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This show is brutal! We get to keep Mirio, but we aren't so lucky with Nighteye... He went out like a badass, though!

I WATCH MY HERO ACADEMIA AT FUNIMATION:  https://www.funimation.com/shows/my-hero-academia/  




RIP Nighteye...you will always be.....such a SIR.🤵🏻 👁🤵🏻👁🤵🏻👁


Here's something a lot of people seem to miss but when overhaul *Beak* started to freak out and yell. He wasnt yelling cause he lost his quirk he was yelling because now he can no longer fix the Yakuza boss aka his adoptive Dad. And damn you can definitely tell how much character development Shigaraki has gotten and how much more of a villain he's become since season 1. He went from whiny cry baby to a true villain who waited all that time and doomed beak and the Yakuza boss.

Christopher Johnson

I’ve always interpreted Nighteye’s glimpse into the future as him pretending to look, because he saw through Deku the power of belief. To him it no longer mattered what he saw with his quirk, only that Mirio believed he would still be a great hero. But there are so many ways to watch that scene and that’s a testament to the writing in that scene.

White Lightning

So now Overhaul is quirkless, alone, and had everything he spent his life working on stolen by someone he talked down to. And on top of that he can’t fix the one person he owes his life to like he eventually planned to. I hated him for what he did with Eri but when a villain suffers a fate worse than a painful or brutal death it’s hard for me not to feel that tiny sympathy for someone who at the end of the day is still a person. But Overhaul undoubtedly had it coming


Overhaul had a twisted sense of morality, but in his own way, he tried to do some good. He definitely deserved to be killed, but the fate he suffered was too harsh imo.


I love that scene! I'm with you: Whether he saw something not so great and lied about it because of the proof that his futures can change - or more likely - as you said, just made something up, it shows hos concerned and caring he was in his final moments.


Yeah Overhaul may have had some of the worst methods but his 2 goals werent all that bad if you think about it. 1. Getting rid of quirks would help so many people. Not only would it help stop major villains who cause way more trouble than they would have without quirks like AFO and others but soon we will discover that some people have terrible quirks that make it harder for them to live or quirks that are getting harder and harder to control when your a kid. 2. He wanted his adopted fathers dream to be realized. Have the Yakuza who had morals and a code back leading underground crime rather than people like super villains who are sadistic and chaotic in his eyes lead the underground. Also comparing overhaul to Shigiraki he is much more of a loose cannon with a big sadistic side still. Its hard to believe someone like him would have even a notion of good intention for the world that at least Overhaul had a hint of.

Richie Roberts

How are you able to maintain? I'm crying like a baby over here and I knew this was coming. This is the 4th time I've watched this episode too. You'd think I'd be ready.


Just got a crazy idea. What if deku had a quirk this whole time and his quirk was the ability to change the future? This would make sense as night eyes quirk has never been wrong until now. Also someone with this quirk probably wouldn't be aware of it because how would they know unless someone with night eyes quirk told them they changed future events. This is just my theory though and only time will tell if this is the case.


I disagree, as he wasn't going to get rid of quirks. He said he'd sell the drug that erases quirks to the villains and the serum that restores them to the heroes. Meaning he never planned on getting rid of quirks. As for making the Yakuza the leader of underground crime, while it may be noble, he goes against their code to do it. The boss told him they don't mess around with selling drugs. Which is why even if he succeeds in making the Yakuza the underground crime leader he will have dishonored the Yakuza's moral code. So i just don't see this hint of good intention especially when he is using the bosses granddaughter as a lab rat and mentally manipulating her. This also goes againt the Yakuza's code and the bosses wishes.


As much as I'd love Mirio to get his quirk back I kinda have similar thoughts as you about the end. I think Nighteye either said that to try to change the future himself, or maybe he saw Mirio become a great police officer or something along those lines.


I loved seeing the fate beak took, had both his arms taken away as payback for what he did to Handfaces men, one dead and one losing a limb, then having his quirk removed, being armless and powerless in a super human society on your way to prison, then releasing you can’t even fix the person you owe the most to, and knowing you lost everything you worked for, that’s what happens when you mess with kids. As for Mirio, this is entirely a prediction, I’m not sure how far the manga goes, I’ve never seen it, but my best theory is that Eri learns to control her quirk and rewinds mirio to before he lost his quirk. And as I thought of that theory I thought what if she rewind all might to before his major injury, or even deeper, Deku gives his quirk off to someone else then she rewind Deku to before he passed it off so now the quirk exists times 2. The possibilities with Eri’s power are endless and I’m excited to see what becomes of all this.