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It seems that Clark Kent has ripped through everyone else, so now the whole ballgame is on you, Ichigo!

I WATCH BLEACH AT VIZ:  https://www.viz.com/watch/streaming/bleach  




all the old men in animes are badasses! But Genryusai Yamamoto is definitely among top one of them

Nicholas Swanson

Goodbye Wonderboy, I for one will not miss you.


Gotta respect old man Yamamoto


So, Curtis...are you a bit sad that Wonderweiss is dead? You did seem to like his derpiness XD

White Lightning

Aizen spent the last episode and the beginning of this one going on about how everyone was too weak to do anything to stop him yet decided to acquire the perfect counter to Yamamoto’s ability beforehand because even with Aizen’s god complex he’s not dumb enough to attempt to take on Yamamoto at full strength in any capacity. Kind of a bitch move for someone who claimed to have surpassed everyone and how the outcome was going to be the same regardless.

Some guy named Chris

Ok, one thing is abundantly clear...you do not fuck with the muscular elderly anime guy. Head Captain took on a creature that was specifically designed to be his weakness, and still had the fight left to rough up the big bad. If he’d been able to face Aizen like that, without being weakened, Aizen wouldn’t simply just a bit scuffed up.


How i wished he would've used his bankai , aizen wouldve shit himself


all of Aizen's fights and dialogue can be summed up as "Bitch you thought."


Ok going on a bit of a rant here but it annoys me to no end that kubo made an entire character just for the sol purpose of taking out Yamamoto when you have to do that your character is overpowered and I say this while also admitting that I like Yamamotos character but his ability much like aizens is by far in way to powerful and that’s not accounting for there bankais


Old Man Yama is so badass, he's the only person with the raw power to actually take him out of the fight. Though thankfully, he didn't use his Bankai. I doubt even he could've contained THAT explosion.


Personally, I'm fine with it. Yama being a badass is already well established, so having him lose 1-on-1 would've been a bit wrong. Aizen is also shown as a crafty bastard who covers his bases, so it's entirely in character for him to take Yama's strongest weapon out of the game. Not denying that Yamamoto is overpowered, but he's meant to be. He's the strongest Soul Reaper who built the 13 squads through sheer might and maintained them for 2000 years. Having a guy just come along an dick him down would've been a much worse way for him to go down than someone who, well aware of his overwhelming strength, decides to use it against him.


That fight was cool and all, but I'm still pissed off about how Wonderweiss was supposed to be fighting Kensei. (Vizard with 69 tattoo) For Wonderweiss to show up means that Kensei went and whipped out his bankai, only to get beat off-screen. How fucked is that?


You know Yamamot's powerful when Aizen, the man who just solo'd the captains and visoreds, admits he can't beat him in straight combat and goes out of his way to CREATE a life form just to seal his zanpakuto away.


The biggest crime here is that he ruined the old mans majestic beard.


All the vaizerds was kinda pushed under the bus. We never saw most of thier skills or the captain bankais. The one with the most screentime was hachi and he dident even release his sword.


He just said he would be at a disadvantage, and his bankai isent an explosion :D And we dont even know what Aizens bankai even is as its never been shown hehe But it would be an awsome fight if they both went all out. Aizen just wants to win the most easiest way possible, remember he has to conserve his strenght for later :D

Ultra Power

Imagine watching the entire Aizen fight as one video


This episode reminded me of why Bleach is part of the big three of anime/manga. Having fights like these that cemented some of the greats villains, old men, heros, etc in anime. God I love Yama. He's such a badass. The first time I watched Yama get punched repeatedly by wonderweiss I was like " I hope hes ok. He's getting punched allot and he's hurt" but then when he came out like you have to do better than that boy, I laughed out loud and said "of course he's okay you idiot! He's fucking Yamamoto! Head Captain of the fucking Gotei 13 for over a thousand fucking years!!" Hehehe I loved this episode even if Yama was defeated