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“Welcome home dear,” said Globgor as he led Eclipsa inside the newly rebuilt monster temple. They my no longer be king and queen of Mewni, but this was still there home. 

Eclipsa looked around curiously. She was still new to being a different person and she could feel that Jim was still in there inside of her. 

Globgor saw that Eclipsa was worried about this new environment, but he knew what to do. He pulled out a Snooker bar and Eclipsa instantly went to him. “What do you need my love?” she asked while staring back and forth between him and the candy bar.

“It’s okay my dear, I know that you are going to have a hard time remembering who you are but worry not I am here for you and there is someone else that can’t wait to meet you.” “Wait, someone can’t wait to meet me?”

Eclipsa was shocked. As Jim he only had serval friends and once the fusion of Earth and Mewni happened they stopped hanging out. There was no way that someone would want to she her now after what has happen to her.

“Yes, and she is very eager to see you. You have been gone for a month and she misses you dearly.” “Should I go see her now?” Eclipsa still had half of her attention occupied by the Snooker bar, but the other half was now curious about who was waiting for her. 

“Not yet my dear, I’m afraid that you aren’t properly dressed.” Eclipsa was wearing a long brown trench coat that Globgor brought for her when he picked her up, but underneath was the sexy pair of purple lingerie and black heels. 

Eclipsa blushed when she realized this. She didn’t understand why, but when she was with Globgor, she didn’t mind him seeing her like this, but when it cam to others she couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. What was this feeling that she felt when she looked at him?

“Don’t worry my dear the maids will help you get ready to meet her.” Globgor clapped his hands a few times and seconds later three maids appeared and started to led Eclipsa away from Globgor, however before they got too far from each other, Globgor gave her the Snookers as a reward for be obedient. 

The maids then led her throughout the halls of the temple for several minutes until when they reached what seemed to be the master bedroom. “This can’t be right,” said Eclipsa as they entered the room. “There is no way that a place like this is my bedroom.”

“You’re right miss Eclipsa, this room also belongs to your husband Globgor,” said the maid to her right. “Wait husband!” Eclipsa was stunned. There was no way that someone as handsome as Globgor would like someone like her. Wait handsome? Eclipsa wondered why she thought that about the man that brought her here.

“Don’t worry miss Eclipsa,” said the maid to her left. “Lord Globgor has told us about everything. We all know that because of your accident last month, you are having memories problems and that the best way to help you is to give you a Snookers bar to help you calm down. It would seem that even without your memories you still love them.”

“Snooker bars are tasty,” Eclipsa said in a shy tone. She kind of felt embarrassed that these maids were being so nice to her when she didn’t even know who they are. Also did she actually loss her memories. She still remembers that her name was Jim, but was that just a dream, she couldn’t tell. 

“Okay miss Eclipsa let’s get you ready, oh and by the way my name is Mary, she is Sara and the last maid that you haven’t heard talk yet is Carla, she is a bit shy.”

After the maids introduced themselves they helped Eclipsa get ready. They left on her lingerie while giggling and mentioning that it still had it’s uses. Eclipsa didn’t understand most of what they were talking about, but she felt happy to be with people that could put a smile on her face. 

After several minutes of the maids dressing her, Eclipsa was wearing a long dark purple gothic style dress with a white cravat with a crescent moon on it and there was also a thin brown belt at her waist. On her head was a black sun hat that was adorned with gray and white feathers and there was even a thorny branch sticking out of the top as well. She wore long light purple gloves on her arms and her heels were replaced with black flats and purple socks. 

The maids then took some extra time to apply Eclipsa’s makeup. When they were done they had showed her their work. She was now wearing maroon colored lipstick and black mascara along with purple eye shadow. It was simple, but at the same time beautiful.

“There you go miss Eclipsa,” said Mary with a smile. You are now ready to meet that very special person.” The maids then led Eclipsa out of the bedroom and towards what seemed to be a child’s nursery. When they entered the room the first thing that caught her eye was a mural of herself being held by Globgor. She could tell by looking at the picture that they were happy. 

“Please wait here until they arrived,” said Mary as she and the other maids left the room. After several minutes of waiting Globgor entered the room holding something in his arms.

“My dear you look wonderful,” he said as he walked over to her. “Doesn’t mommy like beautiful?” “Mommy?” The thing that was in Globgor’s arms spoke and Eclipsa couldn’t help feel scared when it said mommy.

Globgor who was already prepared for this had a Snooker’s bar prepared for her which helped calm her down. Globgor then sat on the ground and then revealed what was inside his arms. It was revealed to be a small baby girl wearing a onesie with a crown at the center.

The baby was adorable. She had beautiful magenta eyes with slit pupils. Her hair was a lovely ball of curly purple, similar to that of cotton candy. Her ears, fingers and toes were pointier than a normal humans, but that didn’t bother Eclipsa one bit. And for the best part the baby had a thin dark purple tall that had a ball of purple fur at the end. She was just too cute!

Without even realizing it Eclipsa had already grabbed the baby from Globgor and held her in her hands. She felt warm because the baby was with her. 

“Eclipsa,” said Globgor. “This is Meteora, our daughter. “Daughter!” Eclipsa was shocked, there was no way that such an adorable little creature could be her daughter there was no way. Besides, there was no way that it was true. Eclipsa was originally Jim, a guy. There was no way that he would be able to have a kid.

“My love I know that it is hard for you to remember this, but we are a family. You were in an accident and lost your memories, please even if you don’t remember me, I can tell that you remember our little girl. Just look, you’re crying tears of joy.”

Eclipsa put her right hand up to her cheek and it was true, she was crying. Was it true? Was she always Eclipsa, was she never a high school boy named Jim? This was a lot for her to take in, but the Snookers bar that she was eating actually helped calm her down. 

She then realized that so what if this was all a lie, she didn’t know what was real or what was fake. What she did know was that as Eclipsa, Globgor’s and Meteora’s Eclipsa, she could have a family, she could be happy.

“Please don’t leave me,” she cried as she grabbed Globgor’s arm. “I want to stay with you even if I can’t remember!” “As do I my love,” he said as he hugged Eclipsa and Meteora in a warm embrace. 

This was the being of a new life for Eclipsa, one that would be filled with joy as she spends the rest of her days with her new family.


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