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Planetina was a roller coaster for me, but it shouldn't surprise anyone what I ended up thinking of her! I want my hamburgers!

I WATCH RICK and MORTY AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/watch/ea0def9a-afa3-4371-b126-964e1c6bea89




I don't know if you've ever seen the old cartoon from the 90s or not, but Plantenia is a spoof of Captain Planet and the Planeteers. Also when she's explaining her origin, she says Mother Earth enlists help from 4 young adults from each major ethnicity, suggesting redheads are a major ethnicity lol

Brqndvn Evcns

i really didn't like how hypocritical morty was in this episode, judging planetina for getting angry and killing people after what he did at purge world


one of the saddest episodes for me =(

Brother E

This is one of my favorite episodes of the show. I think here’s the point where it really hit me how much Morty has grown as a person since Season 1. Morty is slowly developing into a much more interesting character than Rick, he’s becoming his own individual and getting smarter both emotionally and intellectually. This episode highlights that the growth for Morty is infinite, even to the point where he may surpass Rick himself and Evil Morty.


The music in this one is my absolute favorite of the entire series. It´s called "Iam the antichrist to you" by kishibashi!


I must have missed the elbow grease line cause I died laughing when Rick said that


I actually think Morty had a valid point; the people he killed here were pretty terrible. Killing those miners was ripping up weeds at best for her end goal of making a cleaner planet. If she really wanted to stick it to the coal industry, go after the executives, moguls, and politicians bought out by them. Those 300 miners will eventually be replaced. But while Planetina had good intentions, she became an extremist in her own beliefs. Worry about the means being worth it later so long as you get the desired results. She killed 300, but potentially ruined the lives of thousands.


Or the snake world, though technically the time dimension ball sacs erased them from existence so that entire timeline no longers exists.