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I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ran through forests naked! I’ve lost count!

The ground is frosty and the snow is crunchy. It makes me feel so alive!

The cold breeze blowing through my body, in and around all the angles😂🤣

December hasn’t shown us the super snowy weather yet, although the snow is patchy here and there.

My dog and I drove to the canyons with no plans in mind. Luckily, during this time there isn’t alot of people out and about. I was able to be as free as I wanted too!!

Means more nakey time for me!! 🥰

I read a beautiful poem the other day and thought I’d share it with you guys.

“Dust if you must, but wouldn’t it be better

To paint a picture, or to write a letter,

Bake a cake, or plant a seed;

Ponder the difference between want and need?

Dust if you must, but there’s not much time,

With rivers to swim, and mountains to climb;

Music to hear, and books to read;

Friends to cherish, and life to lead.

Dust if you must, but the world’s out there

With the sun in your eyes, and the wind in your hair;

A flutter of snow, a shower of rain,

This day will not come around again.

Dust if you must, but bear in mind,

Old age will come and it’s not kind.

And when you go (and go you must)

You, yourself, will make more dust.

By: Rose Milligan ♥️

Beautiful right?! 🥺💕

I love you guys! Thank you for allowing me to share my lovely time in the forest with you! Have a wonderful rest fo you week!!

BTS: https://vimeo.com/490290721

Password: Free Flowers






Hey Jess When clicking the link to play the video, it won't work and says it couldn't find that page and the url isn't correct. Can you please fix that? Also, you look beautiful ❤️


Hey Jess, link isn’t working :/ could you post another?