew and I love it here.

When I originally went out to start my Pokémon journey I never would have thought that I could meet such great people. I wanted to be a Pokémon master, but instead I got a crew, I got a family. Archie’s dream was one that I wanted to see become a reality and I hope that all of us can see it soon.


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