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Yup, it's best to just sit back and let Pam work out some well-earned frustrations!

I WATCH ARCHER AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/series/archer-22b4b3c8-0827-42d2-a841-50e8f3464dc2




Just wondering but will we be getting any of the office or has that show been axed?


Pam and archers love child would be death incarnate

Lord Baldur

Pam is a total fucking badass. I don't know if it was shown in a previous episode, but she is really good at fighting.

Henchman Twenty1

Pam was already my favorite character after Archer, but damn! "Sorry about youir homie, homies." The tattoo on her back is quoting the third stanza of the poem, The Destruction of Sennacherib written by Lord Byron, and she has 13 hash marks above it, so we just saw her kill number 14.... damn! Lana calling Cyril "Barney" is a reference to the character deputy sheriff Barney Fife (played by Don Knotts) who often discharges his weapon unintentionally and in one instance accidentally shoots himself in the foot.


I caught the Barney thing, as I grew up with a barrage of Andy Griffith episodes, but the tattoo story is very cool! I didn't know that!