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Hey, Gang...

I just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that the vids will go live a little early tomorrow... Including that VICIOUS One Piece episode! My wife and I are heading to Niagara Falls early, so I'll be posting the vids before we get on the road. 

I know several of you have told me how you have a regular routine around the episodes being published, so I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow will be a little different time-wise... Tuesday and Wednesday might be a little off, as well, depending on what my wife and I are doing.  :-)



You are fine Curtis. Hope yall have a great time man. Hope yall stay safe and hope yall enjoy the trip. Keep up the great work you do Curtis and we all love you and hope for continued success and fun. Now go on and have a damn good time with the wife.

Brother E

I’m sure everyone wouldn’t mind that One Piece video as early as today! LOL But I’m all seriousness enjoy your trip with the wife, I’m sure you guys need a little getaway after all of the events that’s occurred these last few months. Just be safe and always wear a mask.


Thanks for the update and I hope you have fun!


Enjoy your trip


Have fun on your trip. I'm expecting to see you on the news as "guy goes over Niagara Falls in a barrel"


Stay safe and enjoy yourselves!

Freddy Jimenez

All good Curtis you do what you Gotta do is stay safe. I’m just hoping I see FLCL this week xD


Have fun! Take Care!


Haha, yeah. Vicious is definitely a word that can describe the next episode of OP.


Have fun Curtis!


Have fun uncle Curtis!


Have a great vacation, that's more important, and please be safe :) ! And the Niagara falls take me back, I live in Europe and my father took us to Niagara falls when we were kids as a vacation, I always pictured the American wilderness like that since then :p and yes VICIOUS is a good word for the episode for sure


planning on taking some great photos


Note to self: change masturbation time to 7am.