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And suddenly, the woodland has beared its branches

And though cold and pale, its exquisite beauty

Fills my eyes with such incomparable warmth.

I shall carry this grace with me; in my soul.

Until she--frigid, in the last hours;

With frosted lips, kisses the newly born Spring.

-Clairel Estevez

Here we are, at the end of December, winter has arrived! The days are getting shorter with fewer hours of sunlight. I wake up to not a cloud in the sky getting this burst of energy!

The winter fairies dance as they sprinkle snow all over the land and lighten up the dark forest.

There’s nothing to compare the silence of snow falling and the winter winds whistling. With the sun shining bright over the mountains, she lends me her rays as a blanket embracing my skin.

I take this time to enjoy every second of the magic. I become more grateful of the sun in the winter. These days that are full of light remind me that the darker days will pass.

Taking my trusty companion along with me, we set out to a lake that has yet become ice. We play snow in the snow and run like wind until we the sun sets again.

I can feel the winters spirits just beginning to create this magic for us to see.

And just like that, the sun fades over the mountains. Until we meet again the stars shall be your light.

VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/494647680

Password: Free-Flowers

Many solstice greetings to all of you!!



