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The diamond is nice and all, but with the extras the little Dark Elf is offering, there's no way to refuse to help!

I WATCH GATE AT HULU: https://www.hulu.com/series/gate-ce311a68-cf4d-417c-902d-a188af25a6b0



Lewd Angel

"You still have a pro-war faction after what you've experienced?" You'd think they'd wise up right? But the Empire is basically inspired by real life empires, like the Romans for example. And hence its got just as many stupid people in it. Rome had a few bouts throughout history where they suffered absolutely horrendous losses, like in the hundreds of thousands, yet they still decided to just rebuild the army and give it another go. When you can conscript people as part of the law, i guess its pretty easy to have redo's. No doubt if the pro-war faction wins they'll just do the same, except unlike with Rome, they don't particularly have battle tactics or weaponry that can match

Phillip Ribbink

Yao honours the Anime Fantasy tradition of Dark Elves, being busty dark-skinned EILFs. (Elf I'd Like to Fuck).


That's a good point. On the surface, you look at this and think "What a bunch of idiots!" But then, as you pointed out, a very quick glance at a history book tells you that it's not even close to being unprecedented stupidity in the real world!

Mighty Snake

I can't deny I'd try fighting a fire dragon for Yao. I have a spot for dark elves and I make bad enough decisions to consider fighting a dragon anyway so I guess this could work.