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For someone who doesn't have the most far-reaching, devastating evil in mind, I DEFINITELY still want to see his ass kicked severely!




I honestly never expected you to hate this guy so much lol. I wonder if it’s more of his voice cause he really is just a troll. Really looking forward to your reaction to his backstory


As much as I really like Gentle and enjoy his character and tone unlike previous villains with the intend to kill which he doesnt have. Also he was planning on saving the old guy incase he Dekubdidnt step in *we find out in the next episode why not killing or harming people to much is so important to him* but for your hate on him honestly it's making me even more excited to see your reaction to his backstory next episode and see if you do end up feeling had for him. Keep up the great reactions man I'm always gonna be looking forward to them


I never got why ppl liked Gentle so much tbh, he's ok as a villain and actually feels kinda real which is nice but he was never someone I rlly liked


I find gentle rather charming if I'm being honest.


To be honest i really like Gentle Criminal (Though i really have a thing for british accents) , but you really seem to have a hate boner for the guy. Maybe he's backstory will change the way you look at him.


I think he's just a nice breath of fresh air after the absolute brutality of Overhaul. He seems relatively innocent and honorable, like a cartoon villain. He doesn't actually want to hurt anyone or be cruel.


I thought that you would really like gentle. You're both affably evil youtubers who Susan has decided to personally buttfuck out of spite. And despite both your demeanors, you'd probably be very dangeorus if push come to shove. Imagine his quirk being applied to boobies! AND I am pretty sure that Gentle hates trains. He's like a young Curtis with super powers.

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

Naw, I totally get it. The way he talks sounds very pompous, and his only known motive at this point is fame. I even kinda liked him when he was introduced, but by this point I was very much rooting for him to get bopped, because him getting what he wants means Eri not getting to see the festival, or potentially leaving UA exposed to another threat if their security is shut down without them knowing, and it makes you wonder if hes even thinking about what hes doing. So Gentle's mustache vs Eri's smile, I vote Eri's smile. Though next episode they do make it more clear what hes trying to accomplish, and it does improve his disposition, but even then you gotta root against him.


ugh i dont want anything bad happening to gentle =(


We all know you don't like Gentle I'm more curious on what you think of his quirk?


so you basically don't like him only because he gets in the way of what you want to see ;p Great logic . In the same way i could say i hate Eri because she got in the way of Overhaul and stopped him from making a bloodbath . ;p It was obvious from the beginning that Midoriya will stop him so idk why people hate him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Deku are you okay? Are you okay Deku? You've been hit by, you've been struck by, Gentle Criminal.

Daniel Gonzalez

Curtis your expression in the thumbnail is hilarious I can taste the disdain you have for Gentle hmm I wonder if the voice is what was most off putting to you because I remember liking his sub voice a lot but the dub might sound a little more pretentious to me


A lot of people say the dub Gentle out does the sub easy. Since it fits the character more and its not something easily done by a Japanese voice actor. Trying to give accents isn't easy.


Its not like Gentle is going out of his way to go after Eri. He doesn't even like physical combat or seeing it.


It's kind of funny how the aspects of Gentle's demeanor that annoy you so much have the exact opposite effect on me :P


Those little differences are always fascinating to see. When different people have the exact opposite reaction to the same thing. I was both surprised but not really when Curtis took an immediate disliking to him. I imagine if this were the Japanese version he may have had a different first impression since they can't give him the posh accent, despite it fitting him perfectly.

Chandler LaDeau

You say obnoxious dipshit, I say loveable doofus lol. Two sides of the same coin, I think it's hilarious how much you can't stand him


I certainly don’t hate him like some legendary douchebags (Shou Tucker, Akaino, Black Zetsu, etc.) I just find him annoying... As you’ll see in the coming episodes, though, that softens a bit. 😊


Man's a gentle criminal, but not a smooth criminal. Or atleast not smooth enough to get past Deku. Jk, I like his quirk and his style. It's a bit unfortunate that it coincided with a point where the school really couldn't afford more scandals and eri was awaiting something grand. He is quite harmless: if he broke in something like k sport festival, no one would notice if his plan succeeded. But at this point in the story things are all very delicate

꧁Coltonius Maximus꧂

That definitely doesn't stop him when Deku tells him thats what hes doing lol but yes we understand that he has his own reasons for La Brava and that he cant really take a circumstance like Eri's into account when pulling a stunt like this, it was a very low chance coincidence that his actions would happen to effect her