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Damn, Ugo! That was an awesome ass-beating! But if this clown is right, who is controlling Ugo's flow?

I WATCH MAGI AT CRUNCHY: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GY09XN14Y/magi



J Johnson

When Judar said Sinbad didn't have any metal vessels on him, he's referring to the items that hold his djinn. For example Alibaba's metal vessel is his dagger. Since Sinbad had all of his stolen he can't use any of his djinn right now.

Lewd Angel

This episode subtly subverts expectations in a way, you would think that the fight would display the difference in power between Aladdin and Judar, along with the metal vessel holders, but whats really being showcased is just how far above Ugo is compared to everyone else. Fact of the matter is, regular people, even Sinbad, cannot generate enough Magoi to sustain a full bodied Djinn outside of its Metal Vessel, thats why they gain powers enveloping their own bodies instead, like that princess from the Kou empire. For Ugo to be able to self-sustain, even while literally bleeding magoi, not only is he not a regular Djinn, he also technically doesn't belong to Aladdin, the way for example Amon belongs to Alibaba. Judar could wipe the floor with pretty much everyone else there, probably even Sinbad with all his vessels, but for a single Djinn to take him on bare handed, thats something else. There's a lot more to be revealed about our big blue hentai-protagonist-hair havin boy, and i'm very excited for it